How to Get a VA Construction Loan

Updated: October 23, 2023

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Building a home can be exciting, especially with the backing of VA construction loans designed for veterans. These loans ease the financial burden, paving a smoother path toward homeownership. An advantage of VA construction loans is their competitive interest rates, which can lead to lower monthly payments. Additionally, they require no down payment, a relief to many veterans.

We delve into how these loans compare to traditional construction loans, explore their pros and cons and guide you through the requirements and application process to provide you with the information needed for this significant step.

What is a VA Construction Loan?

A VA construction loan, specifically tailored for veterans, active duty service members and certain members of the National Guard and Reserves, acts as a bridge to homeownership by covering the costs of building a new home. The flexibility of VA construction loans extends to the types of homes you can build, encompassing single-family residences to multi-unit properties, provided they're owner-occupied.

Compared with regular construction loans, the VA’s version stands out with its no down payment requirement and favorable terms. Repayment kicks off once the home is move-in ready, a benefit that eases financial strain during construction. To grasp the full picture of VA construction loans, considering the different types, rates and lenders is wise. We'll unravel these aspects in the coming sections, aiding you in making an informed decision.

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Begin your VA construction loan payments once the construction is finalized. This could postpone the start of payments for up to a year, depending on construction timelines. But the loan term remains fixed, which may necessitate adjusted payment arrangements like a balloon payment to cover any delays. Understanding this timeline can help you better plan your finances and liaise with your lender to ensure a smooth transition from construction to repayment, keeping your financial journey on a solid track.

Types of VA Construction Loans

Understanding the two types of VA construction loans can be a stepping stone to making well-informed decisions. It can sharpen your insights into which loan aligns with your financial goals. The two types are:

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    One-Time Close Loan (Construction-to-Permanent)

    This loan melds the construction loan and permanent financing into one, simplifying the borrowing process. It locks your interest rate in from the outset, potentially saving money if rates rise during construction. Once construction is completed, it seamlessly transitions into a standard mortgage without requiring additional closing costs.

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    Two-Time Close Loan (Construction Only)

    This loan keeps the construction loan and permanent financing distinct, necessitating two closings and potentially higher closing costs. The interest rate for the permanent mortgage isn't fixed until after construction, possibly landing at a higher rate if market conditions become unfavorable. It offers more flexibility if you decide to change lenders after construction but comes with extra paperwork and the risk of a higher interest rate.

Eligible borrowers come from myriad financial backgrounds, each with unique needs and future plans. The difference between these types highlights the importance of aligning your choice with your financial circumstances. A careful selection can result in  a stress-reduced, financially savvy home building experience.

VA Construction Loan Rates

The rates for construction loans are generally higher than a traditional mortgage because the home, serving as collateral, is yet to be built. That means there's greater risk for the lender. However, when you stack VA construction loans against conventional construction loans, the latter typically offers lower rates, thanks to the VA backing that alleviates some lender risk.

The rates are set by the lenders, not the VA, with a close eye on your credit score, income and the loan amount, evaluating the likelihood of timely repayments. Understanding the rate structure of VA construction loans is crucial as it impacts your monthly payments and the total cost of your endeavor. It allows you to explore your options thoroughly and align your choice with your financial landscape.

VA Construction Loan Lenders

Not all VA lenders offer VA construction loans, so finding the right lender is a key step in home building. They play a pivotal role because they set the rates, terms and serve as your financial partner from application to closing. Here are some strategies to help you find a mortgage lender that can address your needs:

  • Do Your Research: Delve into different lenders, compare their terms and read reviews. Look for VA construction loans lenders who received favorable comments, especially from veterans or active-duty service members.

  • Ask Questions: Engage with potential lenders and ask pertinent questions. Understand their experience with VA construction loans, the process and any fees involved.

  • Compare Rates: Obtain rate quotes from multiple lenders to compare. Even small differences in rates can lead to significant savings over the loan term.

  • Seek Recommendations: Ask for recommendations from trusted individuals who have navigated this path before, like fellow veterans or trusted financial advisors.

