Today’s Refinance Rates in Oklahoma

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Updated: January 18, 2024

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Current Refinance Rates in Oklahoma

Check MoneyGeek’s table below for the most up-to-date mortgage refinance interest rates in Oklahoma to help you select the loan option that is best suited for your situation.


Mortgage Refinance Rates From Top Lenders


What Is a Good Refinance Rate in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma’s average interest rates are 4.40% for a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM), 5.13% for a 30-year FRM and 4.77% for a 5/1 adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM).

Compared to the national averages reported by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which are 4.92% for the 15-year FRM, 5.81 for the 30-year FRM and 4.41% for the 5/1 ARM, Oklahoma’s average interest rates are lower for the 15-year and 30-year FRMs, but higher for the 5/1 ARM.

Keep in mind that a “good rate” is a purely subjective assessment, which differs from person to person and is dependent upon several factors such as loan terms, loan amount, credit score, income and debts. Mortgage refinance rates also tend to fluctuate daily. For these reasons, it’s important to compare quotes and mortgage offerings from multiple lenders to ensure you’re getting the best deal for your situation.

Estimate Your New Monthly Mortgage Payment

Use MoneyGeek’s mortgage calculator to estimate your new monthly mortgage refinance payment. Simply input your mortgage information together with Oklahoma’s average rates, which we’ve outlined above.

Remember that your actual mortgage refinance rate depends on your financial profile and that overall interest rates fluctuate daily.


Frequently Asked Questions About Refinance Rates in Oklahoma

MoneyGeek wraps up this Oklahoma mortgage refinance guide by answering the most asked questions on the topic.

A “good” refinance rate is relative to your unique situation and the current interest rates. Generally, it should lower your monthly payments.

A bad refinance rate is higher than your current mortgage rate. If this is the case, applying for mortgage refinancing doesn’t make sense.

Rates equal to or below Oklahoma’s average interest on a 30-year FRM of 5.13% are acceptable.

The average rate on a 15-year FRM in Oklahoma is 4.40%. Look for rates at or lower than this percentage.

Oklahoma’s average interest on a 5/1 ARM is 4.77%. A good refinance rate is equivalent to or lower than this average.
