Today’s Refinance Rates in Florida

Updated: February 8, 2024

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Current Refinance Rates in Florida

MoneyGeek shows you Florida's current mortgage interest rates to help you make the most of your refinance.

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Mortgage Rates From Top Lenders

What Is a Good Refinance Rate in Florida?

The refinance rates in Florida are currently lower than average mortgage rates in the nation. For example, the national average interest on a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) is 4.92%, compared to Florida’s 4.26%. The same pattern holds for average interest on a 30-year FRM — 5.81% nationwide versus 4.99% in Florida — and 5/1 adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) — 4.41% nationwide versus 4.13% in Florida.

Understandably, you want to lock in a desirable interest rate when refinancing your mortgage. However, it’s important to realize that a “good” rate is subjective. Your personal information — such as your loan amount, credit standing or income — all play a role in determining your rate.

Comparing quotes from multiple lenders can help you score the best deal for your situation. Once you find a refinance rate in Florida you’re happy with, remember that these change frequently and act fast.

Estimate Your New Monthly Mortgage Payment

You can use MoneyGeek's mortgage calculator below to estimate how much you'll pay each month with a refinanced rate. Put your mortgage information into the calculator and use Florida’s average rates (listed above). Keep in mind that your actual rate may vary after taking into account personal details like your debt-to-income ratio or credit score.

Mortgage Refinance Calculator in Florida
Make sure refinancing your existing home loan will save you money.
Updated։ Jul 26, 2024
Fact Checked

By Mandy Sleight, Licensed Insurance Agent

Current Mortgage
New Mortgage
You can’t save on your monthly payment or your mortgage interest by refinancing.
Total Savings
Year 5
Monthly Payments
Total Payments
Total Interest
Current Loan
New Loan

Frequently Asked Questions About Mortgage Rates in Florida

MoneyGeek gathered the most commonly asked questions about mortgage refinance rates in Florida to better inform your decision to refinance your home.

What is a good refinance rate in Florida?
What is a bad refinance rate in Florida?
What is a good refinance interest rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage in Florida?
What is a good refinance interest rate on a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage in Florida?
What is a good refinance interest rate on a 5/1 adjustable-rate mortgage in Florida?