5 Personal Loan Fees You Should Know About

Updated: February 14, 2024

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Personal loans are a form of credit that individuals can use for various purposes, such as consolidating debt, funding home renovations or covering unexpected expenses. These are attractive for their flexibility and straightforward terms. However, it’s important to keep in mind that personal loans may come with extra fees that impact their total cost.

Some of the common fees associated with personal loans include interest, origination fees, application fees, late fees and prepayment penalties. Being aware of these fees before applying for a personal loan helps in making a financially sound decision.

What Are the Personal Loan Fees to Watch Out For?

Personal loans may come with various fees, which can substantially impact the overall cost of borrowing. It's crucial for borrowers to be aware of these charges before applying for a personal loan, as they play a significant role in determining the loan's affordability and suitability for their financial situation.


The interest rate on a personal loan is essentially the monetary charge for borrowing a lump sum of money. It's a percentage of the principal amount and varies based on factors like the borrower's creditworthiness and the loan's terms.

Interest rates on loans can be calculated in two main ways:

  • Simple Interest: This method calculates interest solely on the principal amount. It's straightforward, with interest accumulating linearly over time, making it easier for borrowers to predict and understand their total repayment amount.

  • Compound Interest: In this approach, interest is calculated on the principal and the accumulated interest over previous periods. This can lead to higher total costs, as interest compounds over time, making it crucial for borrowers to consider the long-term implications.

Higher credit scores often lead to lower interest rates, reflecting the lower risk associated with lending to creditworthy borrowers. The loan duration also influences rates, with longer terms potentially attracting higher interest to offset the lender's prolonged risk exposure.

Origination Fee

An origination fee in personal loans is a one-time upfront payment that lenders charge for the work involved in preparing and providing the loan. It's typically calculated as a percentage of the total loan amount. Borrowers should note that this fee can either be deducted directly from the loan amount they receive or added to the total cost of the loan, affecting the overall repayment amount.

The average range for origination fees usually falls between 1% to 8% of the loan amount. For instance, on a $10,000 loan, an origination fee of 3% would amount to $300. This cost could either reduce the funds received to $9,700 or increase the total repayment amount if rolled into the loan.

Because origination fees can significantly impact the total cost of borrowing, it's crucial for borrowers to factor them in while comparing loan offers to ensure they're getting a fair deal and to understand the full financial implications of the loan.

Application Fee

An application fee in personal loans is a one-time charge paid upfront when submitting a loan application. This fee covers the costs associated with processing the application. It's important for borrowers to be aware that this fee is usually non-refundable, even if the loan application is ultimately denied. This means that applicants pay the fee regardless of the outcome of their loan request.

Given that application fees are not a standard practice across all lenders, they can vary. Some may charge a flat-rate cost, which should be fully disclosed to inform the borrowers of the upfront costs of their loan application. In some cases, these fees may be included in the total cost of the loan's origination fee, which is a broader charge encompassing various administrative expenses.

Late Fee

A late fee in personal loans is a charge applied for missing or delaying a loan payment. It can be structured in different ways, either as a flat fee or a percentage of the outstanding loan balance. While the structure and amount of this fee vary, it typically ranges from $25 to $50 or a small percentage of the overdue payment.

Keep in mind that paying a loan late has consequences beyond the late fee itself. Lenders may report late payments to credit bureaus, which can negatively affect your credit score. This can lead to challenges in securing future loans or obtaining favorable interest rates. A damaged credit score reflects a higher risk to lenders, which can impact your financial health long-term.

Ultimately, timely repayments not only help avoid late fees but also protect your credit score. For borrowers, maintaining a good repayment history is key to ensuring financial stability and access to favorable loan terms in the future.

Prepayment Penalty

A prepayment penalty in personal loans is a fee that lenders charge if a borrower pays off their loan before the end of the agreed term. This fee is designed to compensate lenders for the interest they lose when a loan is paid off early.

The structure of prepayment penalties varies. They can be calculated as a percentage of the remaining loan balance or as a flat fee. However, some lenders may offer loans without prepayment penalties, providing more flexibility for borrowers who foresee the potential to pay off their loan early.

When considering a personal loan, it's essential to understand the lender’s policy on prepayment penalties. Borrowers who anticipate the possibility of early repayment should look for loan options without these penalties to avoid extra costs.

How to Compare Personal Loan Fees Across Lenders?

