Unlock Financial Flexibility with VA Loan Refinance Options

Updated: October 26, 2023

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VA refinancing offers a solid pathway for veterans and active-duty service members looking to better their financial footing. It allows you to lower your monthly payments or achieve other financial objectives. The two main types of VA refinancing are the VA Streamline Refinance (IRRRL) and the VA Cash-Out Refinance. Each serves a unique purpose, catering to different needs. With the right information, you’ll know how to refinance a VA loan to help you meet your financial goals.

What Is a VA Loan Refinance?

Refinancing refers to the process of replacing your existing loan with a new one, often to secure more favorable conditions. Many choose to refinance their mortgages to take advantage of lower interest rates, alter their loan terms or consolidate debts.

A VA loan refinance, accessible to veterans and active-duty service members, offers a pathway to financial stability and potentially lower monthly payments. However, you'll need to meet a waiting period of 212 days or make six payments (whichever is longer) after your first payment before you can consider refinancing. Various VA-approved lenders offer VA refinance options, so it's best to look for a lender that could address your refinance needs.

With a VA loan refinance, you can adjust your financial plans to match your current situation or new personal objectives. Whether you're looking to reduce your monthly expenses or manage debt effectively, VA loan refinances can be tailored to meet these needs, ensuring you're on solid financial ground.

Pros and Cons of Refinancing Your VA Loan

Taking a balanced view when considering a VA loan refinance is crucial. Focusing solely on the positives might obscure potential downsides, while only seeing the negatives could prevent you from seizing beneficial opportunities. A balanced approach ensures you're making a well-informed decision that aligns with your financial circumstances and goals. Let's delve into the pros and cons to provide a clearer picture of what to expect when you refinance your VA loan.


  • Lower Monthly Payments: Refinancing at a lower interest rate can significantly reduce your monthly payments, making your finances more manageable.
  • Access to Home Equity: Through a Cash-Out Refinance, you can tap into your home equity and use the funds for various purposes like home improvements or debt consolidation.
  • Improved Loan Terms: You can switch from an adjustable-rate to a fixed-rate mortgage, providing payment stability.
  • Interest Rate Reduction: Especially with an IRRRL, you can secure a lower interest rate, saving money over the life of the loan.
  • Financial Flexibility: Refinancing can provide the flexibility needed to manage unexpected expenses or pursue new financial goals.


  • Closing Costs: Refinancing comes with closing costs, which could be high depending on your lender and loan amount.
  • Longer Loan Term: Refinancing might extend the loan term, meaning you could be making mortgage payments for longer.
  • Loss of Home Equity: In a Cash-Out Refinance, you're borrowing against your home equity, which might not be favorable in a declining market.
  • Additional Debt: Cash-Out Refinance increases your loan amount, which could lead to more debt and higher monthly payments if not managed well.
  • Time-Consuming: The refinancing process can be time-consuming and might require a good amount of paperwork and patience.

Various circumstances may affect the benefits of a VA loan refinance. Future financial plans, current market conditions and your personal financial situation play significant roles in determining whether refinancing is a prudent choice.

VA Refinance Option

Knowing your VA loan refinance options is crucial as it opens doors to better financial possibilities. Otherwise, you might miss out on opportunities to lower your monthly payments or access needed funds. You have two VA refinance options: the Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan (IRRRL or VA Streamline Refinance) and the VA Cash-Out Refinance. Each has distinct features that cater to different financial needs. By understanding and evaluating both options carefully, you'll have a better chance of choosing a path that aligns with your financial goals and enhances your well-being. So, take some time to look into these VA loan refinance options and find what works best for you.

The Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan (VA Streamline Refinance)

The VA Streamline Refinance, officially known as the Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan (IRRRL), lives up to its name by simplifying the refinancing process. It primarily focuses on helping you secure a lower interest rate on your mortgage, which could lead to more affordable monthly payments. There’s less paperwork, which uncomplicates and speeds up the process, making it a good fit for those who find the paperwork of traditional refinancing to be tedious.

A significant advantage of an IRRRL is its potential lack of out-of-pocket costs. All the costs associated with this refinance option can be included in the loan amount, which is a relief for homeowners who might not have the funds to cover these expenses upfront. It ensures homeowners don't have to dig into their savings to complete the refinancing process. An IRRRL also typically has a faster closing time compared to other refinance options, getting you to your financial goal quicker.

