Compare FHA Loan Rates and Types: Your Key To Informed Borrowing

Updated: August 18, 2023

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A mortgage is a long-term loan you can use to buy a home, and while they seem like a one-size-fits-all deal, there are various different types. FHA loans stand out as an attractive option, especially for first-time homebuyers and those who might not have a perfect credit history. Backed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), these loans typically have lower down payment and more flexible qualification requirements than conventional mortgages. If you're considering an FHA loan, understanding the rates, influencing factors and the different types can help you make better borrowing decisions.

Current FHA Loan Mortgage Rates

The average rate for a standard 30-year fixed-rate FHA loan is about 6%. But it's essential to note that these rates fluctuate due to different factors. These include inflation rates and the overall housing market conditions.

FHA loan mortgage rates also vary across different loan types. For instance, a 15-year fixed-rate FHA loan might have a different rate than a 30-year one. Adjustable-rate FHA loans might initially offer different rates than fixed-rate ones. Rates for specialized FHA loans, like the 203(k) for home improvements or the Energy Efficient Mortgage, may vary depending on factors like the project's scope and the lender's risk. Understanding the rates for your specific FHA loan type is an excellent tool for informed borrowing.

Different Types of FHA Loans

Being familiar with the various types of FHA can help you choose which can best serve your needs and preference. It can provide advantages tailored to your specific circumstances.

  • Basic Home Mortgage Loan 203(b): This is the most commonly used FHA program. Prospective buyers often use it to purchase or refinance a primary residence. It provides a simple route for homebuyers, especially those buying their first home.

  • FHA's Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM): With the goal of promoting energy efficiency, EEMs allow borrowers to incorporate the cost of energy-saving home improvements into their mortgage without needing a larger down payment.

  • 203(k) Rehab Mortgage: This type of FHA loan allows homebuyers to finance the purchase of a home and the cost of its necessary repairs or upgrades simultaneously. If you're considering a fixer-upper, this might be an excellent option.

  • Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM): Aimed at homeowners aged 62 and older, this reverse mortgage program allows them to convert a portion of their home equity into cash.

  • Section 245(a) Loan: Also known as a Growing Equity Mortgage, this loan is perfect for borrowers who expect their income to increase over time. The mortgage payments start smaller and gradually increase as time passes.

Choosing the type of FHA loan that fits your unique situation opens doors to many benefits. Combining this knowledge with an understanding of current FHA loan rates can help you make the best decisions for your financial future.

Factors Affecting FHA Loan Interest Rates

Informed mortgage planning involves many considerations, and knowing today's FHA mortgage loan rates is only one. Another crucial aspect is understanding what personal factors influence their movement. Lenders consider these when deciding what interest rate to offer. You can use these to time your loan application and negotiate for the best rates.

Here are the elements determining FHA loan mortgage rates and, ultimately, your monthly mortgage payment:

  • Credit Score: A higher credit score typically opens the door to lower interest rates, as lenders see you as a reliable borrower who is less likely to default.

  • Down Payment: A larger down payment usually leads to a lower rate because a more substantial amount decreases the lender's risk.

  • Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI): This represents how much of your gross monthly income goes to your debt payments. Lenders use it to gauge your ability to manage your monthly payments. A lower DTI could contribute to a better interest rate.

  • Loan Term: The duration of your loan term can impact the interest rate. Generally, those with shorter terms come with lower interest rates but higher monthly payments.

  • Inflation: In periods of high inflation, lenders may increase interest rates to maintain their profit margins. In contrast, lenders tend to lower interest rates when inflation is low to encourage more people to borrow.

  • Economic Growth: Strong economic growth often leads to higher interest rates since more consumers apply for credit. However, they're less likely to purchase homes during economic downturns. Lenders usually offer lower rates to make mortgages more affordable.

  • Federal Reserve Policies: The Federal Reserve's monetary policies can influence interest rates. When the Fed lowers the federal funds rate, mortgage rates usually drop, and vice versa.

Understanding these factors puts you in an excellent position to anticipate your potential mortgage rate and how it could shift over time. You can use this knowledge to make informed decisions and align your mortgage more effectively with your financial objectives.

