Financial Steps for Each Decade of Your Life

Updated: November 25, 2022

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Whether you’re in your 20s and sitting inside your first apartment or you’re in your 60s and just paid off your home, it’s never too early (or late) to create and act on good financial goals.

One of the best ways to maintain a healthy financial portfolio is to adjust your money habits with every decade of your life. On average, Americans only put around 8% of their income into personal savings accounts and only 35% of retirees are very confident that they’ve saved enough money to live comfortably.

It’s no secret that people feel anxious about their future finances and retirement. More than 50% of workers feel slightly stressed about preparing for retirement, even though they’re still excited about it. When you properly prepare your finances for every decade of your life, you can feel more secure. Thinking about retirement and your overall financial picture early on can help you feel at ease.

No matter where you’re at in your financial journey, following these steps can help keep you on track with your financial planning throughout every decade of your life.

Financial Steps to Take in Your 20s

A graphic explaining that by age 20, it's important to gain skill and education and avoid or minimize debt
A graphic explaining that by age 20, it's important to gain skill and education and avoid or minimize debt

Invest in Yourself

As you begin a career and find your place in the workforce, take advantage of personal growth opportunities, professional development courses and skills training. This will not only benefit your career, but enhance your professional value. Whether you attend college, learn a trade or establish a business, taking steps to prepare yourself for a career can help increase your earning potential for decades to come.

Establish Responsible Credit

While you don’t want to go into debt, obtaining a credit card and paying it off every month can help establish good credit and responsible financial habits. You’ll need good credit in the next decades of your life to make bigger purchases, so it’s smart to start establishing responsible credit early.

Avoid Consumer Debt

According to Northwest Mutual’s 2019 Planning and Progress Study, Millennials have an average of $27,900 in debt, while and Generation Z has accumulated an average of $14,700 in debt. Millennials cite credit card payments as their leading source of debt (25%), while Generation Z’s debt is largely attributed to student loans (20%). You might need a credit card to establish good credit, but only purchase what you need and what you can afford to pay off in full every month. This is also a great time to create a budget to monitor your spending.

Start an Emergency Fund

Should you get injured, run into unexpected medical bills or be out of work for several months, it’s recommended to have between three and six months’ worth of expenses saved for an emergency. A good place to save these funds is in a high-yield savings account, CD or other low-risk investment.

Begin Saving for Retirement

Whether you have $25 or $500 a month to put toward retirement, start saving early. Kyle McCann, owner and financial advisor with Vantage Wealth Planning, says “the earlier you start saving, the smaller of a percentage of income you have to save. For example, if you start saving in your 20s versus your 40s, the percentage of income you have to save on an annual basis is less than half, or 12% versus 25%.”

Financial Steps to Take in Your 30s

A graphic highlighting that by age 30, a person making $60,000 a year should aim to save the same amount for retirement
A couple in their 30s looking at homes

In your 30s, you’re starting to see some financial stability and can begin approaching your finances from a different perspective than your 20s. For some, this is a time to build upon the foundations you set in your 20s, while for others, this decade is a time to focus on finances and begin building wealth.

Eliminate Debt

The average debt for Millenials is around $27,900. Much of this debt comes from credit cards, car loans and school loans. Sit down and budget how you’ll eliminate your debt. It’s best to start with whichever debt has the highest interest rate.

Increase Your Savings Rate

With a more steady and increased paycheck comes the ability for additional savings. Fortunately, there are a variety of savings and retirement options and even ways to earn “free” money.

Eric Gaddy, financial advisor and founder of Retirement Made Simple recommends mutual funds and Roth IRAs for young adults. “I’d suggest a low-cost S&P 500 index mutual fund as the best investment to make when you’re just getting started,” explains Gaddy. “I’d also highly suggest Roth IRAs. With a Roth IRA, you’re putting after-tax money into a retirement account so when you withdraw it after age 59½, your earnings on your Roth are completely tax free,” says Gaddy.

If you work with an employer that offers a Health Savings Account (HSA), IRA or 401(k) with an employer contribution, don’t miss the opportunity for “free” money. If your employer will match up to 5% in retirement, putting 5% of your income toward your retirement can yield impressive results when compounded over time.

Save for Your Children

If you have or plan on having children, now’s a good time to prepare for their education. When it comes to college, there are special college savings plans, like 529 plans, that you can start putting money into now to grow into a hefty college fund.

Examine Housing Costs

According to the ““United States Census Bureau””, nearly 38% of individuals under the age of 35 owned a home during the third quarter of 2019, compared to roughly 60% of individuals ages 35–44. Fewer millennials are purchasing homes than ever before as a result of high student debt, fewer home loan options and the inability to afford the costs associated with buying. While renting may be a good housing solution for many people, owning a home and paying down a mortgage can have long-term benefits.

Financial Steps to Take in Your 40s

A graphic highlighting that a 40-year-old making $86,000 a year should aim to have saved $248,000 toward retirement
A graphic highlighting that a 40-year-old making $86,000 a year should aim to have saved $248,000 toward retirement

Your 40s are a perfect time to start thinking about long-term financial goals. The steps you’ve taken up until this part of your life will help prepare you for retirement and beyond. If you’re just starting to make financial goals in your 40s, it’s not too late to make life-changing choices.

