Complete Guide to Refinancing Your Mortgage

Contributions by 6+ experts
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Updated: July 24, 2024

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Buying a home often involves securing a mortgage, a long-term loan designed for real estate. But life changes, and so do financial needs. Enter mortgage refinancing — the process of replacing your current mortgage with a new loan featuring different terms. Homeowners commonly refinance to take advantage of lower interest rates or reduce monthly payments. Refinancing can be a strategic financial move, but you need to know its ins and outs to determine if it's right for you and make an informed decision about mortgage refinancing.

How a Mortgage Refinance Works

When you refinance a mortgage, you're swapping your current home loan for a new one. Let's say your original mortgage has a high interest rate. If you refinance when rates are low, a new loan with a lower interest rate would replace it. The amount you owe on your home, the principal, usually stays the same, but the interest rate — and often the loan term — can change.

Imagine you owe $200,000 on your mortgage at a 6% interest rate. If you refinance to a 4% rate, you could save thousands over the life of the loan. Refinancing is a smart way to revisit your mortgage terms and make them work better for you.

Homeowners often refinance to reduce monthly payments, switch from an adjustable to a fixed-rate loan or cash out some of their home equity for goals like home improvement or debt consolidation. Knowing how refinancing works helps you decide if it's the right move for your financial health.

Understanding Refinance Rates

Mortgage refinance rates refer to the interest rates you can get on your new loan when you refinance. They may be similar to your original mortgage rates or quite different, depending on market conditions and your financial profile. Like with your first mortgage, a lower refinance rate usually means lower monthly payments and less money spent over time.

Several factors influence refinance rates, including your credit score, the loan-to-value ratio of your home and the general state of the economy. If you want better rates, aim for a stellar credit standing, consider a shorter loan term and shop around to compare offers from different lenders. By paying attention to mortgage refinance rates, you'll be more equipped to lock in a deal that benefits you in the long run.

Types of Mortgage Refinancing

You have several options for refinancing, the same way you had choices when you selected your original mortgage. Whether it's a rate-and-term or cash-out refinance, knowing the different types can help you pick the one that best suits your needs as it directly affects how much money you save or gain in the process.

Refinance Option
Situations / Borrower Profiles It Benefits Most


Adjusts either the interest rate or the loan term, or sometimes both.

Best when interest rates have fallen since you took out your original loan. Ideal for those wanting to reduce monthly payments or switch from an adjustable-rate to a fixed-rate loan.


Allows you to borrow more than you owe on your current loan and take the difference in cash. This increases your overall loan amount.

Useful for those who need a large sum for home improvements, paying off high-interest debt, covering education costs, etc.


Lets you bring money to the closing to pay down your principal. This could lead to a lower interest rate and better loan terms.

Ideal for those with extra cash who want to reduce their loan amount or get into a lower interest rate bracket.


Offers a simplified process with reduced paperwork, typically for those with FHA or VA loans.

Best for those who already have a government-backed loan and want to lower their monthly payments without a lot of hassle.


Eliminates upfront costs by either increasing the interest rate or rolling the closing costs into the loan balance.

Ideal for those who can't afford upfront costs but still want to take advantage of lower interest rates or better loan terms.

As you're figuring out how to refinance a mortgage, keep these options in mind. Matching the right type of refinance with your financial goals can make a world of difference in your long-term financial health.

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Unlike a refinance, where you replace your current loan with a new one, loan modification changes the terms of your existing one directly with your lender.

If you're having a hard time making payments, a loan modification could be a good option. Mortgage refinancing, on the other hand, can give you lower interest rates or let you tap into your home's equity. So, if you're financially stable and looking for better terms or extra cash, refinancing might suit you better.

Both options have their place; it just depends on your current needs and future plans.

Pros and Cons of Refinancing Your Mortgage

Refinancing your mortgage is a significant financial move — it's like hitting the reset button on your home loan. While it can offer perks like lower interest rates and cash access, it also has its fair share of risks, such as fees and potentially longer loan terms. A hasty decision could land you a great deal or put you in a financial rut.

