How to Buy Life Insurance: Understanding the Process

Life insurance can serve as a financial safety net, offering support for loved ones by covering funeral expenses, settling debts and maintaining living standards after an unexpected loss. However, the best policy may vary depending on individual needs. Buying a life insurance policy requires understanding costs, coverage options, application process and essential considerations.

Table of Contents

Choosing a Policy: Types of Life Insurance

Life insurance policies come in many forms and are designed to meet various needs. The most common types are term life and whole life insurance, each with unique features, benefits and drawbacks.

Term Life Insurance: It provides coverage for a specific period (the "term"), typically 10, 20 or 30 years. Your beneficiaries receive a death benefit if you pass away within this term. However, if you outlive the term, the policy expires without value. It's a straightforward, cost-effective solution that allows you to secure substantial coverage at a relatively low premium. This makes it a practical option for those buying life insurance policies for the first time.

Whole Life Insurance: This type of permanent insurance provides lifelong coverage and a guaranteed death benefit. It also includes a cash value component that grows over time. While the guaranteed payout and cash value accumulation can be appealing, these benefits come with significantly higher premiums than term life insurance.

Other Policy Types

Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance: Also known as guaranteed issue life insurance, this type of policy does not require a medical exam, and there's no health questionnaire to complete. This makes it an attractive option for people with serious health conditions. Coverage amounts are typically lower and premiums higher than other life insurance types. This policy type is ideal for those with severe health conditions who may not qualify for other types of life insurance.

Final Expense and Burial Insurance: These are small whole life insurance policies designed to cover funeral and burial costs. They typically offer coverage between $5,000 and $25,000 and don't require a medical exam, but they include a health questionnaire. This type of policy is best for seniors who wish to ensure their funeral and burial costs do not burden their families.

Simplified Issue Life Insurance: This policy type does not require a medical exam but does involve a health questionnaire. Coverage amounts are typically lower, and premiums are higher than fully underwritten policies. These policies are ideal for those who wish to skip the medical exam but are in decent health, as the health questionnaire could disqualify potential policyholders with serious health issues.

More Complex Policy Types: These policies are purchased less often but benefit certain buyers.

Universal Life Insurance: Universal life insurance provides flexibility in premium payments and death benefits, allowing you to adjust these factors over time. It may be ideal for individuals who anticipate income fluctuations and want the ability to modify their coverage or premium payments.

Variable Life Insurance: This lets you invest the policy's cash value, providing the growth potential but also posing investment risk. It might suit individuals with investment knowledge and a certain amount of risk tolerance who desire potential higher returns.

Variable Universal Life Insurance: This life insurance combines the flexible features of universal life insurance with the investment options of variable life insurance. This product could be best for those who want the flexibility to adjust premiums and death benefits and are comfortable with investment risks.

Understanding life insurance terms and definitions provides insights that can help people applying for life insurance decide the best policy for their situation and needs.

Term vs. Whole Life: Why Term Insurance Is Often the Preferred Choice

While the decision between term and whole life insurance ultimately depends on individual circumstances, term insurance is frequently the more practical and affordable choice. Its simplicity, cost-effectiveness and flexibility make it an attractive option for many individuals.

However, term life insurance might not be the ideal choice for everyone. For individuals with significant financial resources or those with lifelong dependent care responsibilities, the benefits of whole life insurance might outweigh its higher costs.

Who Is the Best Fit for Whole Life Insurance?

Whole life insurance can be an effective financial tool for high-income earners who have maximized other tax-advantaged investments and wish to provide an inheritance or cover estate taxes. It may also be suitable for individuals with long-term dependents, such as a child with special needs, to ensure lifelong financial protection.

For those in such circumstances, whole life insurance may not just be about getting a life insurance policy; it's also about ensuring enduring financial stability for their loved ones.

What Life Insurance Covers

Life insurance provides a safety net for your beneficiaries during your death. It can help cover funeral costs, pay off outstanding debts (like mortgages or car loans), replace lost income, fund your children's education and ensure your loved ones maintain their current lifestyle.

However, life insurance payouts are primarily intended to replace lost income and cover living expenses. Therefore, when deciding on coverage amount, consider your income, outstanding debts and the lifestyle needs of your dependents.

