Current Cash-Out Refinance Rates: Your Guide to the Best Offers Today

Updated: August 19, 2023

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If you're considering refinancing, a cash-out refinance is one of your options. You can use the funds to consolidate high-interest debts, fund home improvements or address other financial needs. Understanding current cash-out refinance rates today is crucial because they impact how much you'll repay over time. By staying updated, you can seize opportunities when rates drop, saving a significant amount over your loan's lifetime.

Today's Cash-Out Refinance Rates

The current average rate for cash-out refinance loans are around the low to mid-single-digit percent range. These rates dictate the interest you'll pay when you borrow more than your home's existing mortgage and pocket the difference. Keeping tabs on them can help you spot and seize opportunities to save.

Cash-out refinance rates are generally more attractive than other options, such as home equity lines of credit. However, these rates fluctuate over time and can vary depending on the loan type, making shopping around an essential step to getting the best deal.

What Affects Cash-Out Refinance Rates?

Understanding what drives cash-out refinance rates up or down is essential because it can help you predict rate changes. This knowledge lets you choose the best time to refinance, allowing you to maximize savings and secure favorable loan terms. Here are some key factors:

  • Market Conditions: Economic trends influence rates. For example, during an economic boom, rates might increase as more people can afford loans, while a downturn can lower rates to stimulate borrowing.

  • Credit Score: Your credit score represents your creditworthiness. Higher scores typically lead to lower rates, so maintaining good credit standing can save you money on a refinance.

  • Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV): This is the percentage of your home's value you owe. Lower LTVs often attract better rates as they present less risk to the lender.

  • Property Type and Occupancy: If you live in the property (owner-occupied), you'll likely get a better rate than renting it out (non-owner-occupied). Lenders consider owner-occupied properties less risky since homeowners are more likely to direct their resources to them in times of financial hardship.

Understanding the factors affecting cash-out refinance rates allows you to navigate the process strategically. With this knowledge, you're one step closer to achieving your refinancing goals.

What Is a Cash-Out Refinance?

A cash-out refinance is a mortgage strategy where you replace your existing loan with a new one for more than what you owe to get the difference in cash. That makes it different from other refinancing options, which usually only aim for lower interest rates. A cash-out refinance serves multiple purposes, allowing you to leverage your home equity to address various financial needs, such as renovating your home, consolidating debt or paying for education. However, it's crucial to consider the current cash-out refinance rates and your personal financial circumstances before making your decision.

Types of Cash-Out Refinance

Knowing the different types of cash-out refinance loans is important because each has unique benefits, and the rates can vary. For example, VA cash-out refinance rates may differ from FHA cash-out refinance rates. Knowing this can help you choose a loan that suits your situation.

Cash-Out Refinance Type
Eligibility Criteria

Conventional Cash-Out Refinance

Involves refinancing an existing mortgage into a larger one and taking the difference in cash.

Typically requires a credit score of 620 and above and a loan-to-value ratio of 80% or less.

VA Cash-Out Refinance

Available to veterans, active service members, and eligible spouses. It allows you to refinance up to 100% of your home's value.

Must have a valid Certificate of Eligibility from the VA and wait for at least 210 days from the closing of your original mortgage.

FHA Cash-Out Refinance

Backed by the Federal Housing Administration, it typically allows higher loan-to-value ratios.

Must have a credit score of at least 580 and be on the property title for at least 12 months.

Understanding the different types of cash-out refinance loans and their corresponding rates allows you to make a choice that aligns with your financial situation and goals. Whether it's a conventional loan, VA loan or FHA loan, the right choice can make a substantial difference in your finances.

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The amount you can get from a cash-out refinance depends on your home's equity and your lender's loan-to-value ratio limit. You'll first pay off your existing mortgage, and any remaining amount is yours to use. Remember, it's crucial to compare cash-out refinance rates and understand the long-term implications because too much borrowing might lead to higher repayments. Remember to consider your financial goals and the cost-effectiveness of refinancing your mortgage before deciding how much to cash out.

Pros and Cons of a Cash-Out Refinance

Understanding the pros and cons of a cash-out refinance helps you make a well-informed decision. If you focus solely on the benefits, such as having extra cash on hand, you may overlook potential risks like higher debt levels or extended repayment periods. Similarly, concentrating only on the downsides might keep you from using a helpful financial tool that can consolidate debt or fund home improvements.


Access to Cash: Provides a lump sum for various needs, like home improvements, tuition fees or medical bills.

Increased Loan Amount: Borrowing more than you owe increases your overall debt, potentially leading to financial strain.

Debt Consolidation: Allows you to consolidate high-interest debts into a mortgage with a lower rate, reducing your monthly payments.

Higher Interest Costs: Even with a lower rate, you may end up paying more interest over time since you're extending your repayment term.

Potential Tax Benefits: Some mortgage interest may be tax-deductible, especially if you use the cash-out for home improvements. It’s best to consult a tax advisor for your situation.

Closing Costs: Refinancing involves costs, such as appraisal fees, title insurance and others, which can add up.

Lower Interest Rates: If current rates are lower than your original mortgage, you could enjoy significant savings.

Risk of Foreclosure: If you cannot meet the new mortgage payments, you risk losing your home.

Improve Cash Flow: The cash-out can help manage a cash flow problem, easing financial stress.

Equity Reduction: You're borrowing against your home equity, reducing your property ownership stake.

A cash-out refinance offers several benefits but comes with potential risks. It's crucial to consider both aspects and consult a financial advisor if needed. Securing the best cash-out refinance rates is only part of the equation — understanding the whole picture will help you make the best decision.