Consider both the pros and cons of refinancing your mortgage. Zeroing in on only one aspect could leave you with surprises down the road, like saving money today but paying more over time.

Pros and Cons


  • Lower Interest Rates: A lower rate can reduce your monthly payments and save you money over time.
  • Shorten Loan Term: Pay off your mortgage and build equity faster by switching to a shorter-term loan.
  • Cash-Out Option: Access cash for home improvements or other expenses by refinancing for more than you owe.
  • Switch to Fixed Rate: Switch away from your adjustable rate to enjoy consistent monthly payments.
  • Debt Consolidation: Use your mortgage refinance to pay off high-interest debts.


  • Closing Costs: Refinancing isn't free. You might have to pay 2% to 5% of your loan's principal in closing costs and other fees.
  • Extended Loan Term: You could end up paying more in interest over a longer period if you’re not careful.
  • Reduced Equity: Cashing out could lessen the equity you've built in your home, increasing the amount you owe.
  • Lost Benefits: If your original mortgage had features like a low introductory rate, you could lose those.
  • Credit Score Impact: Your score might dip slightly due to the lender’s credit check.

Consider your long-term financial goals, your current situation and how each pro and con applies to you. If the potential benefits align with your goals and outweigh the risks, then refinancing could be a great step forward.

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If you’re applying for a mortgage with multiple lenders, do it within a short timeframe. Applying to multiple lenders within a brief period, say, 45 days, should register as a single inquiry rather than several, reducing the impact on your credit score. — Timothy Manni, Mortgage and Real Estate Consultant

When to Refinance

Deciding to refinance your mortgage is a big step, and timing is essential. Market conditions should be favorable, and your financial situation should be stable. Once you're confident about the timing, the next factor to consider is why you want to refinance. Let's first explore the ideal circumstances that could make refinancing a smart financial move.

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    Right Market Conditions

    When mortgage refinance rates are lower than your current rate, it presents an opportunity for savings. Even a difference of at least 1% can translate to thousands saved over the loan's lifespan.

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    Stable Income

    Before making the leap to refinance, ensure you have a reliable income. Job stability and a solid income stream will make it easier for you to handle new, perhaps different, mortgage payments.

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    Improved Credit Score

    If your credit score has improved since taking out your original mortgage, you're more likely to qualify for better loan terms. Higher scores may secure you lower interest rates and a better loan-to-value ratio.

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    Home Equity

    The value you've built up in your home affects both the refinance rates you can secure and the loan options available to you. High equity usually translates to more favorable terms.

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    Length of Stay

    If you're selling the house in the near future, you might not recoup the upfront costs in time, making refinancing less advantageous. However, if you plan to live in your home long term, a refinance may be a solid option.

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The break-even point is when the money you save from a lower interest rate equals the cost of refinancing your mortgage. In simpler terms, it's when your refinance starts to "pay for itself." Understanding this can help you decide if refinancing makes sense for you.

For example, if it costs you $4,000 to refinance and you're saving $100 on your monthly payments, your break-even point would be 40 months, or a little over three years. Here's the math: $4,000 (cost to refinance) divided by $100 (monthly savings) equals 40 months. Knowing your break-even point guides you on how long you should ideally keep your home to benefit from the refinance. Exiting before that might mean you lose money, even with lower monthly payments.

Before refinancing, do the math to find your break-even point and ensure you're making a move that aligns with your financial goals and future plans.

How to Refinance Your Mortgage

Knowing the refinancing process can help you hit the ground running when the time is right. You’re more likely to spot a good deal, negotiate with lenders and make choices that align with your financial goals. Here's how to refinance a mortgage:

Determine Your Goals

Ask yourself why you're considering a refinance. Is it to lower your monthly payments, change your loan term or maybe get some extra cash? Having a clear objective helps you select the right loan.

Check Your Credit Score

Your creditworthiness affects the interest rate you’ll get. Know your credit score ahead of time and correct any errors you find.

Research Lenders

Don't settle for the first lender you come across. Shop around, compare rates and read customer reviews. Look for lenders who specialize in the type of refinance you're considering.