Benefits of Life Insurance

Life insurance can be a strategic planning tool to help ensure the financial well-being of your loved ones in your absence. Here are some key benefits:

  • Financial Security: Life insurance can help ensure your family maintains their standard of living, even in your absence. It can cover daily living expenses, mortgage payments, educational costs and more, providing a stable financial foundation for those you leave behind.

  • Debt Protection: Should you pass away with outstanding debts, life insurance helps pay them off, so your family doesn't have to bear the burden. This includes personal loans, credit card debts or other financial obligations, ensuring your family's financial future remains secure.

  • Estate Planning: Life insurance can play a vital role in estate planning, providing a tax-free inheritance to your heirs. It can be structured to cover estate taxes, protecting the value of your assets and ensuring that your legacy is passed on according to your wishes.

  • Investment Opportunities: Some life insurance policies, such as whole life or universal life, offer investment opportunities. These policies allow for growth in cash value over time, which can be borrowed against or even withdrawn for financial needs, offering a versatile financial tool.

  • Charitable Contributions: Life insurance allows you to leave a lasting legacy by contributing to a charity of your choice through your policy. By naming a charitable organization as a beneficiary, you can support a cause close to your heart, making a meaningful impact even after your lifetime.

In navigating these benefits, understanding life insurance definitions can guide individuals through the intricacies of applying for life insurance. These insights and tips on buying life insurance may also empower you to make decisions that resonate with your financial planning goals and the well-being of those you cherish.

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

Deciding how much life insurance you need is a personal decision that depends on your individual and family circumstances. Here are some factors to consider when buying life insurance coverage:

  • Income replacement: A common guideline suggests securing coverage that's 1–15 times your annual income. This rule gives your dependents ample funds to replace your income for a significant period should you pass away.
  • Debt repayment: You should have enough coverage to clear any outstanding debts, including mortgages, car loans, student loans and credit cards, so these obligations don't burden your loved ones.
  • Future expenses: Consider major upcoming expenses. If you have children, this could include college tuition.
  • Dependents: The number of people who rely on your income influences the amount of coverage you should secure. The more dependents you have, the larger the policy should be.
  • Savings and investments: These can offset the need for a more extensive policy. The more you have saved or invested, the less life insurance you may need.
  • End-of-life expenses: Funerals can be costly. Consider if you want to cover this expense within your policy.

Before applying for life insurance, thoroughly assess your financial situation and future needs. This evaluation will help you choose a life insurance policy that adequately covers your family's unique needs.

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

Answer three simple questions to get your recommended coverage amount.

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Shopping Smart: Importance of Getting Multiple Quotes

The premiums for similar life insurance policies can vary significantly among insurers due to different underwriting standards and business models.

By obtaining quotes from multiple insurance providers, you can compare prices and policies to find the best fit for your needs. However, remember to look beyond the premiums — consider the insurer's financial stability, customer service, claims processing and policy options. hopping around and comparing multiple quotes could save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars over the policy's life.

Leveraging tips on buying life insurance and familiarizing yourself with the different aspects of life insurance can greatly enhance your ability to navigate the insurance marketplace effectively.

Life Insurance Application Process

The life insurance application process involves more than just filling out a form. You'll need to provide detailed information about yourself, your health and your lifestyle. This can include:

  1. Personal information: This includes your age, gender, occupation, income and dependents.
  2. Medical history: You must provide information about your past and current health status. This may include any diagnosed conditions, surgeries, medication use and family medical history.
  3. Lifestyle information: Insurers will want to know about any habits or activities that could impact your longevity. This could include your smoking status, alcohol consumption, exercise habits and whether you participate in high-risk activities like skydiving or motor racing.

The application process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the insurer and the type of policy. The insurer's underwriters will review your application and, depending on the policy, may request a medical examination.

Medical Exam: What to Expect and How It Can Save You Money

The life insurance medical exam, often conducted by a paramedical professional at your home or office, is a critical part of the underwriting process for many life insurance policies.

A typical exam might include height, weight, blood pressure and heart rate measurements. It may also involve blood and urine tests to detect conditions like diabetes or high cholesterol and to screen for drug and nicotine use.

