Today’s Condo Mortgage Rates

Updated: August 29, 2023

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A condo, or condominium, is an apartment you can own. Many homebuyers choose to purchase condos for their community feel and shared amenities, like pools or gyms. When buying a condo, you'll likely need a condo mortgage, which has unique rules and requirements. For instance, lenders may look at the condo community's financial health — such as the percentage of owner-occupied units — or require a higher down payment for certain types of condos. Understanding these factors, along with condo mortgage rates, can help you find the best loan that suits your budget and lifestyle.

Current Condo Mortgage Rates

Keep in mind that current condo mortgage rates can change frequently, so it's wise for borrowers to keep track of them. Knowing this helps you understand what you might pay for your loan, and comparing different lenders' rates ensures you find the best deal for your situation. Even a small difference in rates can save you a significant amount of money over time.

What Influences Condo Mortgage Rates?

Understanding what affects condo mortgage rates is crucial for borrowers as it can help you time your purchase or refinance to lock in the best rates. By knowing these factors, you can make informed decisions that can save you money over the life of the loan. Here's what can drive condo mortgage rates up or down:

  • Economic Factors: Things like inflation or Federal Reserve policies can influence rates. For example, if the Federal Reserve raises the federal funds interest rate, condo mortgage rates typically follow suit.

  • Credit Scores: Your credit score represents how reliable you are at repaying debts. A higher score indicates to lenders that you can meet your financial obligations, making you a lower-risk borrower. Higher credit scores typically result in lower condo mortgage rates.

  • Location and Condition of the Condo: Lenders often consider the area and state of the condo, and favorable conditions often lead to lower condo mortgage rates. For instance, a condo in a thriving community suggests potential growth and stability, making it a less risky investment for lenders.

  • Condo Association Rules: Particular to condo mortgages, lenders may look at the condo community's financial health, owner-occupied units percentage and other factors. A financially stable association with plenty of reserves may lead to better rates.

What Is a Condo?

A condo is a type of housing where you own your unit but share common areas or amenities — like pools or gyms — with others. Condos also generally include a condo association that takes care of maintenance. These features make condos appealing to some aspiring homeowners, especially those looking for a sense of community or less maintenance responsibility.

Condos fall into two categories: warrantable and non-warrantable. Warrantable condos meet certain financing guidelines, often leading to better condo mortgage rates. Non-warrantable condos might not meet these guidelines, which can result in higher rates or more restrictive lending terms.

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Warrantable condos meet specific financing guidelines, leading to more favorable current condo mortgage rates. These guidelines might include:

  • A high percentage of the units are owner-occupied
  • The condo association maintains adequate reserves
  • No single entity owns more than a set percentage of the units
  • The association has proper insurance

Meeting these criteria makes the condo a less risky investment for lenders, resulting in more attractive mortgage rates. Knowing these guidelines can help you make a wise choice in selecting a condo that aligns with your financial goals.

Pros and Cons of Owning a Condo

Owning a condo is different from owning a traditional house in several ways, including shared ownership of common areas, adherence to association rules and less personal space and privacy. These differences can lead to unique benefits, like shared amenities, but also present challenges that buyers might overlook.

For example, while enjoying the perk of lower maintenance responsibility, condo owners might find unexpected restrictions on property alterations or pet ownership. Considering both the pros and cons, including these often-overlooked differences, is vital when exploring condo mortgage rates and deciding if a condo is the right choice for you.


Shared Amenities: Enjoy pools, gyms, and other facilities without personal maintenance.

Association Fees: Regular fees can add to monthly expenses, impacting your budget.

Lower Maintenance: Common areas are maintained by the association, freeing your time and money.

Less Control: You may have fewer options for property alterations or customizations.

Community Living: Sense of community and social interaction with neighbors.

Potential Resale Challenges: Selling may be harder if the condo doesn't meet buyer demands.

Security: Often comes with added security features, like gated entries.

Potential Noise: Living close to neighbors might mean more noise and less privacy.

Potential for Lower Condo Mortgage Rates: Warrantable condos might offer better rates.

Restrictions: There may be limitations on rentals or pet ownership, restricting your freedom.

Owning a condo can offer a vibrant, community-focused living experience, but it's essential to weigh the benefits and challenges it presents. Considering these factors will guide you toward a decision that fits your lifestyle and financial goals.

