How Much Is Car Insurance in Illinois? (July 2024)

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Updated: July 19, 2024

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In Illinois, the average yearly cost for a car insurance policy with full coverage is around $1,193. If you opt for minimum coverage, the average cost is about $482 annually.

Your age, the level of coverage you choose, where you live, your driving record, and your credit history play a role in determining how affordable or costly your car insurance will be.

Why Trust MoneyGeek? To pinpoint the most precise average costs for various drivers across Illinois, MoneyGeek compiled data from Quadrant Information Services and the Illinois Department of Insurance. This was done using sample driver profiles that reflect the typical criteria insurers use to determine premiums.

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These rates reflect the average cost of car insurance in Illinois as of July 2024.

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15Companies Compared
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Average Car Insurance Costs in Illinois

Illinois drivers pay an average of $1,193 yearly for full coverage car insurance. Compare car insurance quotes from several insurers to find the most affordable option for you.

The table below shows a breakdown of the average cost of auto insurance in Illinois, from the minimum coverage to comprehensive full coverage options.

100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,193Average Monthly Premium$99
100/300/100 Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$606Average Monthly Premium$51
State Minimum Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$482Average Monthly Premium$40

Why Are Car Insurance Rates Moderate in Illinois?

Car insurance in Illinois can be considered moderate compared to other states. The average annual premium for full coverage with a $1,000 deductible is $1,193, which is slightly less than the national average cost of car insurance at $1,296 annually. Likewise, the state minimum coverage in Illinois is $482 a year, which also falls below the national average of $595 for the same coverage.

Several factors influence the cost of car insurance in Illinois. The degree of urbanization in large cities like Chicago can lead to higher rates due to increased traffic and the likelihood of accidents. However, a competitive insurance market and a lower rate of natural disasters keep the costs moderate.

Average Car Insurance Costs in Illinois by Company

Car insurance premiums can differ greatly from one company to another, even within the same state. For instance, in Illinois, American Family offers the cheapest annual full coverage at $723, while Hanover is at the higher end, with an average annual premium of $2,025.

Understanding the significance of comparing car insurance quotes can't be overstated when searching for the cheapest car insurance in Illinois. It ensures that you secure an affordable plan that aligns with your budget and coverage needs.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:Full Coverage
Age Group:
Age Group:30-59
American FamilyAnnual Premium$723Monthly Premium$60
TravelersAnnual Premium$879Monthly Premium$73
Country FinancialAnnual Premium$887Monthly Premium$74
Auto-Owners Insurance CoAnnual Premium$898Monthly Premium$75
GEICOAnnual Premium$925Monthly Premium$77
WestfieldAnnual Premium$1,115Monthly Premium$93
ErieAnnual Premium$1,141Monthly Premium$95
ProgressiveAnnual Premium$1,245Monthly Premium$104
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Average Car Insurance Costs in Illinois by Coverage Level

The cost of car insurance in Illinois is also impacted by the selection of coverage levels. While the minimum coverage hovers around $40 per month, a full coverage policy averages $93 monthly. Opting for full coverage is recommended for more comprehensive protection despite its higher cost. For more insights, explore full coverage insurance.

Adding comprehensive and collision coverage will increase premiums, but selecting higher deductibles can offset this rise. The deductible, which typically stands at $1,000 for full coverage, applies separately to each comprehensive and collision claim. This strategy balances coverage needs with cost control, ensuring you're protected without overpaying.

State Minimum Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$482Average Monthly Premium$40
100/300/100 Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$606Average Monthly Premium$51
300/500/300 Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$794Average Monthly Premium$66
State Minimum Liability w/ Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,108Average Monthly Premium$92
State Minimum Liability w/ Full Cov. w/$1,500 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,119Average Monthly Premium$93
100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,193Average Monthly Premium$99
100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,500 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,204Average Monthly Premium$100
State Minimum Liability w/ Full Cov. w/$500 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,213Average Monthly Premium$101

Minimum Car Insurance Requirements in Illinois

In Illinois, the minimum car insurance requirements include $25,000 for bodily injury per person, $50,000 per accident and $20,000 for property damage, with uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage matching the bodily injury limits at $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident.

    injury icon

    $25,000 for bodily injury liability per person

    This is the minimum amount required in Illinois for covering injuries to one person in an accident where you're at fault.

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    $50,000 for bodily injury liability per accident

    Illinois requires this amount for injuries per accident, ensuring multiple people can be compensated.

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    $20,000 for property damage liability per accident

    This coverage takes care of damage to another person's property for a single accident in Illinois.

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    $25,000 uninsured motorist bodily injury per person

    This covers your own injuries if hit by an uninsured driver in Illinois.

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    $50,000 uninsured motorist bodily injury per accident

    This is for your own injuries per accident, offering protection against uninsured drivers.

Average Car Insurance Costs in Illinois by City

Your location influences your car insurance premiums significantly. The most affordable city in Illinois for full coverage is Springfield at $803, while Chicago tops the chart at $1,234.

Various elements in Illinois impact car insurance costs, including driving record, type of car, credit score, marital status and age. Affordable options depend on these factors among others, leading to varied premiums across cities.

AuroraFull Coverage Annual Premium$858Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$403
ChicagoFull Coverage Annual Premium$1,234Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$527
ElginFull Coverage Annual Premium$881Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$413
JolietFull Coverage Annual Premium$954Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$441
NapervilleFull Coverage Annual Premium$829Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$398
PeoriaFull Coverage Annual Premium$818Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$370
RockfordFull Coverage Annual Premium$857Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$382
SpringfieldFull Coverage Annual Premium$803Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$350

Average Car Insurance Costs in Illinois by Age

Age significantly influences car insurance costs in Illinois. Generally, young drivers pay the most, with premiums decreasing as experience and age increase.

Drivers aged 22 to 29 face the highest annual premiums averaging $1,490, while those 60 and over enjoy the lowest rates at $1,134 annually. Middle-aged drivers, 30-59, typically see moderate costs around $1,193 per year.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.
22-29Average Annual Premium$1,490Average Monthly Premium$124
30-59Average Annual Premium$1,193Average Monthly Premium$99
60 +Average Annual Premium$1,134Average Monthly Premium$95

Average Car Insurance Costs in Illinois for Teens

Age and gender significantly influence car insurance rates in Illinois, with 16-year-old male drivers facing the highest average annual premiums when added to a family policy, typically around $2,399. Regarding rates for those getting an individual policy, rates soar to approximately $5,104. Legally, teens under 18 must have a parent or guardian co-sign to obtain car insurance.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
16Added to Family Policy Premium$2,399Individual Premium$5,104
17Added to Family Policy Premium$2,228Individual Premium$3,572
18Added to Family Policy Premium$1,876Individual Premium$2,995
19Added to Family Policy Premium$1,693Individual Premium$2,230
20Added to Family Policy Premium$1,711Individual Premium$1,923
21Added to Family Policy Premium$1,381Individual Premium$1,555
22Added to Family Policy Premium$1,367Individual Premium$1,394
23Added to Family Policy Premium$1,415Individual Premium$1,254

Average Car Insurance Costs in Illinois for New Cars

Full coverage car insurance for a 2012 car model averages at $843 annually, while a 2022 model sees that cost jump to $1,060 — a stark comparison. This increase is due to newer vehicles having a higher actual cash value along with more expensive repair costs and a greater likelihood of theft, consequently driving up premiums.

Experts suggest that drivers of newer models, like those from 2022, should consider investing in comprehensive and collision coverage. This type of plan not only protects against a range of incidents but also ensures drivers are better positioned to safeguard their investment in a higher-value vehicle.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:Full Coverage
Age Group:
Age Group:30-59
2012 VehicleAnnual Premium$843Monthly Premium$70
2022 VehicleAnnual Premium$1,060Monthly Premium$88
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The actual cash value (ACV) of your vehicle is the amount your insurer will pay if your car is damaged or totaled in a covered incident. This sum reflects your vehicle's market value, minus depreciation, at the time of the claim. Understanding ACV helps you anticipate the payout and assess the adequacy of your coverage.

Average Car Insurance Costs in Illinois by Driving Record

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The average cost of car insurance varies in Illinois depending on your driving record.

  • With a ticket: $1,483 per year; $124 per month
  • With an at-fault accident: $1,751 per year; $146 per month
  • With a DUI: $1,917 per year; $160 per month

The more severe the driving violation, the more you'll likely pay in car insurance premiums in Illinois. Violations remain on your record for a period, affecting your rates during that time. For instance, a DUI in Illinois can influence your insurance costs for up to five years.

While a DUI generally leads to the steepest increase in car insurance premiums in many states, it's not always the case. Some insurers may weigh other offenses like reckless driving or at-fault accidents more heavily.

By examining the table based on coverage and age group, Illinois drivers can find out the average cost of minimum coverage auto insurance for their specific driving record.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.
Age Group:
Age Group:30-59
CleanAverage Annual Premium$1,193Average Monthly Premium$99
TicketAverage Annual Premium$1,483Average Monthly Premium$124
At-fault AccidentAverage Annual Premium$1,751Average Monthly Premium$146
DUIAverage Annual Premium$1,917Average Monthly Premium$160

Average Car Insurance Costs in Illinois by Credit Score

Drivers in Illinois can expect to pay an average annual premium of up to $1,762 for car insurance, depending strongly on their credit score. Your credit score hugely influences how much you shell out for coverage.

