Why Is My Homeowners Insurance So High?

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Updated: May 22, 2024

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If your home insurance went up, it might be because of various reasons, such as being located in a high-risk environment or the condition of your home, particularly if it's older or in need of repairs. Additionally, having a history of frequent insurance claims or a lack of safety features in your home can increase rates. Each of these elements signals a heightened risk to insurers, affecting the cost of your policy.

Key Takeaways

Homeowners insurance costs may increase due to several factors such as location, home condition and claims history.

You can reduce your home insurance costs by increasing your deductibles, improving your security system and reviewing your policy details.

The average cost of homeowners insurance varies per dwelling coverage levels, ranging from $1,518 for 100K and $7,947 for $1M.

Why Is My Homeowners Insurance So High?

Your homeowners insurance might be high due to factors like location, the age and condition of your home and your claims history. For instance, homes in areas prone to natural disasters or those older and in need of repairs often face higher insurance rates. Additionally, if you or the previous homeowner have a history of making several insurance claims, insurers may view this as an increased risk, leading to higher premiums.

While some factors affecting your homeowners insurance costs, like location and natural disaster risks, are outside your control, others, such as home maintenance and safety features, are within your control.

Factors Affecting Home Insurance Costs Within Your Control

While certain factors influencing your homeowners insurance rates are predetermined, such as location and environmental risks, there are many factors that you can control to impact your premiums significantly. By proactively managing these factors, you can manage your insurance costs, ensuring you are adequately protected without overpaying.

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    Coverage Level

    The amount of coverage you choose directly affects your insurance premiums. Opting for a higher coverage level offers more protection but also results in higher costs.

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    Additional Coverages

    Adding optional coverages such as flood, earthquake or valuable personal property insurance increases your total insurance cost. While these additions can be crucial for adequate protection, evaluating their necessity is important based on your specific situation and location.

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    Claims History

    Your personal claims history plays a significant role in determining insurance rates. Frequent claims can mark you as a high-risk customer, leading to increased premiums.

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    Condition of the Home

    A well-maintained home is less likely to incur damage, reducing the risk for insurers. Regularly maintaining and updating critical systems like electrical, plumbing and roofing systems can lower the likelihood of claims and lower insurance costs.

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    Home Security Measures

    Implementing security measures such as burglar alarms, smoke detectors and deadbolt locks can significantly lower your insurance rates. Insurers often provide discounts for homes considered safer from theft or damage.

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    Deductible Amount

    Your deductible is how much you pay out of pocket for damages before your insurer pays for the rest. Typically, the higher you pay, the cheaper your monthly premium. However, it's essential to ensure that you can comfortably afford the deductible in the event of a claim.

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    Loyalty and Bundling Discounts

    Staying with the same insurance provider for multiple years or bundling home insurance with other policies like auto insurance can qualify you for loyalty discounts, reducing your overall costs.

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    Credit Score

    A higher credit score can often lead to lower insurance rates. Insurers view a good credit score as an indicator of financial stability and a lower risk, which can translate into cheaper insurance premiums.

Factors Affecting Home Insurance Costs Out of Your Control

While you can influence certain aspects of your insurance premiums, several key factors are beyond your control, such as external circumstances. Understanding these factors can provide insight into why insurance costs vary and may help you make informed decisions about your insurance needs.

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    The geographical location of your home is one of the primary factors influencing insurance costs. Areas prone to natural disasters like hurricanes, floods or earthquakes typically have higher insurance rates due to the increased risk. Similarly, homes in neighborhoods with higher crime rates may also face elevated premiums.

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    Local Building Costs

    The cost of construction and materials in your area impacts how much it would cost to rebuild your home, directly affecting your insurance premiums. In regions where these costs are higher, you can expect higher insurance rates.

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    Age of the Home

    Older homes are generally more expensive to insure. This is because they often require more maintenance, are built with outdated materials and are more susceptible to certain types of damage, like plumbing or electrical issues.

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    State and Local Regulations

    State and local regulations partly determine insurance rates. These can include building codes, requirements for certain types of coverage and limits on how insurers calculate rates.

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    Proximity to Emergency Services

    The distance of your home from fire stations, hydrants and police stations can also impact your insurance costs. Homes located farther from these services might face higher premiums due to the increased time it takes for emergency response.

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    History of the Areas Claims

    The overall claims history of the area where your home is located can influence insurance rates. If your neighborhood or region has a high frequency of insurance claims, insurers may consider it a higher risk, leading to increased premiums for all residents.

Other Things to Do to Lower Home Insurance Costs

To effectively lower your homeowners insurance costs, there are several strategies you can adopt. Each approach can reduce your premiums, helping you achieve more affordable insurance rates. Here's a list of practical ways to decrease your homeowners insurance costs:

  • Improve Home Security: Install security systems, smoke detectors and robust locks. Many insurers offer discounts for homes with enhanced security measures.
  • Maintain a Good Credit Score: A strong credit score can positively influence your insurance rates, as insurers often consider credit history in pricing policies.
  • Review and Update Your Policy Regularly: Ensure your policy reflects your current needs. Over-insurance leads to unnecessarily high premiums.
  • Ask About Discounts: Always inquire about available discounts, such as bundling home and auto insurance, loyalty discounts, or discounts for being a non-smoker.
  • Make Smart Home Improvements: Upgrading your home’s electrical, plumbing, and heating systems can reduce the risk of damage and lower insurance costs.
  • Shop Around: Compare quotes from different insurance providers to find cheap homeowners insurance. Prices and coverages can vary significantly between companies.
  • Limit Claims: File claims judiciously, as a history of many claims can increase your premiums.

Average Home Insurance Costs

The average cost of home insurance for $100K in dwelling coverage is approximately $1,518 annually. This figure serves as a baseline for homeowners to gauge their potential insurance expenses, but it's important to understand that insurance rates vary significantly based on the amount of dwelling coverage.

As the dwelling coverage amount increases, so does the average cost of insurance. For example, a home with $250K in dwelling coverage typically sees an annual premium of around $2,614, while those with higher coverage limits, such as $750K, can expect to pay about $6,139 per year. This significant difference highlights how the chosen coverage level impacts the overall insurance costs.

Understanding these variations is crucial when selecting the right amount of coverage for your home. The following table compares average insurance costs at different levels of dwelling coverage.

$100K Dwelling / $50K Personal Property / $100K LiabilityAverage Annual Premium$1,518
$250K Dwelling / $125K Personal Property / $200K LiabilityAverage Annual Premium$2,614
$500K Dwelling / $250K Personal Property / $300K LiabilityAverage Annual Premium$4,373
$750K Dwelling / $375K Personal Property / $500K LiabilityAverage Annual Premium$6,139


Exploring the factors affecting insurance rates and strategies to manage costs is important to help you manage your payments. Knowing these elements is key to ensuring you have the right coverage without overpaying. We address some of the most frequently asked questions about homeowners insurance rates, providing insights to help you make informed decisions.

Why does homeowners insurance increase?
How do I reduce my homeowners insurance costs?

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About Mark Fitzpatrick

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Mark Fitzpatrick has analyzed the property and casualty insurance market for over five years, conducting original research and creating personalized content for every kind of buyer. Currently, he leads P&C insurance content production at MoneyGeek. Fitzpatrick has been quoted in several insurance-related publications, including CNBC, NBC News and Mashable.

Fitzpatrick earned a master’s degree in economics and international relations from Johns Hopkins University and a bachelor’s degree from Boston College. He is passionate about using his knowledge of economics and insurance to bring transparency around financial topics and help others feel confident in their money moves.