Securing a Cash-Out Refinance

The path to a successful refinance doesn't end after deciding it's the right move for you. If you've balanced the pros and cons and decided a cash-out refinance aligns with your financial goals, it's time to understand the requirements and application process. Knowing these can help you navigate the landscape and secure the best cash-out refinance rates.

Requirements for a Cash-Out Refinance

Knowing what lenders look for when approving a cash-out refinance can prepare you for success. It guides your efforts to meet their criteria and get better cash-out refinance rates. Although specific requirements vary between lenders, here are some universal ones across the industry:

  • Minimum Credit Score: Your credit score measures your creditworthiness. Most lenders require a credit score of 620 or above for a cash-out refinance. The higher the score, the lower the rates you're likely to get.

  • Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV): Lenders assess risk by looking at your LTV ratio. This ratio compares your loan amount and your home's value. The lower your LTV ratio, the better the rates you might receive.

  • Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI): This is the ratio of your monthly debt payments to your gross monthly income. A lower DTI shows you manage your debts well, which can lead to more favorable rates.

  • Stable Employment and Income: Lenders want to see that you have a steady job and a reliable source of income because it shows that you'll be more likely to manage the increased loan payments of a cash-out refinance. A long employment history and stable income could lead to better rates.

  • Home Equity: To qualify for a cash-out refinance, you typically need at least 20% equity in your home. The amount of equity you have can also affect the loan terms and rates you receive. The more equity you have, the lower your LTV ratio, leading to more favorable rates.

Understanding these requirements can help you improve your chances of securing the best cash-out refinance rates. It allows you to focus your efforts effectively and improve the aspects lenders care about most.

Steps to a Cash-Out Refinance

Understanding the steps involved in applying for a cash-out refinance can make your experience smoother, giving you control over the process. You can find ways to comply with requirements promptly and secure better cash-out refinance rates. Let's explore the steps in detail:

  • Step 1: Preparation. Gather your financial documents (like pay stubs, tax returns and bank statements) and check your credit score. Know your goals for the refinance to help you decide on the terms that best meet your needs.

  • Step 2: Research. Shop around for the best rates and terms. Lenders offer different rates, so explore multiple options for the best deal.

  • Step 3: Application. Once you've chosen a lender, fill out the application form. You'll provide information about your income, debts, and assets.

  • Step 4: Home Appraisal. Your lender will order a home appraisal to determine your home's current value, affecting your loan-to-value ratio and the amount you can cash out.

  • Step 5: Loan Underwriting. The lender will evaluate your application, credit score and home's value to decide if they will approve your loan.

  • Step 6: Closing. If your application is approved, you'll move to closing. Review all documents carefully before signing.

With these steps in mind, you'll manage your refinance better and navigate the process with confidence. Remember, preparation and knowledge are key to securing the best cash-out refinance rates and sailing through your cash-out refinance journey.

Strategies To Secure the Best Cash-Out Refinance Rates

Every homeowner considering a cash-out refinance can benefit from employing effective strategies to secure the best rates. Here are some tips to help you secure the best cash-out refinance rates:

  • Refinance at the Right Time: Market conditions can significantly affect cash-out refinance rates. Monitor economic trends and refinance when rates are lower.

  • Improve Your Credit Score: A higher credit score signals less risk to lenders, which can result in more favorable rates. Regularly pay your bills, reduce your debts and avoid new debt to boost your score.

  • Consider a Rate Lock: Some lenders offer the option to lock in your interest rate for a certain period. This could be a smart move if rates are currently low and you want to avoid future rate hikes.

  • Hire a Mortgage Broker: A mortgage broker can help you navigate the refinancing process and find the best cash-out refinance rates. They have knowledge of various lenders and can guide you based on your specific circumstances and goals.

  • Opt for a Shorter Loan Term: Although monthly payments may be higher, shorter-term loans often come with lower interest rates, saving you money in the long run.

Better rates mean less interest over the life of your loan, which means more money saved.

Alternatives to a Cash-Out Refinance

Knowing about alternatives to a cash-out refinance is crucial since it helps you assess all available options and select the most suitable one for your situation. It can ensure you don't overlook a potentially better path just because you're unaware of it. Here are some alternatives to a cash-out refinance:


Fixed interest rate, easier budgeting, tax-deductible interest

Higher interest rates than cash-out refinance, closing costs

Flexibility to borrow as needed, only pay interest on what you borrow

Variable interest rate, may lead to overspending

No need to use your home as collateral, fixed interest rate

Higher interest rates, shorter repayment period

No credit check required, interest paid to your own account.

Can lead to retirement savings shortfall, loan becomes due if you leave your job.

Can provide income during retirement, no monthly payments.

Reduces equity in your home and can have high fees.

Each of these alternatives has benefits and risks that you should consider alongside the current cash-out refinance rates before making a decision. Always choose the path that aligns best with your financial goals and current situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

We gathered commonly asked questions about cash-out refinances to provide more information you can use to navigate your refinancing journey.

What are cash-out refinance rates?
Why are cash-out refinance rates higher?
How much equity do you need to do a cash-out refinance?
What is the difference between a cash-out refinance vs. home equity loan?
Will cash-out refinancing affect my credit score?
Can I use a cash-out refinance for investment properties?
Can I do a cash-out refinance with bad credit?

About Christopher Boston

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Christopher (Croix) Boston was the Head of Loans content at MoneyGeek, with over five years of experience researching higher education, mortgage and personal loans.

Boston has a bachelor's degree from the Seattle Pacific University. They pride themselves in using their skills and experience to create quality content that helps people save and spend efficiently.