VA Home Loan Requirements

Updated: October 25, 2023

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VA home loans open the door to homeownership for many veterans and service members. Unlike traditional loans, these come with no down payment, competitive interest rates and no need for private mortgage insurance. That translates to lower upfront costs and monthly payments, making homeownership more attainable. Understanding the VA home loan requirements helps simplify the path to securing a home purchase. We provided a roadmap of these requirements, ensuring you are well-equipped to take advantage of this beneficial home financing option.

What Are VA Home Loans and How Do They Work?

A VA home loan, specifically designed for veterans and service members, stands out from traditional mortgage loans in several ways. First, they don't require a down payment, which means you can become a homeowner without having to pay a large sum of money upfront. VA home loans also have more lenient credit requirements, making it easier to qualify even if your credit history isn't perfect. The loan terms are favorable, too, with competitive interest rates that can save you a significant amount over time.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which backs a portion of the loans, is behind these advantages. Its guarantee makes lenders feel secure, reducing their risk in case of loan default. However, it's not the VA that originates the loan — VA-approved lenders who provide the financing. This backing from the VA allows them to offer better terms, but these lenders also set their own requirements, which can affect the specifics of the loan you're offered.

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VA home loan limits affect the amount you can borrow without a down payment. These limits are set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) based on local housing costs. For first-time buyers with full entitlement, which means they haven't used a VA loan before or have fully restored their entitlement, there are no loan limits on loans over $144,000. If your home costs more than $144,000, the VA guarantees 25% of the county loan limit to the lender, with the lowest county limit being $726,200 as of 2023. We recommend consulting a VA-approved lender to get a better idea of how VA home loan limits apply to your situation, especially if you're a subsequent borrower or have reduced entitlement.

VA Loan Eligibility Requirements

Securing a home loan begins with determining your eligibility. For a VA loan, it encompasses two main areas — borrower eligibility and property eligibility. The former checks if you, as a service member, veteran or qualifying spouse, meet the criteria set by the VA. The latter ensures the home you wish to buy qualifies for the loan. Both are crucial, creating a solid foundation as you enter the VA home loan process.

Who Qualifies for a VA Loan?

VA loans are a fantastic resource for those who have served our country. The eligibility for these loans extends to veterans, active-duty service members and certain National Guard and Reserves members. Each group has specific service requirements to meet. Here's how it breaks down for veterans:

  • Wartime Service: If you served during wartime, a minimum of 90 consecutive days of service is required.
  • Peacetime Service: During peacetime, the requirement extends to at least 181 consecutive days of service.

Active-duty members become eligible after about 90 continuous days of service. National Guard and Reserve members require six years of service or fewer if called to active duty.

Other factors come into play, including service commitment, duty status and character of service. Each contributes to your eligibility, painting a picture of your service history. Surviving spouses of veterans who died in service or from service-connected issues also have a route to eligibility, extending the benefits of VA loans to families.

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The Certificate of Eligibility (COE) shows lenders you meet the VA's requirements for a home loan. Getting a COE is your first action step toward securing a VA home loan. All it takes is gathering your personal details and information about your service history and completing one of the following:

Online Application: Apply online through the eBenefits portal on the VA website. Mail: Fill out a VA Form 26-1880 and mail it to the VA. VA-Approved Lender: Reach out to a VA-approved lender who can help you obtain a COE.

Each step gets you closer to securing a VA home loan. Whether you choose to apply online, by mail or through a lender, having the right information on hand can streamline the process.

Property Eligibility

The VA is meticulous about who qualifies for a VA home loan and the properties you choose. It ensures that you invest in a home that's safe, sound and holds value. Here's a closer look at VA home loan property requirements:

Primary Residence:

The home you purchase must be your primary residence. You're required to move in within a reasonable time, typically 60 days after closing.

Minimum Property Requirements (MPRs):
  • Safe and sound conditions ensuring basic livable conditions.
  • Adequate roofing, free from leaks.
  • Accessible from a public or private street.
  • Sufficient space for living, sleeping, cooking and dining.

While VA loans are fantastic for buying, building or refinancing a home, not every property will fit the bill. Investment properties and vacation homes, for instance, are off the table. These don't fulfill the primary residence stipulation, rendering them ineligible. Property inspections play a vital role in determining eligibility. They help unearth any issues that might make it fall short of the VA's standards. It's a way to ensure that your new home won't turn into a money pit for repairs.

VA Loan Lender Requirements

Remember, while the VA insures your home loan, private lenders issue it. This transition from eligibility to meeting lender requirements is a crucial next step in your VA home loan journey. Lender requirements include factors like your credit score, debt-to-income ratio and sometimes even a down payment. Meeting these not only helps you secure the loan but also earns you favorable loan terms.

Credit Score

Credit scores represent your creditworthiness. Lenders consider it to estimate how risky a borrower you might be. While the VA doesn't set a minimum credit score requirement, lenders do have their own benchmarks. However, these tend to be more lenient compared to conventional loan credit requirements. Your credit score not only affects your loan approval but also the interest rates you'll be offered. So, if yours isn't up to par, here are some tips to help you boost it:

  • Check Credit Reports: Obtain free credit reports and check for errors. Rectifying mistakes can have a positive impact on your score.
  • Pay Down Debt: Reducing your debt lowers your credit utilization ratio, which can help improve your credit score.
  • Pay Bills On Time: Your payment history affects your credit score significantly. Consistently paying bills on time will reflect positively.
  • Don't Open New Credit Accounts: Each time you apply for new credit, a hard inquiry is made, which can temporarily lower your score.
  • Keep Old Accounts Open: The length of your credit history matters. Keep your old accounts open to maintain a longer credit history.