Comparing personal loan fees across multiple lenders is a critical step before applying for a loan. This process ensures that borrowers find the most cost-effective option, avoiding unnecessary expenses. By thoroughly evaluating various loan offers, borrowers can identify the most financially beneficial terms and fees, making their loan more manageable and suited to their financial situation.

To effectively compare personal loan fees, consider following this systematic approach:

Gather Information

Start by collecting information on the various fees charged by different lenders. This includes origination fees, application fees, late payment fees, prepayment penalties and any other additional charges.

Compare APRs

The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a crucial tool for comparison as it reflects the total cost of the loan including interest and fees. Look at the APR of each loan option to understand how much you'll be paying annually. A lower APR typically indicates fewer fees and lower overall borrowing costs.

Read Loan Estimates

Lenders are required to provide a loan estimate, which details the terms of the loan including fees, interest rates and other costs. Review these estimates carefully for each lender.

Look for Transparency

Choose lenders who are transparent about their fees. Avoid lenders who are not forthcoming with this information or who include hidden fees.

Consider Long Term Goals

Evaluate how the fees will affect the total cost of the loan over its entire term. Some loans might have lower upfront fees but higher long-term costs. It's important to consider how these fees will impact your finances in the long run.

Use Online Tools

Leverage online loan comparison tools and calculators. These tools can help you input different loan terms and fees to see how they would affect your overall costs. They provide a clear, side-by-side comparison of different loan options.

Taking the time to compare personal loan fees across multiple lenders can lead to substantial savings and a more favorable loan experience. By following these steps, borrowers can make informed decisions that align with their financial goals and capabilities.

How to Avoid Personal Loan Fees?

Navigating personal loan fees can be tricky, but with the right strategies, borrowers can minimize or even avoid these additional costs. Here are some essential tips to consider:

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    Shop Around for Lenders

    Compare different lenders to find the best terms and lowest fees. Look beyond just the interest rates; examine all associated fees like origination and application charges. Some lenders may offer personal loans with no origination fees or lower rates for borrowers with good credit, so thorough research can lead to significant savings.

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    Improve Your Credit Score

    A higher credit score can qualify you for loans with better terms and lower fees. Regularly check your credit report for errors, reduce your debt-to-income ratio and pay bills on time. Improving your credit score is a gradual process, but it can lead to substantial long-term savings on loan fees.

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    Read the Fine Print

    Before committing to a loan, carefully review the loan agreement for hidden fees. Understand all the charges you're agreeing to before signing. A careful review can prevent costly surprises during the loan term.

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    Negotiate Terms With Lenders

    Don't shy away from negotiating loan terms. Lenders may be willing to adjust fees, especially for borrowers with a solid credit history or those bringing substantial business. Effective negotiation can reduce or even eliminate certain fees.

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    Set Up Autopay

    Enrolling in automatic payments can help avoid late fees and some lenders may even offer a discount on the interest rate for using autopay. It ensures timely payments, maintaining your credit score and avoiding unnecessary extra charges.

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    Only Borrow What You Need

    Borrowing more than necessary can lead to higher fees and interest payments. Carefully assess your financial needs and borrow only the amount required to meet your goals. This approach not only keeps fees lower but also simplifies the repayment process.

By following these tips, borrowers can save money and ensure their loan terms are as favorable as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Loan Fees

Understanding personal loan fees can be complex and many borrowers have questions about these charges. To help clarify these concerns, MoneyGeek compiled a list of frequently asked questions about personal loan fees.

Does a lower interest rate mean lower overall loan fees?
Are there hidden fees in personal loans?
Do all personal loans have origination fees?
Are application fees common in personal loans?
What are grace periods, and do they help in avoiding late payment fees?
Can I negotiate the fees on my personal loan?
How can I avoid paying too many fees on a personal loan?

About Christopher Boston

Christopher Boston headshot

Christopher (Croix) Boston was the Head of Loans content at MoneyGeek, with over five years of experience researching higher education, mortgage and personal loans.

Boston has a bachelor's degree from the Seattle Pacific University. They pride themselves in using their skills and experience to create quality content that helps people save and spend efficiently.

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The content on this page is accurate as of the posting/last updated date; however, some of the rates mentioned may have changed. We recommend visiting the lender's website for the most up-to-date information available.

Editorial Disclosure: Opinions, reviews, analyses and recommendations are the author’s alone and have not been reviewed, endorsed or approved by any bank, lender or other entity. Learn more about our editorial policies and expert editorial team.