Exploring your lender options thoroughly for a VA construction loan is an essential step towards a favorable borrowing experience. With the right one, the foundation of your home building journey can be as solid as the home you aim to build.

VA vs. Regular Construction Loans

While veterans and military members have the exclusive benefit of accessing VA construction loans, the door to regular construction loans remains open for them as well. Each one carries a unique set of features and requirements. It's important to know how VA construction loans stand apart from regular construction loans to make a well-informed decision. Our comparison table fleshes out the details:

Comparison Area
VA Construction Loan
Regular Construction Loan

Down Payment Requirement

No down payment required

Typically 20% down payment

Interest Rates

Potentially lower rates

Typically higher rates

Private Mortgage Insurance

Not required

Required if down payment is less than 20%

Loan Approval Requirements

Stricter, with military service as a primary requirement

More lenient, no military service requirement

Loan Limits

Determined by county, can be zero down up to the limit

Varies by lender, often higher

Embarking on the path of home construction comes with financial decisions that echo through the years. By comparing VA construction loans with regular construction loans, you can find a cost-effective route. Exploring both avenues, understanding the inherent differences and aligning with a loan that resonates with your financial scenario paves the way toward a financially savvy home building venture.

Pros and Cons of VA Construction Loans

VA construction loans bring a bouquet of benefits, with no down payment requirement and potentially lower interest rates being two of the most appealing. However, these positives can sometimes overshadow underlying drawbacks. For instance, the stringent eligibility requirements could be a roadblock for some. Here’s a detailed analysis of the pros and cons to paint a balanced picture:


No Down Payment: VA construction loans eliminate the need for a down payment, which can be a significant hurdle to homeownership. It frees up cash you can use for other immediate expenses.

Strict Eligibility: The eligibility criteria for VA construction loans are stringent, with military service being a primary requirement. It could limit the accessibility to a broader audience.

Potentially Lower Rates: Due to the VA guarantee, lenders might offer lower interest rates compared to conventional construction loans. These can lead to significant savings over the life of the loan.

Limited Lender Availability: Not all lenders offer VA construction loans, which can limit your options and possibly lead to less competitive rates.

No Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI): Unlike conventional loans, VA construction loans do not require PMI. This omission lowers your monthly payments, providing financial relief over time.

Potential Funding Delays: The approval and funding process for VA construction loans can be lengthy. Any delays can potentially derail construction timelines, impacting your move-in date.

One-Time Closing Costs: The one-time close option consolidates the construction loan and permanent financing, reducing the closing costs. It can simplify the borrowing process, saving you time and money.

Geographic Loan Limits: VA construction loans have limits that vary by county. If the cost of construction exceeds the limit, you may need to make a down payment or explore other financing options.

VA Guarantee: The VA guarantee provides a safety net for lenders and can translate into better interest rates and terms for you.

Additional VA Funding Fee: VA construction loans require a funding fee unless you’re exempt. It increases the overall cost of the loan and could be a financial burden if not planned for.

The path to constructing your home with a VA construction loan is complicated. These loans’ suitability hinges on personal circumstances and long-term financial implications. Weighing the pros and cons meticulously, and aligning them with your financial and personal scenario, can lead to a more informed decision-making process.

VA Construction Loan Requirements

Understanding loan requirements is important, and this rings especially true for VA construction loans. Overlooking these can lead to unexpected roadblocks, possibly stalling your home construction dream. The VA construction loan requirements are:

  • Certificate of Eligibility (COE): The COE validates your eligibility for a VA construction loan based on your military service. It demonstrates to lenders that you qualify for the VA benefits, which significantly impact the loan terms.

  • Credit Score: A reflection of your credit health and repayment history. Lenders use this to gauge the risk involved in lending to you.

  • Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI): This ratio showcases your monthly debt obligations versus your income. It helps lenders assess your ability to manage payments.

  • Construction Plans: Submitting detailed construction plans helps lenders evaluate the viability and cost of your project. Ensure they're precise and complete to ensure the lender that the project is a sound investment.