What Is a Condo Mortgage?

As its name implies, a condo mortgage is a specific type of loan that helps aspiring owners purchase a condominium. Unlike a traditional home loan, it considers unique aspects of condo ownership, including the property's management, community bylaws and overall financial health.

Here are some key terms you'll encounter:

  • Down Payment: The initial amount paid upfront. How much you put down can affect your interest rates and loan periods.

  • Interest Rates: The percentage of the loan amount you'll pay in addition to the principal. Shopping around can help you find the best condo mortgage rates.

  • Loan Periods: The length of time you'll make loan payments. Common loan periods are 15 or 30 years.

Being familiar with these terms and understanding how they specifically apply to condos is crucial for potential owners. For example, some lenders may require a higher down payment for a condo compared to a traditional home. Other conditions might include more in-depth reviews of the condo association's financial standing and rules.

Finding the best condo mortgage rates and understanding the unique terms and conditions will empower you to make a well-informed decision that aligns with your goals and budget.

Comparing Condo and Family Home Mortgages

Condo and traditional home mortgages share several things in common. For example, the same factors affect the rates lenders offer, and you can opt for fixed or adjustable rates. However, there are also differences between them, and knowing these can lead to more informed decisions, better matching your mortgage to your housing preferences and financial situation. You might miss out on opportunities to secure the most suitable mortgage or even face unexpected challenges during the application process if you don't fully grasp these distinctions.

Condo Mortgage
Traditional Home Mortgage

Down Payment

May require a higher down payment due to the communal nature of condos.

Typically have lower down payments compared to condos.

Interest Rates

Condo mortgage rates might be slightly higher due to potential risks associated with the condo association's management.

Generally lower interest rates as they involve fewer complexities.

Loan Approval Process

Often involves scrutiny of the condo association's financial health and bylaws.

More straightforward, focusing mainly on the borrower's financial standing.

Insurance Requirements

May include additional insurance for shared areas within the condominium community.

Insurance mainly covers the individual property without communal considerations.

Resale Considerations

Reselling a condo might require adherence to association rules affecting marketability.

Typically, more flexibility in reselling without communal rules.

Whether you opt for a condo with its community advantages or a traditional home for more control, understanding these aspects will help you secure the condo mortgage rates and terms that best align with your aspirations and budget.

Types of Condo Mortgages

Understanding the different types of condo mortgages is crucial when you're looking for your dream home. These options can directly impact your condo mortgage rates, helping you choose the best fit for your budget and lifestyle. The five types of condominium mortgages are conventional loans, FHA loans, VA loans, USDA loans and non-warrantable condo loans.

Best for This Borrower

Standard loans not backed by the government. These require higher credit scores and down payments.

Those with good to excellent credit, stable income and the ability to afford a down payment.

Federal Housing Administration loans. These typically have lower down payment and credit score requirements.

First-time homebuyers or those with lower credit scores or limited savings for a down payment.

Loans backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. No down payment is required for eligible veterans.

Veterans, active-duty service members and some National Guard and reserve members.

U.S. Department of Agriculture loans. Aimed at rural areas and may require no down payment.

Those living in eligible rural or suburban areas with a steady income that falls within area limits.

Non-Warrantable Condo Loans

Loans for condos that don't meet conventional guidelines. These often have higher condo mortgage rates.

Those buying in a complex with unique or unconventional rules or investors seeking a particular opportunity.

How Condo Mortgages Work

When exploring condo ownership, two aspects play a role in your decision-making process: payment structures and the condo association's role. Understanding these will not only guide you to the current condo mortgage rates but also ensure a smooth and enjoyable condo living experience.

Payment Structures: Fixed-rate mortgages offer a constant interest rate, providing stability for long-term owners. Adjustable-rate mortgages begin with a lower rate that may change, suiting those planning to sell or refinance soon. By aligning your choice with your financial goals and understanding the differences between these structures, you can secure the mortgage that best fits your situation.

The Condo Association's Role. Owning a condo means you'll be part of a condo association, which governs the community's rules and takes care of common areas. Understanding the association's role, knowing the fees involved and staying informed about the association's financial health and policies are all vital. These elements can impact your living experience, property value and mortgage rates.


