A Comprehensive Guide to Meeting HELOC Requirements

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Updated: February 7, 2024

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A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is a loan that leverages your home's value, enabling you to borrow funds as needed. However, qualifying for a HELOC entails meeting specific criteria. Understanding these requirements beforehand enhances your chances of approval. Our guide outlines the essential steps required to qualify for a HELOC.

What Is a HELOC and How Does It Work?

A HELOC is a loan that turns your home's value into a flexible source of cash. It gives you a credit line you can tap into whenever you need extra money. Unlike with a first mortgage or a personal loan, where you receive a lump sum upfront and start repaying it immediately in monthly installments, a HELOC operates differently. Instead, you borrow funds as needed, similar to how a credit card works.

HELOCs have two phases — the draw and repayment stages. During the draw period, which usually lasts five to 10 years, you can access funds up to your credit limit. You'll typically only pay interest on the amount borrowed, not the entire credit line. The draw period allows you to use the funds for various purposes, like home improvement projects or consolidating debt. But be aware that the more you borrow, the more you'll have to repay later.

Once the draw period ends, the repayment period begins. This could last 10 to 20 years, during which you'll pay back the principal and interest. Knowing its duration helps you prepare to repay the loan's long-term commitment. Missing payments during this time could put your home at risk, so careful budgeting can help you get out of trouble.


Many people think HELOCs and home equity loans are the same, but they're not. Both allow you to borrow against your home's value, but how you get and repay the money differs, serving distinct financial goals.

A home equity loan provides a lump sum all at once, making it ideal for significant expenses such as making home improvements or consolidating debt. You repay it in fixed installments. A HELOC provides a credit line you can tap into as needed, offering flexibility for ongoing costs or as a financial safety net. So, while they seem similar, they serve different purposes.

Understanding these differences along with HELOC requirements helps you pick the right loan to match your financial goals.

Benefits of Securing a HELOC

According to TransUnion's 2023 Q3 Credit Industry Insights Report, there has been a notable decrease in HELOC originations, with a 28% decline compared to the peak volumes of 2022. But what makes HELOCs so attractive? Here are some benefits that might explain why borrowers are keen on securing a HELOC:

  • Flexible access to cash: A HELOC offers the freedom to borrow funds as needed, perfect for handling ongoing expenses like home renovations or college tuition.

  • Lower interest rates: HELOCs generally come with lower interest rates than credit cards or personal loans. It can mean significant savings if you're planning to use it to consolidate high-interest debts.

  • Tax benefits: Borrowers can deduct the interest paid on a HELOC if the funds are used for home improvements. It’s always best to consult a tax advisor, but it can be a helpful financial perk if it applies.

  • Adaptable repayment terms: HELOCs often come with customizable repayment options, allowing you to align your monthly payments with your budget better.

  • Larger loan limits: Because a HELOC is secured against your home, you can often borrow more than you might qualify for with other types of loans.

There’s a good reason for the rising interest in HELOC. Whether it's flexible spending, lower rates, tax advantages, or high loan limits, understanding and meeting the requirements for HELOC can offer a range of financial advantages worth considering.

HELOC Requirements in 2024

Lenders have a checklist of HELOC loan requirements they look at before approving your loan application. They're not just being picky — they must ensure you're a safe bet for paying back the loan. That includes checking your credit score, your income and the value of your home.

So, if you’re planning to secure a HELOC, knowing these requirements beforehand gives you an edge. You can work on boosting your credit score or saving more to meet or exceed what lenders expect from their borrowers. It not only increases your chances of getting approved but may also get you better loan terms.

Home Equity

Home equity is the value of the part of your home you own, not the part still owned by the bank through your mortgage. Calculating it is simple: Take the current market value of your home and subtract what's left on your mortgage. So if your home's worth $300,000 and you still owe $200,000, you've got $100,000 in home equity.

For a HELOC, you typically need at least 15% to 20% home equity since they use it as collateral. The more equity you have, the less risky the loan is for the lender and the more you can potentially borrow. Understanding and meeting these requirements for HELOC can streamline the application process for you.


Are you looking to secure a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) soon? Ensure you have more than enough equity first. Here are three actionable tips to elevate your equity and get you on the fast track for a HELOC.

  • Extra payments: Add more to your monthly mortgage payment if you can. It reduces your loan balance faster, boosting equity.

  • Home improvements: Upgrade your home to increase its value. A renovated kitchen or bathroom can do wonders.

  • Pay down other debts: Lowering other debts can improve your credit score, indirectly impacting your equity by making you a more appealing borrower.

Growing your home equity improves your standing in HELOC credit score requirements and could lead to a more favorable loan.

Strong Credit Standing

Your credit score is like a financial report card that sums up how well you manage debt. You can check it for free once a year from each major credit bureau — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. For a HELOC, aim for a credit score of at least 620. Lenders use your score to determine if you're a responsible borrower. You may still get the loan if you barely make the cut, but probably at a higher interest rate. That means you'll likely pay more over time.

If your credit score falls short of the requirements for a HELOC, there is still a way. You can improve it by paying down debt and ensuring all your payments on existing loans and credit cards are on time. You can also look for HELOCs designed for individuals with diverse credit backgrounds.

