Understanding Conventional Mortgage Loan Rates: Factors, Types, and Tips

Updated: October 29, 2023

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A mortgage is a loan that helps you buy a home, and conventional loans are a popular choice among borrowers. They’re offered by private lenders and might come with lower interest rates and more flexible terms, making them an attractive option for many aspiring homeowners. Understanding conventional loan rates and how they can fit your financial needs is an formative step in making a smart home-buying decision. We'll explore conventional loan mortgage rates and how you can navigate them for your benefit.

Today's Mortgage Rate for Conventional Loans

Average conventional loan rates today stand at 3.2%, but they aren't set in stone. The rates can change due to economic conditions, the type of loan you choose and the lender's policies. These fluctuations make comparing rates a smart move — you get a better chance to find the rate that's right for you, potentially saving money over the life of your loan. Finding the best deal possible can significanlty impact your financial future.

Factors Affecting Conventional Loan Rates

Understanding the factors affecting mortgage rates allows you to navigate the lending landscape wisely. You can potentially secure better conventional loan interest rates, which translates to savings over your loan’s lifetime. Keep the following factors in mind:

  • Credit Score: Your credit score shows how responsible you've been with money, and a better standing might lead to lower rates. For example, a credit score of 720 could get you a better rate than a score of 650.

  • Economic Conditions: Interest rates might increase if the economy is strong because increased consumer spending can lead to inflation. Central banks attempt to address this by raising interest rates to cool down spending. In turn, it makes borrowing more expensive.

  • Lender Policies: Lenders might offer lower rates if you pay a higher down payment because it reduces their risk. Putting down more money upfront means you're borrowing less, so the lender sees you as a safer bet.

  • Loan Term and Size: A loan with a shorter term, like 15 years instead of 30, may have lower interest rates. The lender takes on less risk with the former, so they might offer better rates.

Knowing what affects conventional loan rates gives you more control and may help you secure a more favorable rate. Being informed and shopping around can make a real difference in the interest you'll pay over the life of your loan. That said, it's also crucial to look at the APR, not just the interest rate.

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APR, or Annual Percentage Rate, includes the mortgage interest rate plus other costs like fees and insurance. By considering the APR along with conventional home loan rates, you better understand your yearly cost, making it easier to compare offers and choose the one that best fits your budget.

What is a Conventional Loan?

A conventional loan is a type of mortgage offered by private lenders. Unlike government-backed loans, such as FHA or VA loans, lenders set its rates and terms. That usually means stricter requirements, but lenders compensate for it by offering more flexibility and potentially lower conventional home loan rates. Understanding the difference between these loans and the structure of conventional loans will help you choose the right mortgage for your financial situation.

Types of Conventional Loans

Knowing about different types of conventional loans is crucial because your choice can directly affect your interest rates. Your choice between fixed-rate mortgages and adjustable-rate home loans can impact your monthly payments and long-term financial planning. Here's how they compare:


Interest Rate

Stays the same throughout the loan term.

Can change, based on market conditions.

Monthly Payment

Predictable and constant.

May vary over time.

Long-term Stability

Higher stability due to fixed interest.

Less predictable, rates may fluctuate.


Ideal for long-term homeownership.

Often suitable for short-term ownership.

Effect on Budgeting

Easier to budget as payments remain the same.

Requires more financial flexibility.

You may also encounter conventional home loans designed for particular situations. For example, some lenders offer specialized options for first-time homebuyers (like homebuyer education programs) or those with specific income levels (like location-based programs). Understanding these options and working with a lender who can explain them will help you match a loan with your individual circumstances.

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While all conforming loans are conventional loans, not all conventional loans are conforming. The former adheres to the lending limits set by government-sponsored entities, which the Federal Housing Finance Agency set at $726,200 for 2023 ($1,089,300 for high-cost areas). Conventional loans might exceed those limits.

The distinction is essential because it can impact your conventional loan rates and eligibility. Knowing the difference helps you choose the right loan type and ensures you're considering all available options.

Pros and Cons of Getting a Conventional Loan

Understanding current conventional loan rates important, but it's just one part of the bigger picture. A mortgage is a long-term financial commitment, and you must be sure you're ready for this responsibility before applying. Looking at the possible rewards and risks of conventional loans makes you more likely to make a well-rounded decision. If you only consider either aspect, you might experience financial hardship or, worse, foreclosure in the future. The pros and cons are:


Potential Lower Rates: With a good credit score, you might secure lower conventional loan rates today.

Stricter Eligibility: Conventional loans often have more rigid credit and income requirements.

No Mortgage Insurance (with 20% down): You can avoid private mortgage insurance if you pay a substantial down payment.

Higher Down Payment: Typically, a larger down payment is needed compared to government-backed loans.

Flexible Terms: Offers various term lengths, catering to different needs.

Variable Interest Rates: Some conventional loans come with adjustable rates, which can increase over time.

Availability: Widely available through various lenders.

More Expensive for Low Credit Scores: If your credit score is less than perfect, you might face higher interest rates.

Customizable: Conventional loans can be tailored to fit individual financial situations.

Complexity: The options and terms can be overwhelming, especially for first-time buyers.

A conventional loan offers flexibility and potentially lower rates, but it also comes with challenges. Understanding both sides helps you determine whether applying for a conventinal loan is your best course of action.

When Conventional Loans are Excellent Options

Knowing when a conventional home loan is the right choice helps you see how your situation might fit, in alignment with your goals. Let's explore some real-life scenarios where conventional loans make the most sense.

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    The Fresh Graduate's Dream Home

    A recent college graduate with a stable job in tech, Emily dreams of owning her first apartment. Her good credit score and stable income don't qualify her for government-backed loans, but a conventional loan can become her gateway to homeownership. With its competitive rates and no strict government restrictions, she can find her dream home and make it her own.

