How Much Is Car Insurance in Florida? (July 2024)

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Updated: July 19, 2024

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In Florida, the annual average cost for full car insurance coverage is around $2,011, while the cost for a minimum coverage policy hovers at about $968.

Several factors affect car insurance costs, like your age, level of coverage, location, driving record, and credit history. Keep them in mind when you're shopping for the right car insurance plan.

Why Trust MoneyGeek? We analyzed data and quotes from Quadrant Information Services and the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation and Insurance to get the most precise average costs for a variety of Florida drivers.

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These rates reflect the average cost of car insurance in Florida as of July 2024.

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Average Car Insurance Costs in Florida

The average full coverage car insurance in Florida costs about $2,011 annually. Knowing the average car insurance cost in your state helps you evaluate the rates you get when comparing car. insurance quotes.

Here's what you might pay for auto insurance in Florida. These numbers give you an idea of monthly and yearly costs for minimum or full coverage:

100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.Average Annual Premium$2,011Average Monthly Premium$168
100/300/100 Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$1,506Average Monthly Premium$126
State Minimum Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$968Average Monthly Premium$81

Why Are Car Insurance Rates Moderate in Florida?

In Florida, a full coverage policy with a $1,000 deductible averages around $2,011 annually, or $168 monthly. This is significantly higher than the national average cost of car insurance, which for a similar full coverage policy is about $1,296 per year, or $108 monthly.

Several factors contribute to Florida's higher car insurance rates. It has a high number of uninsured drivers and frequent claims due to severe weather. Additionally, Florida's legal requirements for personal injury protection (PIP) coverage increase the cost. These elements, coupled with a dense population and heavy traffic in urban areas, lead to higher risks for insurers, which translates to more expensive premiums for drivers.

Average Car Insurance Costs in Florida by Company

Car insurance premiums can differ widely from one company to another. In Florida, Travelers offers the most affordable full coverage option at an annual rate of $1,360, while Direct General Insurance sits at the higher end with an average premium of $2,958 annually.

To find the cheapest car insurance in Florida, evaluating different providers to find the best fit for your budget and coverage needs. Ensure you're getting not just affordability but also the value and service you deserve.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:Full Coverage
Age Group:
Age Group:30-59
TravelersAnnual Premium$1,360Monthly Premium$113
State FarmAnnual Premium$1,381Monthly Premium$115
GEICOAnnual Premium$1,584Monthly Premium$132
NationwideAnnual Premium$1,885Monthly Premium$157
ProgressiveAnnual Premium$1,952Monthly Premium$163
MercuryAnnual Premium$2,044Monthly Premium$170
AllstateAnnual Premium$2,155Monthly Premium$180
FarmersAnnual Premium$2,785Monthly Premium$232
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Average Car Insurance Costs in Florida by Coverage Level

The cost of car insurance in Florida is also influenced by the level of coverage you select. Monthly costs for minimum coverage average at about $81, whereas you can expect to pay around $168 for full coverage. Despite the higher cost, it's often recommended to opt for full coverage for greater financial protection in the event of an accident. Learn more about full coverage insurance and why it might be the right choice for you.

By adding comprehensive and collision coverages, your premium will increase, yet you can manage this expense by selecting higher deductibles. Remember, the deductible—$1,000 for full coverage—applies to each comprehensive and collision claim you make. This approach can make your insurance more affordable while maintaining a high level of protection.

State Minimum Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$968Average Monthly Premium$81
State Minimum Liability w/ Full Cov. w/$1,500 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,462Average Monthly Premium$122
State Minimum Liability w/ Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,474Average Monthly Premium$123
100/300/100 Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$1,506Average Monthly Premium$126
State Minimum Liability w/ Full Cov. w/$500 Ded.Average Annual Premium$1,561Average Monthly Premium$130
300/500/300 Liability OnlyAverage Annual Premium$1,751Average Monthly Premium$146
100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,500 Ded.Average Annual Premium$2,000Average Monthly Premium$167
100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.Average Annual Premium$2,011Average Monthly Premium$168

Minimum Car Insurance Requirements in Florida

In Florida, the minimum car insurance requirements include $10,000 for Property Damage Liability (PD) and $10,000 for Personal Injury Protection (PIP).

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    $10,000 for property damage liability per accident

    In Florida, drivers must carry a minimum of $10,000 in property damage liability to cover damages caused to another person's property.

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    $10,000 personal injury protection (PIP) per person

    Florida is a no-fault state, requiring drivers to have at least $10,000 in PIP coverage to pay for their own medical expenses after an accident.