Having good health before the exam reflects positively on your lifestyle and can lead to substantial savings over time. For those getting a life insurance policy, performing well in the medical exam can be a strategic way to secure lower premiums. For example, a nonsmoker with healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels will likely receive better rates than a smoker with high blood pressure.

No-Exam Option

No-exam life insurance policies can be an appealing option for those who wish to bypass the traditional medical exam route associated with standard life insurance policies. This could be particularly beneficial for younger individuals, as they're often in good health and can secure higher coverage levels at competitive rates without needing a medical exam. This is because younger applicants generally represent a lower risk to insurers, which offsets some of the increased risk the insurer takes by not requiring a medical exam.

Moreover, no-exam life insurance policies streamline the application process and offer faster approval times. This allows the applicant to secure coverage quickly, which can be a significant advantage for those needing immediate coverage.

However, it's essential to note that no-exam life insurance policies may come with higher premiums for older applicants, as the insurer takes on more risk by not conducting a thorough health assessment. Therefore, these policies are often a good fit for individuals who value convenience and speed over cost or those who may not qualify for traditionally underwritten policies due to health issues.

Understanding these nuances is essential when applying for life insurance, as it helps buy life insurance policies that align with one's needs and circumstances. Understanding these nuances is essential when applying for life insurance, as it helps in buying life insurance policies that align with one's personal needs and circumstances.

Life Insurance Cost

The cost of life insurance varies significantly depending on numerous factors. These include your age, health status, gender, occupation, lifestyle habits and the term length and coverage amount you choose.

For term life insurance, the premiums are primarily used to pay for the cost of insurance (COI) — the amount required to cover the insurer's risk. As a result, term insurance tends to be more affordable but does not accumulate cash value.

  • A 30-year-old nonsmoker in good health might pay around $28 per month for a 20-year term life insurance policy with a $500,000 death benefit.
  • A 30-year-old smoker might pay around $65 per month for the same coverage.
  • A 30-year-old with poor health might pay around $34 per month for the same coverage, although this can vary significantly depending on the severity of the weight issue.

See MoneyGeek’s analysis of:

On the other hand, whole life insurance premiums contribute to both the COI and a cash value account. This cash value grows over time and can be borrowed against or even surrendered for its accrued value. However, these features make whole life insurance considerably more expensive than term insurance.

Variables Impacting Cost

There are several factors to consider when applying for life insurance, such as the variables impacting premiums. Recognizing these can assist in buying life insurance policies that best fit your financial situation and coverage needs:

  • Age: Premiums generally increase as you age due to a higher risk of health issues and mortality.
  • Health Status: Current or past health conditions can result in higher premiums.
  • Gender: Women tend to live longer than men, statistically speaking, which often results in lower premiums.
  • Occupation: Higher-risk jobs (like construction work or commercial fishing) can increase premiums.
  • Lifestyle habits: Smoking, excessive drinking or participating in high-risk hobbies can lead to higher premiums.
  • Family medical history: If your family has a history of certain medical conditions, your premiums might be higher.

Strategies for Optimizing Coverage and Minimizing Costs

Enhancing your life insurance coverage while reducing your premiums is achievable with strategic planning. Here are some effective methods to consider for anyone interested in buying life insurance policies:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Regular exercise, a balanced diet and regular check-ups can improve your health classification.
  • Quit smoking: Nonsmokers often pay less than half the premiums of smokers.
  • Manage chronic conditions: Effective control of conditions like hypertension or diabetes can result in better rates.
  • Avoid high-risk activities: Engaging in hazardous hobbies like skydiving or motor racing can increase your premiums.

Insurers base premiums on risk assessment. You can demonstrate a lower risk profile by improving your health, quitting smoking or avoiding high-risk activities, significantly reducing premiums.

What to Look for in a Life Insurance Company

When getting a life insurance policy, evaluating the insurer's financial rating is essential as it indicates the company's ability to pay out claims. A provider with a positive customer service reputation ensures that your concerns or questions will be addressed promptly and effectively. Online reviews and ratings indicate the company's reputation and customer satisfaction levels. Additionally, exploring the variety of available policy options can help you find a coverage solution that aligns with your needs.