Different lenders might have varying credit score requirements. It's beneficial to consult with multiple lenders to understand their specific VA home loan credit requirements and find the best fit for your financial situation. This way, you can secure a VA home loan with terms that work favorably for you.

Debt-to-Income Ratio

Debt-to-Income (DTI) ratio compares the amount of debt you have to your overall income. Lenders use it to gauge your ability to manage monthly payments and repay the borrowed amount. While the VA doesn't have a specified minimum DTI ratio, most lenders look for a DTI ratio of 41% or less. Here's how you can calculate your DTI ratio:

DTI Ratio = (Total Monthly Debt Payments - Gross Monthly Income) x 100

Compared to other loan types, VA home loan requirements are more forgiving regarding DTI ratios. But if you need to improve yours, here are some strategies:

  • Reduce Your Debt: Pay down credit card balances and other loans to lower your total monthly debt payments.
  • Increase Your Income: If possible, find ways to increase your monthly income, which can lower your DTI ratio.
  • Avoid Taking On More Debt: Steer clear of new loans or credit card purchases that could increase your monthly debt payments.
  • Refinance Current Loans: Refinancing loans to lower interest rates can reduce your monthly payments, improving your DTI ratio.
  • Budget Wisely: Create a budget to manage your finances better and allocate more money towards paying down debts.

Consult with a VA-approved lender to gain more insight into how the DTI ratio impacts VA home loan requirements and your loan approval process. They can provide personalized advice based on your financial situation, helping you make well-informed decisions on your path to homeownership.


Income is a significant factor in securing a VA home loan as it demonstrates your ability to repay the loan. The lender, not the VA, sets the VA home loan income requirements. Eligible income can come from employment, self-employment, social security, retirement, alimony and child support, among others.

A unique aspect is the consideration of residual income, which is the amount of money left over each month after all major expenses are paid. It shows the lender that you have a cushion to handle unexpected expenses. If you want to be in a better position to meet the income requirements, consider the following:

  • Maintain Stable Employment: Keeping a steady job demonstrates a reliable income. Aim for at least two years of consistent employment.
  • Increase Your Income: Look for opportunities to increase your income, whether it's through overtime, a second job or other legitimate means.
  • Document All Income Sources: Ensure you have documentation for all your income sources to present to the lender.
  • Consider a Co-Borrower: Having a co-borrower with a solid income can help meet the income requirements.

A VA-approved lender can provide a personalized income assessment. They'll help you understand how it plays into the loan approval process, setting clear expectations and assisting in making your homeownership dreams a reality.

Down Payment

One of the appealing features of VA home loans is its lack of a down payment requirement. However, there might be situations where putting money upfront becomes necessary or beneficial. For instance, if the loan amount exceeds the county loan limit, a down payment could bridge the gap. Additionally, a down payment can reduce the total loan amount, which may yield a lower interest rate and decrease the overall cost of the loan over time. It also results in lower monthly payments, making the loan more manageable.

When contemplating a down payment, evaluate your finances to ensure you have enough savings left for emergencies. It shouldn't be a hurdle but an option that could enhance the terms of your VA home loan.

Alternatives to a VA Loan

Not everyone will meet the eligibility and loan requirements for a VA home loan, and that's okay. There are several loan options available that cater to different needs and circumstances. Understanding these alternatives can open doors to homeownership, even if a VA home loan isn't in the cards for you. Let's explore some of them:

Typical Requirements
Ideal Borrower Profile

Credit scores as low as 500, a down payment of 3.5% with a credit score of 580 or higher, mortgage insurance required.

Borrowers with lower credit scores or limited down payment funds.

No down payment is required, the property must be in a qualified rural area, income limits apply, credit score of at least 640 is recommended for streamlined processing.

Low-to-moderate income borrowers in rural or suburban areas.

Credit scores of 620 or higher, down payment typically between 3% to 20%, private mortgage insurance required with less than 20% down.

Borrowers with strong credit, stable income and the ability to make a down payment.

Evaluating your personal and financial circumstances is crucial in choosing the right loan type that aligns with your homeownership goals. Different loans have varying requirements and benefits, and what works for one person might not work for another.

FAQ About VA Loan Requirements

We've compiled a set of questions and answers to provide more clarity on VA home loan requirements. This can be a resourceful way for borrowers to gather more information and understand the VA home loan process better.

What is a VA home loan and who is it for?
How do VA home loan requirements differ from other types of home loans?
How do I obtain a VA home loan certificate of eligibility?
What types of properties are eligible for a VA home loan?
What are the lender requirements for securing a VA home loan?
Is there a down payment required for a VA home loan?
Are there loan limits on VA home loans, and how are they determined?
Can surviving spouses of veterans apply for a VA home loan?
Are there any inspections required for property eligibility under VA home loan requirements?

About Christopher Boston

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Christopher (Croix) Boston was the Head of Loans content at MoneyGeek, with over five years of experience researching higher education, mortgage and personal loans.

Boston has a bachelor's degree from the Seattle Pacific University. They pride themselves in using their skills and experience to create quality content that helps people save and spend efficiently.
