What's the Best Age to Get Life Insurance?

Updated: October 3, 2024

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The best age to buy life insurance is an important decision that may affect your financial future, but there's no single answer regarding the right time to purchase a policy. It may vary per person as situations and needs differ. If the monthly premium is manageable within your budget, your 20s are an optimal time to secure affordable life insurance coverage. If you have a spouse and children who depend on your financial support, your coverage requirements will likely surpass those of someone single and without children.

Generally, your age impacts the cost and the benefits you receive. Considering the different types of life insurance, your life stage and other factors that may influence the policy can help you decide whether you should get life insurance. Making the right choice ensures you have the appropriate coverage when needed at a price that fits your budget and circumstances.

Key Takeaways

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Age affects the cost and availability of life insurance, with younger individuals typically receiving lower premiums. However, the best age to get life insurance can vary based on your needs and circumstances.

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Life insurance ensures financial security for beneficiaries, covering essential expenses such as debts and living costs in the event of the policyholder's death.

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Taking life stages into account, such as starting a family, buying a home or planning for retirement, can help you select appropriate life insurance.

When to Buy Life Insurance

Age significantly influences life insurance premiums and the selection of an appropriate coverage plan. It not only affects premiums but can also help determine which coverage type might be suitable for you.

For instance, exploring the term life insurance rates chart or whole life insurance rates chart can provide insights into how premiums may vary with age. Additionally, recognizing the age limit for life insurance and navigating through life insurance age brackets ensures you make an informed decision that best suits your life stage and financial objectives. Buying life insurance at the right age can also lead to substantial savings.

Life Insurance While Young (20s to 30s)

In your 20s and 30s, life insurance premiums are often at their lowest. Selecting the right policy involves considering future family needs, potential health changes and long-term financial goals. With its lower premiums and flexible terms, term life insurance is commonly chosen by young adults.

Securing life insurance in your 20s or 30s can be a proactive step towards safeguarding your financial future while benefiting from lower premiums and establishing a safety net for unforeseen circumstances.

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  • Lower premiums
  • Flexible coverage options
  • Opportunity to lock in rates early
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  • May require a new policy after the term ends
  • No cash value accumulation

Whether you're considering a minimum life insurance policy in your 20s or expanding coverage as your responsibilities grow into your 30s, getting an early start facilitates more affordable premiums and comprehensive coverage. Remember that the best time to buy life insurance is when it aligns with your personal and financial milestones.

Life Insurance in Your 40s to 50s

Increased financial responsibilities often characterize our 40s and 50s. Selecting the right policy during this stage involves carefully balancing coverage and premiums. With its lifelong coverage and investment components, permanent life insurance may be more suitable at this stage.

Checking whole life insurance rates by age chart and universal life insurance rates by age chart can help understand these policies’ long-term value and cost. As these charts demonstrate, investing in permanent life insurance can offer both a safety net and a potential financial asset for the future. Additionally, they can help determine the best life insurance for 40-year-olds or the best life insurance for 50-year-olds.

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  • Lifelong coverage
  • Potential for cash value growth
  • Alignment with estate planning
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  • Higher premiums
  • Requires careful consideration for investment components

Whether you're considering a term or permanent plan, leverage the best life insurance rates by age to ensure sufficient coverage without overspending. Find a policy that provides protection to your loved ones and serves as a cornerstone of a well-rounded financial strategy.

Life Insurance Over 60

Life insurance over 60 requires a nuanced approach, considering factors like health, financial needs and estate planning. Options may become limited, and premiums might be higher. However, specific policies like guaranteed issue life insurance can provide essential coverage.

Guaranteed Issue life insurance is a policy type that doesn't require a medical exam and often has a simplified application process. While it may come with higher premiums and lower coverage amounts, it offers an opportunity for consumers who might otherwise have difficulty obtaining life insurance due to health issues.

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  • Availability of specialized policies like Guaranteed Issue
  • Alignment with estate planning and final expenses
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  • Limited options
  • Higher premiums
  • Potential for reduced coverage

For individuals over 60, obtaining life insurance requires careful consideration of various factors, including existing health conditions and financial objectives. While the options may be more limited and premiums higher, securing the right coverage can safeguard your legacy and provide financial support for those left behind.


The minimum age for life insurance varies by policy and provider. Juvenile policies typically start as early as a few days old. Coverage options for adults are generally more diverse and have more favorable premiums.   Insurers typically also set an age limit for life insurance to define the maximum age at which an individual can initiate a policy. This limit varies depending on the type of insurance and the insurer, typically ranging between 75 and 85 years old.

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Getting life insurance while young often leads to better and cheaper rates, capitalizing on good health and long-term planning. However, it's essential to consider your unique financial situation, life stage and future needs. Consulting with a professional may help tailor a policy that fits your individual circumstances, ensuring that you have the right coverage at the right time.

The Purpose of Life Insurance

Although life insurance is mainly used as a financial safety net to support loved ones after the policyholder dies, there are other ways a policy can help.

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    Financial Support

    It can provide financial stability to your loved ones after you pass away, ensuring they can maintain their standard of living.

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    Replacing Lost Income

    If you're a primary earner, life insurance can replace your income, helping your family meet financial obligations.

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    Paying Off Debts

    It can help settle outstanding debts like mortgages or loans, preventing financial strain on the family.

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    Children's Education

    Depending on the policy, life insurance can contribute to children's education by ensuring that funds are available for schooling, college or specialized training.

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    Long-term Financial Goals

    It can support other long-term financial goals, such as retirement planning or investment growth.