  • Proof of Income: Proof of a stable income reassures lenders of your financial capacity to meet the loan repayments. It could include recent pay stubs, tax returns or other documentation showcasing your income.

  • Registered Builder: Lenders look for builders with a solid track record to ensure the construction will be completed on time and within budget.

Meeting the VA construction loan requirements is like having the right keys to unlock your home building aspirations. Each requirement helps lenders mitigate risk, ensuring smooth repayment. Complying with these not only paves the way for loan approval but also fosters a financially sound home building venture.

How to Get a VA Construction Loan

Knowing the end-to-end process of securing a VA construction loan is like having a clear roadmap. It equips you with the necessary knowledge to navigate through each stage efficiently, reducing the chances of unexpected hurdles, which could lead to delays. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get a VA construction loan.

Research VA Construction Loans

Acquaint yourself with the fundamentals of VA construction loans, their benefits and requirements. Utilize reputable online resources or consult with a VA loan specialist to gain a solid understanding.

Obtain Your Certificate of Eligibility (COE)

The COE proves your eligibility for a VA construction loan based on military service. You can apply for your COE online through the VA’s eBenefits portal or through a VA-approved lender, potentially expediting the process.

Select a VA-Approved Lender

Find a lender who offers VA construction loans. Seek out lenders with positive reviews, especially from veterans, and compare their loan terms to find the most favorable conditions.

Comply with Builder and Construction Plan Requirements

Identify a VA-registered builder and submit detailed construction plans. Seek recommendations for reputable builders and ensure your plans are professionally drafted.

Complete the Loan Application

Fill out the loan application provided by your lender and submit all required documentation. Having your documents organized ahead of time can streamline the application process.

Loan Processing and Approval

Your lender will process your application, evaluate your financial situation and make a loan decision. Respond promptly to any requests for additional information to keep the process moving smoothly.

Close the Loan

Upon approval, you’ll proceed to close the loan. Review all loan documents carefully before signing to ensure all terms are as agreed.

Navigating through the structured process of securing a VA construction loan requires preparation, understanding and timely action. Proactive engagement with the process can help with your homeownership goal.

Fees Associated with a VA Construction Loan

Securing a VA construction loan involves certain costs to factor in for a smooth loan experience. Being unaware of these costs could lead to unexpected financial strain:

  • VA Funding Fee: A one-time fee paid to the VA to fund the loan program. It varies based on your military status and the number of times you've used VA loan benefits.

  • Closing Costs: These cover various fees including lender, title and settlement fees. Shop around for a lender who offers lower closing costs or ask them to roll these into your loan to lower your out-of-pocket expenses.

  • Inspection and Permit Fees: These fees are associated with obtaining necessary building permits and construction inspections. It's part of ensuring the construction complies with local codes. While these costs are unavoidable, ensuring your builder follows plans can minimize re-inspection fees.

  • Construction Extension Fees: If construction takes longer than planned, you might face extension fees. Choose a reputable builder and have a well-planned construction schedule to avoid delays.

It's important to fully grasp the financial implications of these costs. Thorough budgeting to minimize fees where possible can lead to a more favorable loan experience.

FAQ About VA Construction Loans

Diving into the world of VA construction loans comes with many questions. You can use our FAQ section to shed light on some, allowing you to make better-informed decisions.

Can you use a VA loan for home construction?
What kind of house can I build with a VA construction loan?
When do mortgage payments begin with a VA construction loan?
Are VA construction loans available for veterans with low credit scores?
What are the advantages of VA construction loans compared to traditional construction loans?
How long does the approval process for a VA construction loan typically take?
Are there specific requirements for the builder when using a VA construction loan?
Can you include additional features or renovations in your home with a VA construction loan?
Can you refinance a VA construction loan after the home is completed?

About Christopher Boston

Christopher Boston headshot

Christopher (Croix) Boston was the Head of Loans content at MoneyGeek, with over five years of experience researching higher education, mortgage and personal loans.

Boston has a bachelor's degree from the Seattle Pacific University. They pride themselves in using their skills and experience to create quality content that helps people save and spend efficiently.