Equity Essentials: Meeting Home Equity Loan Requirements

Updated: January 26, 2024

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To qualify for a home equity loan, you should have at least 15% to 20% equity in your home. Understanding the equity requirements is vital because it affects your eligibility and influences the loan terms and rates. To effectively use your home as a key part of your financial plan, you should know how to calculate your home's equity, how much you should ideally borrow and what other options you have if your equity doesn't meet the criteria.

Key Takeaways

Typically, you need 15% to 20% equity in your home to qualify for a home equity loan, but requirements may vary among lenders.

Calculate your home's equity by subtracting your mortgage balance from the current market value of your home.

Lenders generally allow you to borrow up to 80% to 85% of your home's equity to mitigate financial risk for both parties.

How Home Equity Loans Work

A home equity loan is a type of secured loan, which means it's backed by an asset — in this case, your home. That means if you can't pay back the loan, the lender could take your home to recover the money. Typically, these loans have a fixed repayment period, ranging from 5 to 30 years, and interest rates can vary based on your creditworthiness and market factors.

Home equity interest rates come in two types: fixed and variable. Fixed rates stay the same throughout the loan term, making budgeting easier. Variable rates can change, usually in line with market trends, which might lower or increase your payments over time. Deciding between them depends on your financial stability and comfort with risk.

To get a home equity loan, start by applying through a lender. They'll check your credit score, assess your home's value and review your financial history. The process can take a few weeks to a couple of months. Getting approved means you'll have a clear idea of the loan amount, interest rate and repayment plan.

Understanding Equity Requirements

To borrow from home equity, it's essential to meet certain equity requirements. Generally, lenders want you to have at least 15% to 20% equity in your home. If your home is valued at $100,000, you should have between $15,000 and $20,000 in equity. Having enough equity is the first step in qualifying for a home equity loan.

Lenders also look at your loan-to-value (LTV) ratio to determine your eligibility. An LTV compares the loan amount you're seeking to the appraised value of your home. A lower LTV ratio is more favorable, increasing your chances of loan approval. Lenders use this ratio to gauge the risk involved in lending to you.

Your mortgage balance also plays a big role. As you pay down your mortgage, your equity increases, improving your chances of qualifying for a loan. Conversely, a higher mortgage balance means less available equity, affecting your eligibility. Remember that different lenders have varying equity requirements. Shopping around can help you find a lender that matches your equity situation.

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Equity is your financial stake in your home. The more equity you have, the more of your home you actually "own." Having more home equity can lead to better loan terms and interest rates when you borrow. It's like showing lenders you have a strong investment in your property, which reduces their risk. However, it's important to be cautious as there are risks involved when using your home as collateral.

Your equity also plays a crucial role in how much you can borrow and your chances of loan approval. For long-term financial planning, building and maintaining home equity should be a key consideration, as it's a valuable asset in your financial health.

How to Calculate Home Equity

Knowing how to calculate home equity is a crucial step before considering a home equity loan. Let's take the example of Angel, a homeowner thinking about borrowing against her home’s equity to fund a major home renovation. She needs to understand how much equity she has to see if this is possible. We'll break down the steps involved. These will provide you with the tools to assess your situation.

Determine the Current Market Value of Your Home

Angel starts by finding out the current market value of her home. She can do this through a professional appraisal or by comparing recent sales of similar homes in her neighborhood. For our example, let's say Angel's home is appraised at $300,000.

Subtract the Remaining Mortgage Balance

Next, Angel checks the remaining balance on the mortgage. This information is usually available in your mortgage statement. Upon checking her documents, Angel finds she still owes $150,000.

Calculate Home Equity

To calculate home equity, subtract the mortgage balance from the home's market value. For Angel, it's:

  • $300,000 (market value) - $150,000 (mortgage balance) = $150,000

Therefore, Angel has $150,000 equity in her home.

Convert Equity to a Percentage

To find the percentage of equity, Angel divides the equity amount by the home's market value and then multiplies the result by 100.

  • ($150,000 / $300,000) x 100 = 50%

This far exceeds the typical 15% to 20% requirement, positioning Angel well for a home equity loan.

Use this simple calculation to help you make informed decisions about leveraging your home's value.

Pros and Cons of Borrowing Against Equity

Borrowing against your home’s equity can offer significant benefits, like access to large sums of money and potentially lower interest rates compared to other loans. However, you should also consider potential downsides and risks. For instance, you could lose your home if your financial circumstances change and you default on your loan. It’s essential to weigh both sides to make an informed decision. Explore the benefits and drawbacks of borrowing against equity in the table below.