Debt-To-Income Ratio

Your Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI) shows the portion of your monthly income you use to pay debts. To calculate, add up all your monthly debt payments and divide it by your gross monthly income. Then, get the percentage by multiplying it by 100. Lenders typically want a DTI of 43% or lower for a HELOC.

Don’t overlook the value of this ratio because it helps lenders gauge your ability to manage another loan comfortably. If your DTI hovers near the higher end and you still qualify for a HELOC, be prepared for potential drawbacks like higher interest rates, making your loan more expensive over its lifespan. To enhance your HELOC eligibility, consider reducing some of your debts to lower your DTI.

A Stable Income

A stable income means having a consistent and reliable source of earnings. Meeting HELOC income requirements is essential since it reassures lenders that you can repay your loan amount (making you a less risky borrower). Not only does it help you qualify for a HELOC, but a stable income can give you access to better interest rates and terms.

You can establish this by maintaining a long-term job, consistently freelancing with steady clients or having multiple income streams. You may also need to supply financial documents like recent pay stubs, bank statements or even tax returns from the past couple of years during your application.

Payment History

When applying for a HELOC, your payment history, which is a record of your payments on loans, credit cards and other lines of credit, is a big deal. A strong history tells lenders you're responsible and trustworthy. It factors into HELOC loan requirements and influences the terms you're offered, including interest rates.

If you have a poor payment history, you could still get approved but might face higher rates or stricter terms. To prove you're reliable, aim to always pay your bills on time and in full. Consider setting up automatic payments so you never miss a due date. Even if your past payment history has a few blips, remember that responsible financial behavior now can help you secure better loan terms in the future.

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For a HELOC to be worth it, you need to have significant equity in your home. Qualifying for a HELOC but having access to only a small amount of cash due to limited equity can defeat the purpose of your HELOC or limit its effectiveness. — Timothy Manni, Mortgage and Real Estate Consultant

Tips to Improve Your Eligibility

Preparing for a HELOC application is more than just a to-do list — it's a strategic approach to showcase your financial reliability and improve your eligibility for better loan terms. From understanding lender-specific criteria to optimizing your financial profile, we cover the bases so you can make a strong case for yourself as a borrower. With these, you'll be well-prepared to meet HELOC requirements and make the most of this financial opportunity.

  • Consult a financial advisor: Talking to a financial advisor can provide you with a clear understanding of whether a HELOC is a good fit for you. An advisor can also help fine-tune your financial profile, making you a more attractive would-be borrower for lenders.

  • Research lender-specific requirements: Different lenders have unique criteria. Researching will help you find a lender whose requirements align with your financial profile, saving you time and potential disappointment

  • Build a relationship with your bank: If you're a loyal customer, your bank may be more inclined to approve your HELOC application. Consider opening a savings account or applying for a small line of credit to build rapport.

  • Get a co-signer: A co-signer can significantly boost your application, especially if they have a robust financial history. Remember, the co-signer is also responsible for the loan, which is a big commitment.

  • Be prepared for the home appraisal: Lenders rely on home appraisals to gauge your property's value. A well-presented home can positively impact this value. Make sure your home is in tip-top shape for the appraisal.

By adopting these strategies, you're not just ticking off the boxes on HELOC loan requirements — you're also putting yourself in a stronger position for favorable loan terms. Take the proper steps today to unlock the financial potential of your home tomorrow.

Alternatives to a HELOC

A HELOC can offer much flexibility and lower interest rates, but there are better choices for everyone. It means that if you don't qualify for a HELOC, other options are still available, each comes with its own advantages and drawbacks. Our table provides you with more information to make an informed financial decision.

  • No need to put up collateral
  • Predictable monthly payments
  • Quick disbursal
  • Generally higher interest rates
  • Strict eligibility criteria
  • Smaller loan amounts
  • Fixed interest rates
  • Receives a large lump-sum payment
  • Home is used as collateral
  • Closing costs can be high
  • No interest payments during the promotional period
  • Potential for rewards
  • Very high interest rates post-promotion
  • Potential for accumulating debt

CD Loans

  • Usually lower interest rates than unsecured loans
  • Quick approval process
  • Risk of forfeiting your CD
  • Loan amount limited to CD value
  • Potentially lower interest rates
  • Large lump-sum payment
  • High closing costs
  • Extends the life of your mortgage, possibly at a higher interest rate

Knowing all the HELOC alternatives allows you to navigate your financial landscape from a different perspective. Whether you're exploring HELOC requirements or considering a personal loan, your financial wellness is all about finding what best aligns with your unique needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not everyone is familiar with HELOCs and their requirements. To provide additional information, we've answered some of the most commonly asked HELOC questions that will allow you to make sounder financial choices.

What is a HELOC and how does it work?
How do you get a HELOC?
How long does it take to get a HELOC?
Does a HELOC require credit?
What are the requirements for a HELOC?
Can I get a home equity loan or HELOC without a job?
Can I borrow 100% of my home equity?
Can I get a HELOC and a home loan at the same time?

About Christopher Boston

Christopher Boston headshot

Christopher (Croix) Boston was the Head of Loans content at MoneyGeek, with over five years of experience researching higher education, mortgage and personal loans.

Boston has a bachelor's degree from the Seattle Pacific University. They pride themselves in using their skills and experience to create quality content that helps people save and spend efficiently.