Doing thorough research and comparing different insurers can make a significant difference. This process not only aids in buying life insurance policies that offer comprehensive coverage but also in finding a provider capable of supporting your long-term financial security.

See MoneyGeek’s ranking of the best life insurance companies as well as rankings by policy or buyer type:

The best policy for any person will depend on many factors, so carefully evaluate your individual needs and circumstances.

Where Can You Buy Life Insurance?

Purchasing life insurance is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. There are several avenues to explore:

  • Insurance agents: Licensed professionals who can guide you through the process, tailoring a policy to your specific needs.
  • Online platforms: Many providers offer online purchasing options for quick comparisons and streamlined applications.
  • Employer-sponsored plans: Some employers offer life insurance as a benefit, often at a reduced cost.
  • Financial advisors: Consulting with a financial advisor can provide insights into how life insurance fits your overall financial plan.
  • Membership organizations: Certain groups and associations offer members access to exclusive life insurance plans.

Choosing Your Life Insurance Beneficiary

Selecting a beneficiary for your life insurance policy is a decision that carries significant implications. It's not just about naming a recipient; it's about leaving a legacy and ensuring the financial protection of those you will leave behind. Here's what you need to know:

  • Primary vs. contingent: Designate a primary beneficiary who will receive the death benefit and a contingent or secondary beneficiary as a backup. The secondary beneficiary gets the benefit if the primary beneficiary predeceases you.

  • Multiple beneficiaries: You can name more than one person and decide how the benefit is divided among them. Consider the methods of distribution that best suit your wishes.

  • Legal considerations: Your choice must comply with state laws, especially if considering a minor as a beneficiary. Minors should consider opening a custodial account or naming a trusted guardian.

  • Regular updates: Life situations change, and so should your beneficiary designations. Regularly review and update them, ensuring your named beneficiaries know when and where to file a claim.

  • Trusts and legal entities: If you have specific requirements for how the funds should be used, creating a trust and naming it your beneficiary ensures your desired outcome.

Riders and Additional Coverage Options

A life insurance rider is an optional policy enhancement that you can add to your life insurance policy for an additional cost, providing extra benefits or coverage. Some popular riders include:

  • Accidental Death Benefit Rider: Provides an additional death benefit if your death is due to an accident.
  • Waiver of Premium Rider: Waives premiums if you become seriously ill or disabled.
  • Accelerated Death Benefit Rider: Allows you to access a portion of your death benefit while still alive if diagnosed with a terminal illness.
  • Child Rider: Provides a death benefit if one of your children dies.
  • Guaranteed Insurability Rider: Allows you to buy additional coverage in the future without evidence of insurability.

Whether you're getting a life insurance policy for the first time or looking to augment existing coverage, understanding the function and benefits of these riders is essential. They provide an added layer of security, ensuring you're well-prepared for a range of eventualities.

FAQ: How to Buy Life Insurance

Buying life insurance can raise many questions, especially for those new to the concept. The following are answers to commonly asked questions, providing insights and tips on buying life insurance to assist you in making informed decisions for your financial security.

How can I get life insurance?
What should I look for when buying life insurance?
Where can I buy life insurance?
How do I determine how much life insurance coverage I need?
What information will I need to apply for life insurance?
How long does the life insurance application and approval process take?
What can I expect during a life insurance medical exam, and why is it important?
What is a life insurance quote, and why should I get multiple quotes?
How can I choose life insurance?
What is no-exam life insurance, and how does the application process differ?
What are life insurance riders, and should I consider adding them to my policy during the buying process?

About Mark Fitzpatrick

Mark Fitzpatrick headshot

Mark Fitzpatrick is a Licensed Property and Casualty Insurance Producer and MoneyGeek's Head of Insurance. He has analyzed the insurance market for over five years, conducting original research and creating personalized content for every kind of buyer. He has been quoted in several insurance-related publications, including CNBC, NBC News and Mashable.

Fitzpatrick earned a master’s degree in economics and international relations from Johns Hopkins University and a bachelor’s degree from Boston College. He is passionate about using his knowledge of economics and insurance to bring transparency around financial topics and help others feel confident in their money moves.