Average Car Insurance Costs in Florida by City

Your car insurance premiums vary greatly by your specific location in Florida. For the same full coverage, Gainesville offers the cheapest at $1,367, while Hialeah is the most expensive at $2,579.

Several factors influence car insurance costs in Florida, including local traffic conditions, crime rates in the area and the likelihood of natural disasters such as hurricanes and flooding. Your personal driving history and the type of car you drive also play a role in determining your rates.

BrandonFull Coverage Annual Premium$2,154Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$1,053
Cape CoralFull Coverage Annual Premium$1,496Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$744
ClearwaterFull Coverage Annual Premium$1,848Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$897
Coral SpringsFull Coverage Annual Premium$2,141Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$1,056
DavieFull Coverage Annual Premium$2,071Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$996
Fort LauderdaleFull Coverage Annual Premium$2,104Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$1,003
GainesvilleFull Coverage Annual Premium$1,367Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$661
HialeahFull Coverage Annual Premium$2,579Minimum Coverage Annual Premium$1,378

Average Car Insurance Costs in Florida by Age

Age significantly impacts car insurance costs in Florida. Younger drivers, particularly those in their early 20s, typically face the highest insurance rates at $2,496 per year.

As drivers mature, premiums generally decrease due to the perceived lower risk associated with experienced drivers. Consequently, drivers above 60 generally benefit from the most affordable rates, with those in the age brackets of 30 to 59 enjoying lower premiums than their younger counterparts. This trend reflects insurers' assessment of risk, which often results in older, more experienced drivers benefiting from more affordable car insurance rates.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.
22-29Average Annual Premium$2,496Average Monthly Premium$208
30-59Average Annual Premium$2,011Average Monthly Premium$168
60 +Average Annual Premium$1,980Average Monthly Premium$165

Average Car Insurance Costs in Florida for Teens

In Florida, age and gender determine car insurance rates. A 16-year-old male driver added to a family policy averages an annual cost of $5,673, one of the highest premiums among all age groups.

It is typically illegal for teenagers under the age of 18 to secure car insurance independently without a parent or guardian's co-signature. If a 16-year-old boy opts for an individual policy, the premium skyrockets to $10,916.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
16Added to Family Policy Premium$5,673Individual Premium$10,916
17Added to Family Policy Premium$5,633Individual Premium$9,460
18Added to Family Policy Premium$4,844Individual Premium$7,918
19Added to Family Policy Premium$4,638Individual Premium$5,260
20Added to Family Policy Premium$4,785Individual Premium$4,716
21Added to Family Policy Premium$3,793Individual Premium$3,707
22Added to Family Policy Premium$3,843Individual Premium$3,340
23Added to Family Policy Premium$3,976Individual Premium$3,080

Average Car Insurance Costs in Florida for New Cars

The average annual cost for full coverage car insurance on a 2012 model is $1,538, while a 2022 model averages at $1,670. This increase stems from the higher actual cash value of newer vehicles, along with rising repair costs and the potential for greater theft risk, all contributing to a heftier insurance premium.

Drivers of newer models should invest in comprehensive and collision coverage. These plans not only cover damages from accidents but also protect against non-collision-related incidents, such as theft, vandalism and natural disasters, ensuring a broader safety net.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:Full Coverage
Age Group:
Age Group:30-59
2012 VehicleAnnual Premium$1,538Monthly Premium$128
2022 VehicleAnnual Premium$1,670Monthly Premium$139
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The actual cash value (ACV) of your vehicle is your vehicle’s market value minus depreciation. If your insured vehicle is damaged or totaled, the ACV represents the maximum amount you can receive from your comprehensive or collision claim, ensuring you get a fair settlement to either repair or replace your vehicle within the constraints of its assessed worth.

Average Car Insurance Costs in Florida by Driving Record

Car insurance costs in Florida change based on your driving history:

  • With a ticket: $2,582 per year; $215 per month
  • With an at-fault accident: $3,182 per year; $265 per month
  • With a DUI: $2,923 per year; $244 per month

If you have a violation, it will usually make your insurance cost more. This extra cost persists as long as the violation is on your driving record, and the duration varies per state. In Florida, a DUI can remain on your driving record for up to 75 years. While a DUI generally results in the highest insurance costs, occasionally, other violations can end up costing Floridian drivers more, based on specific insurance company policies and state regulations.