When looking to secure the best condo mortgage rates, it's vital to be aware of common restrictions on condo loans. Understanding these can help you navigate the process more effectively:

  • Condo Association's Financial Health: Lenders may evaluate the financial stability of the condo association to ensure they meet specific criteria. A financially healthy association often indicates lower risk, which can affect your mortgage rate.

  • Occupancy Rates: Some lenders require a certain percentage of the units to be owner-occupied. High owner occupancy typically means a well-maintained community, potentially leading to more favorable mortgage rates.

  • Location Restrictions: Lenders may have restrictions on the location or type of the condo they'll provide loans for. Urban, suburban and rural areas might have different qualification criteria, affecting the available mortgage rates.

Being informed about these limitations empowers you to make smarter decisions aligned with current condo mortgage rates.

How to Get a Condo Mortgage

Securing a condo mortgage involves understanding the application process and knowing how to enhance your chances of approval. By preparing thoroughly and tailoring your approach, you're positioning yourself to find the most fitting mortgage for your new condo while ensuring the process aligns with your unique needs and goals.

The Application Process

Understanding the application process for a condo mortgage helps borrowers navigate through it efficiently, potentially leading to more favorable condo mortgage rates.

Research Lenders

Explore various lenders to find the best fit. Compare rates and terms. Start with your current bank, then look online for comparisons.


Get pre-approved for a mortgage. This shows sellers you're serious. Have all your financial documents ready to speed up the process.

Find Your Condo

Hunt for the condo that suits your needs. Consider hiring a real estate agent with condo experience.

Make an Offer

Once you find the perfect place, make an offer. Stay within your pre-approved limit to keep your budget on track.

Home Inspection

Schedule a professional inspection. Attend it to ask questions and understand potential issues.

Finalize the Mortgage

Work with your lender to finalize the mortgage. Respond quickly to requests for additional information so it doesn’t delay the process.

Close on the Condo

Sign the final paperwork. Review all documents in advance, and don't hesitate to ask questions.

The application process is not merely a checklist but a carefully crafted journey toward your dream condo. Understanding each step puts you in control and aligns your choices with your financial well-being.

Improve Your Chances of a Loan Approval

Improving your appeal to lenders is about more than getting the loan — it's about securing the best condo mortgage rates. You're more likely to impress lenders by presenting yourself as a responsible borrower, resulting in more favorable terms. Here's how you can improve your chances of loan approval and low mortgage rates:

Boost Your Credit Score

By paying your bills on time and reducing credit card balances, you indicate reliability, and lenders might offer you lower interest rates.

Steady Employment History

Showing a consistent work history assures lenders of your ability to make ongoing payments, emphasizing your stability.

Avoid New Debts

By limiting new debt applications, you demonstrate financial control, which presents you as less risky and encourages lenders to offer better terms.

Save for a Larger Down Payment

Saving more for your down payment shows commitment and reduces the lender's risk, possibly leading to lower interest rates.

Choose the Right Loan Type

Different loans offer various benefits, so researching to find the one that suits you best can lead to savings over the life of the loan.

Work With a Mortgage Broker

By working with brokers to guide you to lenders that suit your profile, you can tailor the lender to your specific needs and get a better deal.

The right preparation and understanding of what lenders look for can improve your chances of approval and help secure the best condo mortgage rates. These actions don’t just open the door to homeownership — they pave the pathway to a financially sensible future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating condo mortgages can lead to many questions. That’s why we've gathered some queries to shed light on various aspects of current condo mortgage rates.

Are condo mortgage rates higher than traditional home mortgages?
Can you refinance a condo mortgage?
Are there differences in mortgage rates for new vs. resale condos?
Are there special considerations for securing condo mortgage rates for investment properties?
How does the location of the condo affect mortgage rates?
How can I lock in a favorable condo mortgage rate during market fluctuations?
Can I negotiate condo mortgage rates with lenders?

About Christopher Boston

Christopher Boston headshot

Christopher (Croix) Boston was the Head of Loans content at MoneyGeek, with over five years of experience researching higher education, mortgage and personal loans.

Boston has a bachelor's degree from the Seattle Pacific University. They pride themselves in using their skills and experience to create quality content that helps people save and spend efficiently.