Types of Life Insurance

Life insurance policies cater to a wide array of needs and financial situations. From providing temporary coverage to building lifelong financial security, understanding the different types of life insurance is key to making an informed decision that aligns with your goals and budget. Here's a closer look at the two main types:

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    Term Life Insurance

    This type of insurance provides coverage for a specific period, usually 10–30 years. The beneficiaries receive the death benefit if the insured passes away within this term. Term life insurance is often more affordable, making it an attractive option for young families or those on a budget. It allows for substantial coverage at a lower cost, especially when the need for financial protection is highest.

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    Permanent Life Insurance

    Unlike term life, permanent life insurance offers lifelong coverage as long as the policyholder pays the premiums. It includes additional investment components, allowing the cash value of the policy to grow over time. While it's generally more expensive than term life, permanent life insurance can be valuable in an estate planning strategy or long-term financial planning. It provides death benefits and opportunities for savings and investment growth.

The choice between term and permanent life insurance should consider several factors, such as the age limit for life insurance policies and the cost of life insurance by age bracket. For instance, reviewing a term life insurance rates chart and a whole life insurance rates chart helps compare each option’s cost differences and benefits. Looking into universal life insurance by age chart can offer insights into flexible, lifelong coverage options.

Life Stages to Consider When Buying Life Insurance

Aside from age, your life stage and personal situations play a significant role in determining the type and amount of life insurance that's right for you. That's because your life insurance needs may evolve as your situation changes. Understanding different scenarios and how they can influence your life insurance requirements can help you determine the right policy that aligns with your current needs and future goals.

When You Get Married

Marriage often brings shared financial responsibilities and dreams. Selecting the right life insurance policy ensures that your spouse remains financially secure, considering factors such as joint debts, income replacement and future family planning. Life insurance for couples is about building a financial foundation that supports both partners, assuring that the surviving spouse will have the resources to continue their life journey.

When You Become a Parent

Becoming a parent adds a new dimension to financial responsibilities, including education, childcare and long-term planning for your children's future. The right life insurance policy provides a financial cushion, ensuring children's needs are met even in your absence. It's a way to safeguard their future, providing resources for education, extracurricular activities and overall well-being, regardless of unforeseen circumstances.

When You Start a Business

Starting or owning a business introduces unique financial considerations. Business owners must consider how their absence would impact the company, employees and partners. The right life insurance policy can cover business debts, protect partners through buy-sell agreements and ensure business continuity. It can be a strategic tool that supports the business's financial stability, providing a safety net for what may be one of your most significant assets.

When You Take on Debt

Taking on significant debt, such as a mortgage or large loan, requires careful consideration of how to pay it if something happens to you. The right life insurance policy covers these debts, protects family assets and prevents financial strain on loved ones. Whether it's a home, car or business loan, having life insurance ensures that debts won't burden your loved ones.

Other Factors Affecting Life Insurance Costs

Aside from determining the best age to get life insurance, there are other important considerations when shopping for a policy. Cost is one of them.

Several factors affect the cost of life insurance. Understanding these when choosing a life insurance policy can also help you decide on the best option for your needs and circumstances. Here are some of the key factors that insurance companies check when evaluating life insurance applications:

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    Age is a fundamental factor in determining life insurance premiums. Younger individuals often receive lower premiums, as they are typically lower risk. As age increases, premiums tend to rise, reflecting the higher perceived risk associated with age-related health concerns.

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    Overall Health

    Healthier individuals often receive lower premiums since they are lower risk to insure. Regular check-ups, a healthy lifestyle and the absence of chronic conditions can lead to more favorable rates, reflecting the lower likelihood of health-related issues.

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    Job and Lifestyle

    Engaging in high-risk jobs or hobbies can increase premiums. Occupations involving heavy machinery, hazardous materials or extreme sports hobbies might lead to higher costs, as they increase the perceived risk to the insurer.

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    Type of Policy

    The choice between term or permanent policies significantly influences costs. With their temporary coverage, term policies are generally more affordable, while permanent policies offer lifelong coverage and investment components, leading to higher premiums.

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    Coverage Limit

    The amount of coverage you choose impacts your premiums. Higher coverage limits provide more substantial death benefits but lead to higher premiums. It's a balance between the financial protection needed and the budget considerations.

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    Where you live can influence insurance regulations and costs. Different states may have varying regulations, consumer protections and competitive landscapes, all of which can affect the pricing and availability of life insurance policies.

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The cost of life insurance varies significantly based on these factors. For instance, a healthy individual seeking a 10-year term life insurance policy with a coverage of $250,000 will find premiums differ notably by age. The average cost of life insurance at 30 is approximately $16 per month. In contrast, the average cost of life insurance at 40 rises to about $23 per month.

FAQ: Best Age for Getting Life Insurance

Understanding the best age to get life insurance is often accompanied by several questions. Here are answers to some common queries to help you better understand how life insurance works.

Who should get life insurance?
When should you get life insurance?
Can I change my life insurance policy later?
Where can I get life insurance?
When is life insurance necessary?
Is life insurance necessary if I'm single and have no dependents?
What factors affect life insurance premiums?
Does life insurance get more expensive as you get older?
Do whole life insurance premiums increase with age?
Do term life insurance premiums increase with age?
Should I get life insurance in my 30s?
Do I need term life insurance after 60?
Should I have life insurance at 25?
How old do you have to be to have life insurance?
How long do you have to have life insurance before you die?

About Melissa Wylie

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Melissa Wylie is the Content and SEO Manager at MoneyGeek, with nearly a decade of editorial experience and six years of work in financial content focused on small businesses. She previously held SEO positions at Bankrate and LendingTree, with bylines on ValuePenguin and MagnifyMoney.

Wylie has a journalism degree from the University of North Texas. Her strong foundation in journalism helps her craft content that simplifies complex financial topics to help everyone feel confident when making decisions with their money.