Review Home Equity

Knowing how much equity you have in your home affects your refinance options. Generally, you'll need at least 20% equity for the most favorable terms.

Get Your Home Appraised

An appraisal tells you the current market value of your home. Lenders require this to determine the new loan amount.

Submit Official Application

After selecting a lender, you'll fill out an application and provide necessary documentation like tax returns and pay stubs.

Review Terms

Once approved, you'll get a loan estimate. Study it carefully to ensure it meets your financial goals, and don't hesitate to ask questions.

Close the Loan

Attend the closing meeting to sign the final paperwork and possibly pay closing costs. Make sure all the terms are what you agreed upon before signing.

Refinancing a mortgage can be a solid financial move if done thoughtfully. As you engage with lenders, keep your financial objectives in focus and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Evaluating the terms and knowing how to refinance a mortgage can lead you to a deal that's tailored to your needs.

Costs Associated With Refinancing

Refinancing your mortgage can offer several advantages, from lower interest rates to more manageable monthly payments, but it's not free. Being aware of potential costs can help you make a well-informed decision, and you can even use this information to negotiate better terms with your lender.

Here are some costs to consider:

  • Application Fee: This fee covers the lender's cost to process your application. It's usually non-refundable; however, some lenders might consider waiving it. Make sure you're confident about your decision to refinance before proceeding.

  • Origination Fee: This fee, which can often be negotiated and varies between lenders, is what the lender charges for creating the loan. It's typically a percentage of the total loan amount. It's always wise to shop around to find the best terms.

  • Appraisal Fee: Lenders require an appraisal to determine your home's current value.

Understanding the cost of refinancing a mortgage is essential for assessing whether it's the right move for you, especially if your goal is to save money in the long run.

Minimizing Costs

When it comes to minimizing costs, there are several strategies you can implement. One approach is to negotiate fees with the lender. For instance, some lenders might be willing to waive the application or origination fee to secure your business. A straightforward conversation can sometimes result in substantial savings.

If you're looking to minimize upfront costs, you might consider a no-closing-cost refinance. This loan type has no upfront fees, but the lender makes up for it by rolling the closing costs into the loan or offering a slightly higher interest rate, meaning you'll pay more over the life of the loan.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mortgage Refinance

Let's dive into some frequently asked questions that many borrowers have about mortgage refinancing. Our answers can provide valuable insights into the refinancing process.

What is mortgage refinance?
Is a second mortgage the same as a refinance?
Will refinancing affect my credit score?
What are the costs to refinance a mortgage?
What's the difference between rate-and-term and cash-out refinance?
Can I refinance my mortgage with bad credit
Do I need an appraisal to refinance my mortgage?

Expert Insight on Mortgage Refinancing

To help answer all your questions, MoneyGeek spoke with industry leaders on refinancing and home lending. This panel will help you identify what to look for, when you should consider refinancing and how to avoid scams in the process.

