
MoneyGeek's Editorial Team & Review Board

Building a strong foundation for your personal finances means seeking information from trusted sources. MoneyGeek is dedicated to providing you with expert-driven content to fuel your financial journey and empower you to make wise money decisions. With experienced writers, expert reviewers and dedicated editors and fact-checkers, MoneyGeek’s tools can help you construct your financial future.

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Our Editorial Review Board

MoneyGeek’s panel of reviewers are subject matter experts with years of experience in their field. Whether you’re looking to buy a house, shop for a new credit card or find affordable insurance coverage, rest assured that MoneyGeek’s recommendations have been vetted and assessed by our editorial review board to provide you with accurate information.


Contributing Writers & Editors

MoneyGeek’s authors and editors span a wide range of backgrounds, including expertise in insurance, mortgages, credit cards, loans, education and more. Each writer is vetted and approved for their experience in personal finance and ability to create clear, honest and research-backed content.

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Contributing Experts

Many MoneyGeek articles have contributions from academics, professionals and industry leaders in various fields. MoneyGeek has sourced more than 700 experts from institutions including Harvard University, Carnegie Mellon University and the National Bureau of Economic Research. These contributions are typically in the form of interviews or questions-and-answers to provide you with additional details, perspectives and diversity of thought. Expert contributors express their own views and opinions, which may not be endorsed by MoneyGeek. Each response is reviewed for accuracy.

Join Our Editorial Team

Interested in becoming a contributing writer, reviewer or expert for MoneyGeek? Join our team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of individuals and families seeking personal finance information. For press inquiries, writing and editing opportunities, expert contributions and more, please contact a MoneyGeek team member to learn how to contribute.

Writing, Editing and Review Opportunities:

Renee Deveney:
Media Requests:

Doug Milnes:
Become a Featured Expert:

Myla Valencia: