How Much Is Car Insurance in Missouri? (July 2024)

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Updated: July 17, 2024

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Missouri drivers can expect to pay around $1,565 per year for full coverage car policies. If you're looking for something cheaper, minimum coverage policies average about $699 annually. Car insurance premiums depend on factors such as your age, the extent of coverage you pick, where your home is, your driving history, and your credit score.

Why Trust MoneyGeek? MoneyGeek analyzed Missouri auto insurance rates using data and information from the Missouri Department of Insurance and Quadrant Information Services.

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These rates reflect the average cost of car insurance in Missouri as of July 2024.

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Average Car Insurance Costs in Missouri

Missouri's average full coverage car insurance cost is approximately $1,565 annually. To find the best deal for car insurance, you can compare car insurance quotes.

Here's a quick look at Missouri's average auto insurance rates. Coverage options range from minimum coverage to full coverage, giving you a clear picture of what you might pay monthly or yearly.

100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,565Average Monthly Premium$130
100/300/100 Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$921Average Monthly Premium$77
State Minimum Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$699Average Monthly Premium$58

Why Are Car Insurance Rates Moderate in Missouri?

Car insurance in Missouri is relatively moderate in terms, with the average annual premium for state minimum liability only coverage at $699, slightly above the national average of $595. The average annual premium for full coverage is $1,565, which surpasses the national average of $1,296.

The cost of car insurance in Missouri is influenced by several factors, including the rate of uninsured drivers, state laws, and the frequency of claims. High traffic congestion, theft rates in urban areas, and the likelihood of natural disasters such as tornadoes and hail storms can also drive up costs. Insurers consider personal factors such as your driving record, credit history, and the type of car you drive.

Average Car Insurance Costs in Missouri by Company

Car insurance premiums vary by company, even within the same state. In Missouri, Travelers offers the cheapest full coverage at an annual premium of $983, while Kemper has the priciest average premium at $2,309.

Understanding the importance of comparing car insurance quotes is key to finding the cheapest car insurance in Missouri. Shopping around can potentially save you hundreds of dollars annually.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:Full Coverage
Age Group:
Age Group:30-59
TravelersAnnual Premium$983Monthly Premium$82
American FamilyAnnual Premium$1,003Monthly Premium$84
AllstateAnnual Premium$1,239Monthly Premium$103
ProgressiveAnnual Premium$1,448Monthly Premium$121
ShelterAnnual Premium$1,461Monthly Premium$122
State FarmAnnual Premium$1,462Monthly Premium$122
NationwideAnnual Premium$1,626Monthly Premium$135
AAAAnnual Premium$1,974Monthly Premium$164
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Average Car Insurance Costs in Missouri by Coverage Level

The cost of car insurance in Missouri is also determined by the level of coverage you select. For instance, minimum coverage in Missouri may only set you back about $58 monthly, whereas opting for the full coverage with a $1,000 deductible averages around $130 monthly. It's recommended to select a full coverage policy for the broader protection it offers despite the higher initial cost. To understand more about what full coverage insurance entails, visit MoneyGeek's breakdown of full coverage car insurance.

While adding comprehensive and collision coverage to your policy will typically increase your monthly premiums, you can mitigate the impact by choosing higher deductibles. Remember, each comprehensive and collision claim you make will be subject to the deductible amount you've agreed to.

State Minimum Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$699Average Monthly Premium$58
100/300/100 Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$921Average Monthly Premium$77
300/500/300 Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$1,139Average Monthly Premium$95
State Minimum Liability w/ Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,434Average Monthly Premium$120
State Minimum Liability w/ Full Cov. w/$1,500 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,466Average Monthly Premium$122
State Minimum Liability w/ Full Cov. w/$500 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,517Average Monthly Premium$126
100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,565Average Monthly Premium$130
100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,500 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,597Average Monthly Premium$133

Minimum Car Insurance Requirements in Missouri

In Missouri, the minimum car insurance requirements include $25,000 for bodily injury per person, $50,000 for bodily injury per accident and $25,000 for property damage per accident, along with uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage at the same limits.

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    $25,000 for bodily injury liability per person

    This is the minimum amount required in Missouri for covering the expenses related to injuries to one person in an accident you cause.

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    $50,000 for bodily injury liability per accident

    Missouri requires this amount to cover injuries to multiple people in an accident where you're at fault.

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    $25,000 for property damage liability per accident

    This coverage helps pay for damages to another person's property in an accident you cause in Missouri.

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    $25,000 uninsured motorist bodily injury per person

    Missouri's minimum coverage includes this amount for injuries you sustain in an accident caused by an uninsured driver.

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    $50,000 uninsured motorist bodily injury per accident

    This coverage is for total injury costs per accident caused by an uninsured driver in Missouri.

Average Car Insurance Costs in Missouri by City

Your location down to the city can influence your car insurance premiums. The lowest full coverage rate in Columbia is $1,248, while in St. Louis it is $2,207.

In Missouri, your car insurance costs can be affected by your driving history, the type of car you drive and your credit score. Rates vary based on age, gender and the desired level of coverage. The area's crime rates and traffic conditions also play a significant role.

ColumbiaFull Coverage Annual Premium$1,248Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$554
IndependenceFull Coverage Annual Premium$1,436Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$664
Kansas CityFull Coverage Annual Premium$1,625Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$733
SpringfieldFull Coverage Annual Premium$1,363Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$652
St. LouisFull Coverage Annual Premium$2,207Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$934

Average Car Insurance Costs in Missouri by Age

Age is a significant factor affecting car insurance costs in Missouri. Younger drivers typically face steeper premiums. Drivers aged 22 to 29 often pay the most for car insurance, averaging $1,960 annually, with their rates decreasing as they age. Drivers 60 and over enjoy lower rates around $1,479 per year. This trend reflects insurers' risk assessments based on age-related driving experience and accident statistics.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.
22-29Average Annual Premium$1,960Average Monthly Premium$163
30-59Average Annual Premium$1,565Average Monthly Premium$130
60 +Average Annual Premium$1,479Average Monthly Premium$123

Average Car Insurance Costs in Missouri for Teens

Age and gender significantly impact car insurance rates in Missouri, with 16-year-old male drivers having the highest premiums. On average, adding a 16-year-old male to a family policy costs approximately $3,696 annually, reflecting their greater risk profile.

Teenagers under 18 require a parent or guardian to co-sign for car insurance, and if they choose an individual policy, the premium rises to $7,842.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
16Added to Family Policy Premium$3,696Individual Premium$7,842
17Added to Family Policy Premium$3,522Individual Premium$6,067
18Added to Family Policy Premium$2,879Individual Premium$5,010
19Added to Family Policy Premium$2,769Individual Premium$3,785
20Added to Family Policy Premium$2,782Individual Premium$3,257
21Added to Family Policy Premium$2,284Individual Premium$2,657
22Added to Family Policy Premium$2,071Individual Premium$2,377
23Added to Family Policy Premium$2,162Individual Premium$2,167

Average Car Insurance Costs in Missouri for New Cars

The average annual cost for full coverage car insurance on a 2012 vehicle is $1,269, while insuring a 2022 model of the same vehicle is higher at $1,654. This difference is due to the newer model's higher actual cash value, more expensive repair costs and increased risk of theft. Owners of newer models like the 2022 should invest in comprehensive and collision coverage to protect against a wide range of incidents.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:Full Coverage
Age Group:
Age Group:30-59
2012 VehicleAnnual Premium$1,269Monthly Premium$106
2022 VehicleAnnual Premium$1,654Monthly Premium$138
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The actual cash value (ACV) of your vehicle represents its market value at the time of a claim, factoring in depreciation. Insurers use ACV to determine the maximum payout for comprehensive or collision claims, directly affecting your financial recovery post-incident. Severe damage could result in a 'total loss' designation, where the ACV guides the settlement amount up to the policy's coverage limit.

Average Car Insurance Costs in Missouri by Driving Record

In Missouri, your driving record plays a big role in determining your car insurance costs. Here's a snapshot of what drivers pay on average based on their records:

  • With a ticket: $1,932 per year; $161 per month
  • With an at-fault accident: $2,215 per year; $185 per month
  • With a DWI: $2,207 per year; $184 per month

The type of driving violation affects your premium, with more severe offenses usually leading to higher costs. These violations stay on your record for a while, continuing to influence your rates until they drop off. For example, in Missouri, a DWI can impact your insurance rates for up to five years.

Check the table, which is navigable by coverage and age group, to find the average cost for car insurance in Missouri based on various driving records.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.
Age Group:
Age Group:30-59
CleanAverage Annual Premium$1,565Average Monthly Premium$130
TicketAverage Annual Premium$1,932Average Monthly Premium$161
DUIAverage Annual Premium$2,207Average Monthly Premium$184
At-fault AccidentAverage Annual Premium$2,215Average Monthly Premium$185

Average Car Insurance Costs in Missouri by Credit Score

Missouri drivers with excellent credit are quoted an average annual car insurance premium of $1,096, while those with poor credit may see rates soar to $2,084. Your credit score affects the cost of your car insurance in Missouri, as insurers consider it a measure of financial responsibility. Good credit typically ranges from 670 to 739, with higher scores often leading to more affordable insurance rates.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:100/300/100 w/ $1000 Deductible
Age Group:
Age Group:30-59
ExcellentAnnual Premium$1,096Monthly Premium$91
GoodAnnual Premium$1,355Monthly Premium$113
FairAnnual Premium$1,598Monthly Premium$133
Below FairAnnual Premium$1,808Monthly Premium$151
PoorAnnual Premium$2,084Monthly Premium$174
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Factors Affecting Car Insurance Rates in Missouri

Explore the key factors that impact your car insurance rates in Missouri, ensuring you find an affordable plan that meets your needs.