Navigating FHA Loan Rates and Options

FHA loans have different structures, which may suit some financial needs and lifestyles better than others. Understanding these can help you optimize your search for the best FHA home loan rates. We’ll also look at loan rate locks and how they can shield you from market volatility. This knowledge allows you to navigate current FHA loan rates and options confidently.

Loan Structures: Choosing Between Fixed-Rate and Adjustable-Rate FHA Loans

Choosing between a fixed-rate and an adjustable-rate loan is a major decision point when considering an FHA loan. Each has its merits and challenges, and understanding the differences can help you pick a loan that best matches your needs and circumstances.

Comparison Areas
Fixed-Rate FHA Loans
Adjustable-Rate FHA Loans

Interest Rate

The interest rate with these loans remains constant throughout its lifetime, making financial planning simpler.

The interest rate is variable and fluctuates based on market conditions, which can lead to varying payment amounts.


Your monthly payment remains unchanged over the life of the loan, providing predictability in budgeting.

Adjustable-rate loans can lead to variations in monthly payments, which may make budgeting challenging.

Initial Interest Rate

The initial interest rate for fixed-rate loans is typically higher than those of adjustable-rate mortgages, which may result in higher initial payments.

The initial interest rate is usually lower than fixed rates, which makes them more attractive to borrowers seeking lower initial payments.


If market rates fall, you could pay more than necessary unless you refinance.

Rates could rise significantly over time, leading to higher monthly payments.

Best Suited For

Fixed-rate loans are an excellent fit for borrowers who prefer certainty and plan to stay in their homes long-term. They offer protection against potential rate increases.

Adjustable-rate loans might be a good fit for borrowers who expect their income to increase over time or plan to sell their homes before the rate adjusts, allowing them to avoid future rate increases.

Understanding the differences between these loan types provides you with a solid foundation for an informed decision. Consider your long-term plans, financial situation and comfort with potential changes in your monthly payments when deciding which suits you best.

Loan Rate Locks and Timing

A rate lock guarantees that the current FHA loan rate your lender quoted won't change for a specified period, usually between 30 to 60 days. Locking your rate can give you peace of mind, especially when FHA mortgage loan rates are on an upward trend. Let's say you've found your dream home, but the market forecasts suggest that rates may rise. Securing a rate lock could prevent you from paying higher interest over the lifespan of your loan.

However, the decision to lock your rate isn't as simple as it looks. Timing plays a crucial role. If you opt for it too early in the home-buying process, it might expire before you close the deal on your new home. Conversely, waiting too long might leave you vulnerable to rising rates.

Remember, rate locks are not a universal solution. The best decision depends on your individual situation, the state of the market and your comfort with risk. It's best to discuss your circumstances with your lender and stay informed about current FHA loan rates.

Unraveling FHA Loan Guidelines, Limits and Costs

Before entering an FHA loan, it’s best to understand three aspects: the requirements to qualify, the loan limits set by FHA and the costs associated with these loans. These ensure you have the necessary information you need to make an informed decision without losing sight of your financial goals and capabilities.

FHA Loan Requirements

Understanding FHA loan requirements can make for a smoother home-buying journey. Meeting them improves your chances of approval and helps you unlock competitive FHA home loan rates. Let's explore these prerequisites and understand what they entail.

  • Credit Score and Credit History: FHA loans are known for their lenient credit score requirements — you can qualify with a 500, but you must put in at least a 10% down payment. Otherwise, the minimum credit score requirement is 580, which is still lower than other loans.

  • Debt-to-Income Ratio: This ratio is the percentage of your gross monthly income that goes towards paying debts, and yours shouldn't exceed 56.9%. FHA-approved lenders typically prefer a lower DTI ratio because it assures them you have sufficient income to afford your mortgage.

  • Employment and Income Verification: You must provide proof of steady employment and income. Lenders usually want to see two years of consistent employment and will need to verify this information with W-2 statements and pay stubs.

  • Down Payment Requirements: For most borrowers, FHA requires a minimum down payment of 3.5% of the home's purchase price. However, factors like your credit score can make the exact amount vary.

  • Property Appraisal Guidelines: The home you're buying or refinancing must meet FHA's minimum property standards and be appraised by an FHA-approved appraiser.

A clear understanding of these FHA loan requirements allows you to prepare accordingly, setting the foundation for a successful application process. You can open doors to more attractive FHA loan mortgage rates, making homeownership more achievable.