  1. Why is the current market ideal for homeowners to consider a mortgage refinance?
  2. What questions do homeowners need to consider before refinancing?
  3. What should homeowners look for when comparing refinance offers?
  4. How can homeowners protect themselves from refinance scams?
Jay Dacey
Jay DaceyPresident at Jay Dacey Mortgage Team, Inc
Scott Bridges
Scott BridgesChief Consumer Direct Lending Production Officer at Pennymac
Shawn Malkou
Shawn MalkouManaging Mortgage Broker and Founder at X2 Mortgage
Michael Rakeman
Michael RakemanBranch Manager at Fellowship Home Loans
Nick Gromicko
Nick GromickoFounder of InterNACHI and Certified Master Inspector®
Brian Quigley
Brian QuigleyFounder at Beacon Lending
Job Hammond
Job HammondAssociate Professor of Real Estate & Finance at Austin Community College
Paul Carson
Paul CarsonCo-Founder & Mortgage Consultant at Philadelphia Mortgage Brokers
Philip Bennett
Philip BennettPresident at Bennett Capital Partners Mortgage
Barclay Butler
Barclay ButlerPresident at Barclay Butler Financial
Raul Hernandez
Raul HernandezWholesale Mortgage Broker at Competitive Home Lending
Ron Szuch
Ron SzuchFounder at Union Capital Mortgage
Patti Frank
Patti FrankVice President at GuardHill Financial LLC
Mark Levine, Ph.D.
Mark Levine, Ph.D.Professor, Daniels College of Business at The University of Denver
Philip Wang
Philip WangPrida Term Assistant Professor at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business
Ryan Grant
Ryan GrantDivision President at NEO Home Loans
Scott DiGregorio
Scott DiGregorioProducing Branch Manager at Neo Home Loans
Eric Sztanyo
Eric SztanyoOwner at Team Sztanyo and We Buy NKY Houses
Jia Xie
Jia XieAssistant Professor of Finance at Cal State Fullerton
Carma Peters
Carma PetersPresident & CEO of Michigan Legacy Credit Union
Jeff Beadnell
Jeff BeadnellManager, Real Estate Lending at Logix Federal Credit Union
Karen McGrath, Ph.D.
Karen McGrath, Ph.D.Assistant Professor of Finance at Bucknell University
Jeff Johnson
Jeff JohnsonOwner of Simple Homebuyers
Dr. Steven Brown
Dr. Steven BrownProgram Coordinator and Faculty Cedar Valley at Dallas College
Axel Meierhoefer, Ph.D.
Axel Meierhoefer, Ph.D.Founder of Ideal Wealth Grower
Chris Keane
Chris KeaneSVP, Direct Lending at Newfi Lending
John Meussner, CMA, CPT
John Meussner, CMA, CPTCertified Mortgage Advisor (CMA)
Lawrence J. White
Lawrence J. WhiteProfessor of Economics, Stern School of Business, New York University
John Yeressian
John YeressianProfessor and Department Chair of Real Estate at El Camino College
Jeff Campbell
Jeff CampbellFounder at Middle Class Dad Money
Edward D Re
Edward D ReProfessor at Pratt Institute
Chia-Li Chien, PhD, CFP®, PMP®, CPBC
Chia-Li Chien, PhD, CFP®, PMP®, CPBCSuccession Program Director at Value Growth Institute and Associate Provost of Graduate Programs at The American College of Financial Services
Octavian Ionici
Octavian IoniciSenior Lecturer and Director of Financial Services Lab, Dept. Of Finance and Real Estate at American University, Washington DC.
Brian C. Payne, Ph.D.
Brian C. Payne, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Finance, Banking and Real Estate at University of Nebraska Omaha
Charles Corcoran
Charles CorcoranProfessor of Finance at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Ken H. Johnson, Ph.D.
Ken H. Johnson, Ph.D.Associate Dean & Investments Limited Professor at Florida Atlantic University
Leslie Reynoso
Leslie ReynosoPartner and Senior Wealth Advisor at Beacon Pointe
Taylor Jessee
Taylor JesseeCPA, CFP® and founder of Impact Financial
Jesse Hurst, CFP®, AIF®
Jesse Hurst, CFP®, AIF®Founder of Impel Wealth Management
Matt Elliott
Matt ElliottCFP®, CSLP®, Founder of Pulse Financial Planning
Peter Zaleski, Ph.D.
Peter Zaleski, Ph.D.Professor of Economics at Villanova University
Dr. David L Tuyo II
Dr. David L Tuyo IIPresident and CEO of University Credit Union
Nadia Evangelou
Nadia EvangelouSenior Economist and Director or Forecasting at the National Association of REALTORS®
Tim Zhang, PhD
Tim Zhang, PhDAssistant Professor of Finance at the University of Wyoming
Jason Beck
Jason BeckAssociate Professor of Economics at Georgia Southern University
Hainan Sheng
Hainan ShengPh.D., CFA, Assistant Professor of Finance at University of Missouri – St. Louis

About Christopher Boston

Christopher Boston headshot

Christopher (Croix) Boston was the Head of Loans content at MoneyGeek, with over five years of experience researching higher education, mortgage and personal loans.

Boston has a bachelor's degree from the Seattle Pacific University. They pride themselves in using their skills and experience to create quality content that helps people save and spend efficiently.