  • Age and Driving Experience: Younger drivers often face higher rates due to their lack of experience, which can lead to more accidents and claims.
  • Driving Record: A clean driving record can lead to lower insurance costs, while tickets and other infractions increase costs.
  • Credit Score: Insurers consider credit history as an indicator of risk, with a higher score often translating to lower insurance rates.
  • Vehicle Type: The make, model and age of your vehicle affect your rates, with newer, expensive cars generally costing more to insure.
  • Location within Missouri: Urban areas with higher traffic density and theft rates may have higher insurance costs than rural locations.
  • Coverage Level: Choosing between state minimum coverage and more comprehensive options impacts cost. Higher coverage levels mean higher premiums.
  • Collision Insurance: Adding collision insurance to your policy covers your vehicle for damage from an accident, affecting your rate based on your deductible and coverage limit.
  • Comprehensive Insurance: Opting for comprehensive insurance protects against non-collision events, which can alter your premium based on the value of your car and risk factors.
  • Annual Mileage: The more you drive, the higher the likelihood of an incident, leading to increased insurance premiums.
  • Marital Status: Married couples often receive lower rates due to perceived stability and shared driving, reducing individual risk exposure.

Each factor contributes to the overall cost of your car insurance in Missouri, pinpointing opportunities for savings and personalized coverage.

How to Save Money on Car Insurance in Missouri

To find affordable car insurance in Missouri, compare rates, raise your deductible and utilize all applicable discounts for immediate savings on premiums.

    shoppingCart icon

    Shop around for car insurance rates

    Comparing rates from different insurers can lead to finding the most affordable car insurance in Missouri. Use online tools to streamline this process.

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    Maintain a clean driving record

    A clean driving record can significantly reduce insurance costs. Avoid traffic violations and accidents to qualify for lower premiums.

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    Increase your deductible

    Opting for a higher deductible can lower your monthly premiums. Ensure you can afford the deductible in case of a claim.

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    Bundle insurance policies

    Bundling car insurance with other policies like homeowners or renters insurance can unlock discounts and lead to cheaper rates.

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    Look for discounts

    Many insurers offer discounts for things like safe driving, good grades for students or having anti-theft devices installed.

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    Choose your vehicle wisely

    The type of vehicle you drive affects insurance rates. Choose a car with a good safety record and low theft rate for better rates.

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    Review your coverage regularly

    As your circumstances change, so should your coverage. Regularly review your policy to ensure it's still the most cost-effective for your needs.

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    Take advantage of telematics

    Some insurers offer usage-based insurance programs that track driving habits. Safe driving can lead to lower insurance costs.

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    Improve Your credit score

    A higher credit score can result in lower insurance rates. Pay bills on time and reduce debt to improve your credit standing.

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    Research local factors

    Understand how factors specific to Missouri, like weather risks and urbanization, impact car insurance rates and shop accordingly.

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    Consider pay-per-mile insurance

    If you don't drive often, a pay-per-mile insurance plan could be a cost-effective option. It charges based on the miles you drive.

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    Check for professional affiliations

    Some insurers provide discounts to members of certain organizations or professions. Check if you're eligible for such benefits.

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    Opt for paperless billing

    Choosing paperless billing can often result in small discounts. It's also an environmentally friendly choice.

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    Pay your premiums annually

    Paying your insurance premiums annually rather than monthly can sometimes result in savings, as companies often offer a discount for lump-sum payments.

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    Complete a defensive driving course

    Drivers who complete an approved defensive driving course may be eligible for insurance discounts in Missouri.

FAQ: Car Insurance Costs in Missouri

This section provides insights into what you might expect to pay for car insurance tailored to a diverse range of driver profiles.

What are the minimum car insurance requirements in Missouri?
What is the average cost of full coverage and minimum coverage auto insurance in Missouri?
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 22-year-old in Missouri?
What are the cheapest car insurance companies in Missouri?

About Mark Fitzpatrick

Mark Fitzpatrick headshot

Mark Fitzpatrick has analyzed the property and casualty insurance market for over five years, conducting original research and creating personalized content for every kind of buyer. Currently, he leads P&C insurance content production at MoneyGeek. Fitzpatrick has been quoted in several insurance-related publications, including CNBC, NBC News and Mashable.

Fitzpatrick earned a master’s degree in economics and international relations from Johns Hopkins University and a bachelor’s degree from Boston College. He is passionate about using his knowledge of economics and insurance to bring transparency around financial topics and help others feel confident in their money moves.