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    Moving Up and Moving On

    James, a thriving entrepreneur, is ready for a bigger home to reflect his success. His significant down payment and excellent credit make the cumbersome bureaucracy of government-backed loans unnecessary. With conventional loan rates offering an appealing solution, James can secure his larger home and celebrate a new chapter.

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    Investing in the Future

    Meet Sarah, a savvy investor with her eye on a multi-family property. She's financially strong and knows the ins and outs of real estate. The flexible rates and terms of conventional loans perfectly align with her investment goals, helping her build a promising future.

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    Refinancing for a Brighter Tomorrow

    David, a loving family man, recognizes the need to refinance as his family grows. His great credit score and home equity make conventional loans an enticing option. By reducing his monthly payment, David can create more financial flexibility for his family's needs, ensuring a comfortable and secure future.

These scenarios highlight the versatile nature of conventional home loans. Compare them with your situation and consult with a professional to explore how this option might be right for you.

Common Mistakes When Applying for a Conventional Home Loan

Know what to avoid if you're planning to pursue a conventional home loan application. This knowledge can help you to strengthen your application and access favorable conventional loan interest rates. Steer clear of:

  • Taking on New Debt: Acquiring new debt, like a car loan or credit card, can impact your debt-to-income ratio. Lenders might see this as a sign of financial irresponsibility, potentially leading to a less favorable interest rate or even a declined application.

  • Suddenly Switching Jobs: Stability is key. A sudden job change might signal uncertainty in your career, making lenders hesitant. If you're considering a job change, it might be wise to wait until after securing the loan.

  • Ignoring Your Credit Score: Regularly checking and improving your credit score is essential. Neglecting it might lead to surprises that could hamper your application. Maintain a healthy credit habit to ensure that you present your best financial profile.

  • Making Large Unexplained Deposits: Lenders scrutinize your bank statements. A large, unexplained deposit might raise red flags. Always document the sources of significant deposits to avoid misunderstandings.

  • Failing to Gather Necessary Documents: Being unprepared with required documents can slow down the process or even result in denial. Organize all necessary paperwork early so you present a well-prepared application.

Applying for a conventional home loan is more than just filling out forms. You can stack the odds in your favor by avoiding these common pitfalls. So stay informed, be prepared and step confidently on the path to homeownership.

Costs Associated with a Conventional Home Loan

Beyond the eligibility requirements and the application process, another aspect of a conventional home loan is the associated costs. Understanding them not only impacts your overall expense but also affects your decision, so you avoid unexpected financial burdens. The table below explores how these costs can affect conventional loan mortgage rates and the overall mortgage experience:


Fees paid at the closing of the transaction. These can include attorney fees and appraisal fees, usually ranging from 2% to 5% of the loan amount.

Required if down payment is less than 20%. It protects the lender if you default on the loan.

Property Taxes and Insurance

Ongoing costs, and must be considered in your total monthly payment.

Loan Origination Fees

One-time fee for processing the loan; shopping around may help reduce this cost.

Prepayment Penalties

Fees that may apply if you pay off the loan early. Understanding these can help you make decisions about extra payments.

Being aware of all these costs, from the expected to the often overlooked, manages your expectations and helps prepare you for your homebuying experience. Make sure to weigh them all in and consult with trusted financial advisors to set a foundation for your home purchase.

Finding Favorable Conventional Loan Rates

Getting the best conventional loan rates today can make a significant difference in your home mortgage experience — you can pay less each month and save thousands over the life of your loan. By contrast, settling for the first rate you find without doing your homework may lead to overpaying and future financial strain. Find the most competitive rates in the market with these strategies:

  • Shop Around: Different lenders offer different rates, so compare offers from at least three banks or credit unions. Utilize online comparison tools to easily see different offers in one place. Choosing the best mortgage lender can save you hundreds of dollars each year.

  • Improve Your Credit Score: A higher credit score typically leads to a lower interest rate. Start by checking your credit report for errors and correcting them. Pay off outstanding debts and pay your bills on time. Even a small increase in your credit score can lead to significant savings.

  • Consider the Loan Term: Shorter loan terms often come with lower interest rates but higher monthly payments. For example, a 15-year term might offer a rate that's 0.5% lower than a 30-year term, but you'll have higher monthly payments. Consider your long-term financial plan to decide what works best for you.

  • Negotiate with Lenders: Don't hesitate to negotiate. If one lender offers you a 3.5% rate, ask another if they can beat it. Even a 0.25% reduction can save you thousands over the life of the loan.

  • Watch Market Trends: Interest rates fluctuate with the market. If the Federal Reserve cuts rates, conventional loan rates may drop too. Keep an eye on economic news and consider consulting with a financial advisor to time your loan application to get the best rate.

Finding favorable conventional loan rates is not just about taking the first offer. It requires using different strategies that help you find a figure that fits your budget and supports your long-term homeownership goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

We gathered some frequently asked questions about conventional home loan mortgage rates to help you make the best decisions possible for your financial situation.

What are conventional loan rates, and how do they differ from other mortgage rates?
How are conventional loan mortgage rates determined?
How do fixed and adjustable conventional home loan rates differ?
Can I refinance a conventional loan, and how do rates factor into that decision?
What are private mortgage insurance (PMI) requirements for conventional loans, and how do they impact rates?
How do conventional loans compare with FHA or VA loans in terms of interest rates?
What are the impacts of early repayment on conventional home loan rates?

About Christopher Boston

Christopher Boston headshot

Christopher (Croix) Boston was the Head of Loans content at MoneyGeek, with over five years of experience researching higher education, mortgage and personal loans.

Boston has a bachelor's degree from the Seattle Pacific University. They pride themselves in using their skills and experience to create quality content that helps people save and spend efficiently.