An IRRRL is an excellent choice if you want to switch from an adjustable-rate mortgage to a fixed-rate mortgage, providing a predictable monthly payment that won’t change over time. Additionally, if you’re facing financial strain and are looking for ways to reduce your monthly expenses, the VA streamline refinance loan could be a well-suit

The VA Cash-Out Refinance

The VA Cash-Out Refinance is a fantastic option for veterans and active-duty service members who have built up home equity. This refinance option allows you to tap into that equity and convert it into cash, which you could use for various expenses. A VA Cash-Out Refinance often comes with lower interest rates compared to other types of loans, which could lead to lower monthly payments. Additionally, the loan amounts are flexible, giving you a broader range to choose from based on your equity and the value of your home. By utilizing this type of refinance, you'll have the potential to improve your financial situation significantly, leveraging your home equity to meet your needs or achieve your goals.

If you have high-interest debts, like credit card balances, you can use a Cash-Out Refinance to pay them off, replacing them with a lower-interest, single monthly payment. It simplifies your financial obligations and saves you money over time. Additionally, if you're looking to make home improvements, a Cash-Out Refinance can provide the necessary funds to enhance your living space and potentially increase your home’s value. If there are urgent or unexpected expenses such as medical bills, the funds from a Cash-Out Refinance can provide a financial lifeline to help you navigate such challenging times. In each of these situations, the VA cash-out refinance loan can be an excellent tool to improve your financial circumstances.

VA IRRRL vs. VA Cash-Out Refinance

A side-by-side comparison of the VA Streamline Refinance (IRRRL) and VA Cash-Out Refinance can illuminate the unique features and benefits of each, aiding in your decision-making process. Our comparison table below threshes out the details:

Comparison Area
VA Streamline Refinance
VA Cash-Out Refinance


Simplified with less paperwork

More paperwork required


Lower interest rates

Access to home equity


Reduce monthly payments

Various (debt pay-off, home improvements, etc.)

Closing Processes

Faster closing times

Standard closing times

Short-term Implications

Immediate lower payments

Access to cash

You can also consider consulting with financial advisors after comparing both options. They can provide personalized advice, ensuring you choose the right VA loan refinance option that aligns with your financial goals and current situation.

Eligibility for a VA Loan Refinance

Navigating the requirements for a VA loan refinance is essential as they differ from the initial VA loan qualifications. Knowing these makes the refinancing process less overwhelming and puts you in a better position to enjoy the benefits. It's important to have a clear picture of what's needed:

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    Service Requirements

    Your service record is fundamental. Veterans, active-duty service members or certain members of the National Guard or Reserves are typically eligible. Ensure your service status is well-documented to ease the process.

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    Credit Score

    Though the VA doesn’t mandate a particular credit score, many lenders look for a score of 620 or higher. Regularly check your credit report for inaccuracies, and work on improving your score by paying bills on time and reducing debt.

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    Current VA Loan Standing

    Having a good standing on your current VA loan is key. Ensure your payments are up-to-date to present a responsible lending history.

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    Certificate of Eligibility (COE)

    A COE proves to your lender that you meet the service requirements for a VA loan. You can apply online, or your lender can assist you in obtaining one.

A thorough review of your financial situation is vital to ensure refinancing is the right step. Each lender might have specific conditions, like a minimum income level or other debt obligations. So, it is best to explore different lenders to understand their unique requirements.

How to Refinance Your VA Loan

Being aware of the steps needed to refinance your VA loan can allow you to prepare financially and mentally. It allows for better planning and more straightforward interactions with lenders. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to navigate the VA loan refinance process.

Evaluate Your Current Financial Situation

Assess your current mortgage, interest rates and financial standing. Understanding where you stand financially is the foundation of a successful refinancing process.

Determine Your Goals

Are you looking to lower your monthly payments, shorten your loan term or tap into home equity? Defining your goals will guide the refinancing path you choose.

Check Your Eligibility

Confirm your eligibility for a VA loan refinance by reviewing the VA's requirements and ensuring you have a Certificate of Eligibility (COE).

Choose a Refinance Option

Decide between an Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan (VA Streamline Refinance) or a VA Cash-Out Refinance based on your financial goals and current situation.

Shop Around for Lenders

Compare various VA-approved lenders to find the best VA loan refinance rates and terms that suit your needs.

Submit Your Application

Fill out the necessary paperwork with your chosen lender, providing all required documentation.