The table shows what you might pay for different types of car insurance based on driving record by coverage and age.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:100/300/100 Full Cov. w/$1,000 Ded.
Age Group:
Age Group:30-59
CleanAverage Annual Premium$2,011Average Monthly Premium$168
TicketAverage Annual Premium$2,582Average Monthly Premium$215
DUIAverage Annual Premium$2,923Average Monthly Premium$244
At-fault AccidentAverage Annual Premium$3,182Average Monthly Premium$265

Average Car Insurance Costs in Florida by Credit Score

The average cost of car insurance in Florida can vary significantly based on credit score, ranging from $1,352 annually for an excellent score to $2,804 for a poor score. Your credit score directly affects your car insurance rates in Florida. A good credit score falls between 670 and 739. Better credit often means more affordable car insurance premiums.

Data filtered by:Results filtered by:
Coverage:100/300/100 w/ $1000 Deductible
Age Group:
Age Group:30-59
ExcellentAnnual Premium$1,352Monthly Premium$113
GoodAnnual Premium$1,632Monthly Premium$136
FairAnnual Premium$1,993Monthly Premium$166
Below FairAnnual Premium$2,304Monthly Premium$192
PoorAnnual Premium$2,804Monthly Premium$234
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Factors Affecting Car Insurance Rates in Florida

Many factors determine the cost you'll pay for car insurance in Texas. Here are the most common:

Driving History – A clean driving record in Florida can lead to more affordable car insurance rates because it signifies to insurers you are a lower risk.

Age and Experience – Younger, less experienced drivers typically see higher rates, while those with more years behind the wheel in Florida enjoy lower premiums.

Location – Living in urban areas with higher traffic and theft rates can increase car insurance costs compared with rural areas in Florida.

Type of Car – Insuring a car that is expensive to repair or a common target for theft can push up insurance rates in Florida.

Credit Score – A good credit score can significantly reduce car insurance rates because it suggests financial responsibility to insurers.

Coverage Level – Opting for state minimum coverage can lead to cheaper rates, but for better protection, collision insurance and comprehensive insurance might be wise choices in Florida.

Claims History – A history of claims can indicate a higher risk to insurers, thus potentially increasing your car insurance rates in Florida.

Driving Activity – The more you drive, the higher the chance of an accident, leading insurers to possibly charge more for car insurance in Florida.

Discounts – Taking advantage of available discounts for things like bundling policies or safe driving can lead to more affordable rates in Florida.

Marital Status – Being married can sometimes result in lower car insurance rates because married couples are often viewed by insurers as more stable and risk-averse.

Compare car insurance quotes to find a policy that matches your driving needs and fits your budget. You could miss potential savings by not exploring your options.

How to Save Money on Car Insurance in Florida

To secure affordable car insurance in Florida, compare rates, increase your deductible and utilize all eligible discounts.

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    Shop Around

    Comparing quotes can lead to finding the cheapest car insurance in Florida. Prices vary by company, so review multiple offers.

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    Maintain a Clean Driving Record

    A clean driving record can significantly reduce premiums. Avoid violations and accidents to keep your rates affordable.

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    Consider Higher Deductibles

    Opting for higher deductibles may lower your premiums. Ensure you can afford the deductible in case of a claim.

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    Bundle Policies

    Bundling auto with other insurance policies like homeowners can unlock discounts and lead to more affordable rates.

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    Seek Out Discounts

    Discounts for safe driving, multiple cars or being a good student can help reduce your car insurance costs.

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    Drive a Car with Safety Features

    Vehicles equipped with safety features may qualify for lower insurance rates due to decreased accident risk.

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    Review Coverage Annually

    Regularly review your policy and adjust coverage as needed. This ensures you're not overpaying for insurance you don't require.

FAQ: Car Insurance Costs in Florida

Get answers about what impacts the average cost of car insurance in Texas and how to find affordable rates.

What are the minimum car insurance requirements in Florida?
What is the average cost of full coverage and minimum coverage auto insurance in Florida?
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 22-year-old in Florida?
What are the cheapest car insurance companies in Florida?

About Mark Fitzpatrick

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Mark Fitzpatrick has analyzed the property and casualty insurance market for over five years, conducting original research and creating personalized content for every kind of buyer. Currently, he leads P&C insurance content production at MoneyGeek. Fitzpatrick has been quoted in several insurance-related publications, including CNBC, NBC News and Mashable.

Fitzpatrick earned a master’s degree in economics and international relations from Johns Hopkins University and a bachelor’s degree from Boston College. He is passionate about using his knowledge of economics and insurance to bring transparency around financial topics and help others feel confident in their money moves.