Pay Down Your Mortgage

At this point, your mortgage is most likely your largest debt and one you can start paying down more significantly. An easy way to pay down your mortgage faster is by paying one extra mortgage payment per year toward your principal. On a 30-year loan, this could save you tens of thousands of dollars on your home and take several years off of your mortgage.

Earn More

For many, this decade encompasses peak earning years and is a great opportunity to grow your skills and salary. Consider pursuing certificates or skills that can enhance your resume and increase your worth. It’s also important to check in with your industry and make sure you’re getting paid what you deserve for your experience.

Ramp Up Retirement Savings

By your 40s, it’s recommended that you have anywhere from two to three times your salary saved for retirement. If you’ve been putting money into retirement up to this point, then you should be comfortable putting away between 12–15% of your income. But if you’re just starting to save, you’re looking at closer to 18–20% to catch up.

Discuss Finances With Your Parents and Children

In this decade, it’s important to make sure that you’re preparing your children for financial stability as they grow, while also ensuring that your parents have a financial plan in place. Learning how life insurance works and shopping for coverage for you and your parents is also a good idea. Create a savings account for your children and provide a way for them to start saving a small amount each month to get into the habit of smart financial choices.

Give Back

If you have a little extra cash or time, spend it giving back to the community through mentoring, volunteering or cash donations. Charitable contributions are tax deductible, so keep track of any financial donations you make.

Financial Steps to Take in Your 50s

A graphic highlighting that a 50-year-old earning $99,600 a year should aim to have $597,600 saved for retirement
A couple in their 50s looking at retirement

This decade is a great time to contribute more toward your retirement and begin thinking about your long-term financial goals.

Estimate Retirement Income and Set a Retirement Goal

In your 50s, retirement isn’t a distant possibility, but a life phase that’s around the corner. Fidelity recommends that you have at least six times your salary in savings by age 50 in order to retire by age 67. Estimate your retirement goal and create a plan to get there.

Make Catch-Up Contributions

Starting at age 50, you can add additional money into your retirement called catch-up contributions. Up to $6,500 worth of catch-up contributions are permitted in 2020 on specific retirement plans. If you’re not at your retirement goal, take advantage of this option.


Consider shifting your money around and diversify your portfolio among stocks and bonds. Bonds are a safer investment choice, but you still want to invest aggressively early in the decade and adjust to safer investments when you’re nearing your 60s or desired retirement age.

Examine Your Insurance Plans

If you haven’t locked in important insurance plans like life insurance and medical insurance, this is a good time to do so. General health insurance will not cover things like long-term care; that’s covered through life insurance or specific long-term insurance. If you wait until you need the insurance, you won’t qualify to get it. Life insurance also assures that the final expense finances associated with your death or funeral are covered, which can be costly otherwise.

Reevaluate or Create Your Estate Plan

What do you want to happen to your estate if you pass away? Do you want it to go to your kids or another family member? Take a look at your will, investments, bank accounts and other areas to make sure your beneficiaries are in order.

Financial Steps to Take in Your 60s and Beyond

A graphic highlighting that a 60-year-old earning $80,000 a year should aim to have $640,000 saved for retirement
A happy retired man

At this stage, you are nearing or past the traditional retirement age. While you may decide to continue to work, you may also want the option to spend the rest of your life sitting on the beach sipping mai tai’s or playing rounds of golf at the country club worry free. You also want to be practical about your personal and family needs before and after you retire.

Make Decisions on Work and Retirement

Whether you’re going to work as long as you can or want to retire soon as you can, having a plan in place can help you fulfill your financial goals.

Manage and Adjust Your Distributions

At some point in retirement, you’re going to need to withdraw from your accounts. Make a plan for when you’ll start withdrawing, how you’ll replace your income and when to claim social security. The later you claim, the more money you’ll receive each month.

Ensure You Have a Long-Term Care Plan in Place

Long-term care refers to the point in life when you can no longer take care of yourself. The options for care become in-home care, assisted living facilities, residential care facilities, adult day care, or a family or friend who will take care of you. Long-term care services can range anywhere from $20,000 a year to more than $100,000. There typically aren’t many options for funding these services when you need them, so make sure you have a plan in place long before you do need extensive care. You can use your life insurance to pay for long-term care but you’ll want to purchase it in earlier decades.

Establish a Legacy Plan and Revise Your Will

Once retired and past your 60s you can buckle down on your legacy plan and revise your will. Your legacy doesn’t have to end at your estate; think about charitable giving, investing in an organization or initiative you care about and other meaningful ways to spend your time and money. As your family and lifestyle changes, continue to adjust your will so all of your assets are properly passed on.

Having good financial goals for every decade of your life can feel overwhelming. The good news is, it’s never too late to start, but you should try and start as early as you can. At the beginning of each decade, do a financial audit to make sure you’re on track and taking the necessary steps to keep your finances healthy. Your future self will thank you.

About Sara East

Sara East headshot

Sara East is a freelance writer and content marketing professional based in Reno, NV. She specializes in content on insurance, mortgage, business, and travel.