According to MoneyGeek, a good credit score ranges from 670 to 739. However, scores can go as high as 800 or more, which is considered excellent, to below 580, which lands you in the poor category. Generally, the higher your score, the lower your rates — with excellent credit score holders paying about $741 annually.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:100/300/100 w/ $1000 Deductible
Age Group:
Age Group:30-59
ExcellentAnnual Premium$741Monthly Premium$62
GoodAnnual Premium$933Monthly Premium$78
FairAnnual Premium$1,160Monthly Premium$97
Below FairAnnual Premium$1,427Monthly Premium$119
PoorAnnual Premium$1,762Monthly Premium$147
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Factors Affecting Car Insurance Rates in Illinois

These are the key factors that affect car insurance rates in Illinois:

  • Age: Younger drivers often face higher premiums in Illinois due to their inexperience, which statistically leads to a higher risk of accidents.

  • Driving Record: A clean record can result in lower car insurance costs, while tickets, accidents or DUIs typically increase rates due to heightened risk.

  • Credit Score: Illinois insurers may use credit scores to determine rates, with higher scores often leading to more affordable premiums.

  • Vehicle Type: The cost of car insurance can vary significantly based on the make and model of a vehicle, with higher-value cars generally costing more to insure.

  • Annual Mileage: Drivers who cover fewer miles per year may enjoy lower rates, as less time on the road translates to a lower risk of filing a claim.

  • Comprehensive Insurance: Choosing to add comprehensive insurance can affect premiums, providing additional coverage beyond state minimum for non-collision incidents.

  • Collision Insurance: Including collision insurance in a policy will impact rates, covering damages from traffic accidents.

  • Location: Rates can differ within Illinois based on the area, with urban locations generally experiencing higher premiums due to increased risks of theft and accidents.

  • Marital Status: Married individuals may see better rates, as they are statistically less likely to file claims than their single counterparts.

  • Coverage Level: Opting for more than the state minimum coverage can provide better protection but will also reflect in the cost of the insurance plan.

How to Save Money on Car Insurance in Illinois

To secure affordable car insurance in Illinois, compare rates, raise your deductible and leverage all eligible discounts. Shopping around ensures you find the best value for minimum coverage auto insurance.

    shoppingCart icon

    Shop Around

    Comparing rates from different insurers can lead to finding the cheapest car insurance in Illinois. Use online tools to streamline the process.

    seatbelt icon

    Maintain a Clean Driving Record

    Keeping a clean driving record free of accidents and violations can significantly lower insurance costs, as it indicates responsible driving behavior.

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    Consider Vehicle Type

    The cost of insurance can vary based on the car's model and safety features. Choosing a vehicle that's less expensive to insure can lead to savings.

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    Increase Deductibles

    Opting for higher deductibles can reduce premium costs, but ensure you can afford the deductible amount in case of a claim.

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    Bundle Insurance Policies

    Bundling auto insurance with other policies like homeowners insurance can unlock discounts and lower the overall cost of insurance.

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    Look for Discounts

    Insurers offer various discounts for things like multiple cars, good students or defensive driving courses. Always ask for available discounts to reduce costs.

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    Review Coverage Annually

    Regularly reviewing your policy and coverage needs can ensure you're not overpaying for insurance. Adjust your policy as your circumstances change.

FAQ: Car Insurance Costs in Illinois

Here, we'll cover the essentials, providing straightforward insights into what Illinoians might expect to pay for their car insurance. This information can help you make informed decisions about your policy.

What are the minimum car insurance requirements in Illinois?
What is the average cost of full coverage and minimum coverage auto insurance in Illinois?
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 22-year-old in Illinois?
What are the cheapest car insurance companies in Illinois?

About Mark Fitzpatrick

Mark Fitzpatrick headshot

Mark Fitzpatrick has analyzed the property and casualty insurance market for over five years, conducting original research and creating personalized content for every kind of buyer. Currently, he leads P&C insurance content production at MoneyGeek. Fitzpatrick has been quoted in several insurance-related publications, including CNBC, NBC News and Mashable.

Fitzpatrick earned a master’s degree in economics and international relations from Johns Hopkins University and a bachelor’s degree from Boston College. He is passionate about using his knowledge of economics and insurance to bring transparency around financial topics and help others feel confident in their money moves.