Home Appraisal

Have your home appraised to determine its current value, especially if you’re going for a Cash-Out Refinance.

Review Loan Terms

Thoroughly review the loan terms, ensuring you understand the new monthly payments, interest rates and any other associated costs.

Close the Loan

Sign the necessary documents to close the loan and set up your new monthly payments.

Embarking on a VA loan refinance journey can initially seem overwhelming. However, understanding the steps involved can help you navigate the process with confidence. Remember, the goal is to secure the refinancing option that aligns well with your financial goals, setting a positive tone for your financial future.

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Preparing your documents in advance can streamline the refinancing process, reducing potential delays and stress. It also conveys your seriousness to lenders, possibly expediting the process. Here's a list of documents you'll likely need to submit to your lender when refinancing your VA loan:

  • Certificate of Eligibility (COE)
  • Recent pay stubs or proof of income
  • W-2 or I-9 tax forms from the past two years
  • Recent mortgage statements
  • Homeowners insurance details
  • List of debts (e.g., car loans, credit card statements)
  • Bank statements
  • Identification (e.g., driver's license or passport)

Organizing these beforehand not only smoothes the journey but also brings you one step closer to successfully refinancing your VA loan, setting a positive precedent for your financial journey.

VA Refinance Costs

Refinancing your VA loan is a strategic move towards better financial terms, but it's not free. Being aware of the costs you may encounter beforehand can prevent surprises and ensure you're financially prepared for the refinancing process. Otherwise, it could lead to unexpected financial strain or even halt the refinancing process midway. Here are some costs you may encounter during this process:

  • Origination Fees: The lender charges these to cover the costs of processing your loan. The fee might vary but is usually about 1% of the loan amount.

  • VA Funding Fee: This fee goes directly to the VA to help cover losses on loans that default. The amount can vary based on the type of refinance, with VA IRRRL generally having a lower funding fee compared to VA Cash-Out Refinance.

  • Appraisal Fee: For VA Cash-Out Refinance, an appraisal is required to determine your home's current value. The fee for this service can vary based on location and the appraiser.

VA loan refinance closing costs can be rolled into the total loan amount, freeing you from immediate financial burden. However, that increases the overall loan balance. Shopping around for lenders that offer lower origination fees or better interest rates can help you minimize your refinance costs. Review the loan estimate thoroughly to understand all the costs involved. Ask your lender about any item you don't understand.

Tips for Refinancing Your VA Loan

To maximize the benefits of a VA loan refinance, it's essential to have a set of strategies up your sleeve. Here are some you can consider:

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    Consider the Timing

    Assess your personal and financial situation to determine the right time to refinance. For instance, refinancing may not be the best option if you plan on moving soon.

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    Stay Informed on Interest Rates

    Keep a close eye on current refinance rate trends. Refinancing when rates are low can lead to significant savings over the life of the loan.

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    Consult with a VA Loan Specialist

    A specialist can provide tailored advice on how to refinance a VA loan, helping you understand the nuances of refinancing and guiding you through the process.

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    Avoid Adding on Extra Costs

    Be cautious of adding additional costs to your loan, like optional insurance, as it will increase your overall loan amount.

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    Seek Financial Counseling

    Engage in financial counseling to understand the long-term implications of refinancing and to ensure it aligns with your financial goals.

Refinancing your VA loan is a significant financial move. These strategies can serve as a strong foundation to ensure you're on the right track, allowing you to optimize your finances for a better tomorrow.

Frequently Asked Questions About Refinancing Your VA Loan

Navigating the process of refinancing your VA loan can result in many questions. We’ve answered the most common ones to provide you with deeper insights into what to expect and how to prepare for this financial venture.

What is a VA loan refinance?
Why might someone consider refinancing their VA loan?
How soon can you refinance a VA loan?
What are the different VA loan refinance options available?
Can you get cash from your home equity when you refinance?
What are the eligibility criteria for a VA loan refinance?
What are the typical costs associated with refinancing a VA loan?
How do VA loan refinance rates compare to rates of other types of loans?
Can closing costs be rolled into the VA loan refinance amount?
How long does the VA loan refinance process typically take?

About Christopher Boston

Christopher Boston headshot

Christopher (Croix) Boston was the Head of Loans content at MoneyGeek, with over five years of experience researching higher education, mortgage and personal loans.

Boston has a bachelor's degree from the Seattle Pacific University. They pride themselves in using their skills and experience to create quality content that helps people save and spend efficiently.