FHA Loan Limits

Understanding FHA loans requires becoming familiar with their borrowing limitations. The FHA sets these limits so borrowers have a reference point and ensure they borrow within their means.

FHA loan limits come in two types: the "floor" and the "ceiling" — the minimum and maximum loan you can borrow — which change from year to year. For 2023, the Department of Housing and Urban Development put these at $472,030 and $1,089,300, respectively, for a one-unit property.

These limits serve as a framework for your home-buying strategy. For instance, they can help you narrow potential properties by price range or determine whether an FHA or conventional loan is a better fit.


The core distinction between FHA and conventional loans lies in the entity backing the loan. FHA loans are government-insured by the Federal Housing Administration. It allows borrowers with less-than-ideal credit standing and smaller down payments to qualify. In comparison, conventional loans are not government-backed, leading to stricter qualifying criteria. However, you could potentially have lower costs in the long run, especially if you can make a sizable down payment or have a high credit score.

Comparing FHA loan mortgage rates and conventional rates is an excellent way to determine which fits your financial situation best.

Associated Costs With FHA Loans

Understanding the full range of costs associated with an FHA loan can help you accurately estimate the overall expenses of homeownership. Here are the main associated costs you should be aware of:

  • Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium (UFMIP): All FHA loans require the borrower to pay an upfront mortgage insurance premium, calculated as 1.75% of your loan amount. For example, if your loan amount is $200,000, your UFMIP will be $3,500. You can ask your lender to roll it into your loan balance, but expect your monthly payments to increase.

  • Annual Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP): FHA loans also require an annual Mortgage Insurance Premium in addition to the upfront premium. Depending on your loan amount, Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio, and loan term, it can cost anywhere from 0.15% to 0.75% of your loan amount each year.

  • Closing Costs: You'll also encounter other closing costs, such as appraisal fees, credit report fees, and title insurance. The amount may vary but generally range from 2% to 6% of the home purchase price.

  • Home Appraisal Fee: FHA loans require a home appraisal to determine the home's value and condition. Depending on your location and home's size, this fee typically costs several hundred dollars.

  • Home Inspection Fees: Although not always required, a home inspection is highly recommended. It can identify potential issues that an appraisal might not catch. Fees vary but typically range from $300 to $500.

While FHA loans often have lower interest rates, these added costs can make them more expensive in the long run. Keep this in mind to have a better understanding of your mortgage expenses.

Finding the Best FHA Home Loan Rates

Searching for the best FHA home loan rates is critical to your home-buying journey. Here are some strategies to help you secure the best FHA home loan rates. Consider the following:

  • Compare Lenders: Comparing multiple lenders can help you find the most attractive FHA loan rates customized to your specific circumstances. Take the time to research, and don't hesitate to ask questions.

  • Improve Your Credit Score: Your credit score is like a financial report card, and lenders use it to gauge your creditworthiness. Regularly review your credit report, correct any errors and take steps to boost your score before applying for an FHA loan.

  • Consider Loan Terms: Understanding the dynamics between loan term, interest rate and monthly payments can help you choose a loan that matches your financial capacity and goals.

  • Monitor Rate Trends: Keep an eye on market trends and economic indicators to help you get a sense of whether rates are likely to rise or fall.

  • Utilize Rate Locks: Consider locking in a favorable rate to shield you from potential rate hikes during your mortgage application process. However, it might limit your benefit if rates fall.

These strategies don't just help you find any home — they could lead you to one that aligns comfortably with your budget. Remember to revisit and adjust them as necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do FHA loan rates compare to conventional loan rates?
Can I negotiate the FHA loan rate with the lender?
Are FHA loan rates fixed or adjustable?
How do I lock in an FHA loan rate, and when should I do it?
Does my credit score affect the FHA loan rate I can get?
Can I refinance my FHA loan to get a lower interest rate?
How often do FHA loan rates change, and what factors influence the fluctuations?
Are FHA loan rates the same for all borrowers?
Are FHA loan rates tax-deductible?

About Christopher Boston

Christopher Boston headshot

Christopher (Croix) Boston was the Head of Loans content at MoneyGeek, with over five years of experience researching higher education, mortgage and personal loans.

Boston has a bachelor's degree from the Seattle Pacific University. They pride themselves in using their skills and experience to create quality content that helps people save and spend efficiently.