  • Access to Large Funds: Borrowing against home equity can provide a substantial amount of money, which is useful for big expenses like home renovations or education costs.
  • Lower Interest Rates: Home equity loans generally have lower interest rates than unsecured loans, making them more cost-effective over time.
  • Tax Benefits: Interest paid on home equity loans may be tax-deductible if used for home improvements, offering potential tax advantages.
  • Flexible Use: Funds from a home equity loan can be used for various purposes, from debt consolidation to funding major life events.
  • Fixed Repayment Schedule: These loans typically have a predictable repayment schedule, making budgeting easier.


  • Risk of Foreclosure: If you fail to repay, you risk losing your home. It’s a significant consideration as your home is the collateral.
  • Additional Debt: Taking out a home equity loan increases your overall debt burden, which could strain your finances, especially if your income decreases.
  • Closing Costs and Fees: Home equity loans come with closing costs and fees, which can add up and increase the overall cost of borrowing.
  • Potential for Decreased Home Value: If the housing market declines, you might end up owing more than your home is worth.
  • Impact on Future Financing: Borrowing against equity can affect your ability to secure additional loans, as lenders consider existing debts.

Although you can tap into significant resources by borrowing from home equity, it's best to decide with a full understanding of the advantages and the risks involved. A balanced perspective ensures you make a choice that aligns with your long-term financial health and goals.

Deciding How Much to Borrow

Lenders typically allow you to borrow up to 80% to 85% of your home's equity. For example, if you have $50,000 in equity, you might be able to borrow between $40,000 and $42,500. However, just because you can borrow up to this limit doesn't mean you should. It's important to be cautious and not overextend your finances.

When deciding how much to borrow, balance your immediate needs with long-term financial safety. Consider the loan's cost, including interest and fees, and how changes in your home's value could affect your equity. Borrowing too much can put you at risk if the market dips. Also, factor in your other financial commitments, like existing debts or future expenses.

It's wise to seek advice from a financial advisor. They can provide personalized guidance based on your unique financial situation. This way, you ensure that your decision to borrow from home equity is prudent and beneficial.

How to Increase Home Equity

The amount of equity you have in your home directly affects how much you can borrow against it. That's why, before considering a home equity loan, it's beneficial to explore how to increase home equity. These tips are especially valuable for those looking to enhance their borrowing power or improve their financial stability.

Here are some effective ways to boost your home equity:

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    Make Larger or Additional Mortgage Payments

    By paying more than the minimum on your mortgage, you reduce the principal faster, increasing equity. Even small additional payments can make a big difference over time.

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    Opt for a Shorter Mortgage Term

    Although this means higher monthly payments, a shorter mortgage term builds equity quicker as you're paying off the principal faster.

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    Renovate or Improve Your Home

    Smart home improvements can increase your property’s worth. Focus on renovations known to boost home value, like kitchen or bathroom remodels.

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    Refinance to a Lower Interest Rate

    Refinancing your mortgage can reduce your interest payments, allowing more of your payment to go toward the principal. This, in turn, builds equity faster.

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    Wait for Property Value to Increase

    Sometimes, market conditions lead to an increase in home values. While this is less under your control, it's a factor to consider.

Increasing home equity improves your borrowing potential and strengthens your overall financial health. Remember, building equity is a gradual process and a solid step toward financial security.

Alternatives to Home Equity Loans

Depending on your situation — perhaps you don't have enough equity built up yet, or maybe you're not comfortable using your home as collateral — a home equity loan might not be your best option. Fortunately, there are other ways to borrow money that don't require home equity. Note that each alternative has its own benefits and drawbacks and can suit different financial needs and situations.

Financing Options
  • No collateral needed
  • Fixed interest rates and payments
  • Higher interest rates than home equity loans
  • Lower borrowing limits
  • Quick and convenient
  • Useful for smaller, immediate expenses
  • High-interest rates
  • Easy to accumulate debt
  • No credit check required
  • Low-interest rates
  • Flexible lending criteria
  • Quick funding process
  • Potentially high-interest rates
  • Varying reliability of lenders

Borrowing From Family or Friends

  • Potentially lower or no interest rates
  • Flexible repayment terms
  • Risk to personal relationships
  • Lack of formal lending protections

When deciding how to finance your needs, it's important to consider all your options. Each alternative comes with advantages and challenges, so it's best to choose the one that aligns best with your financial situation and goals.

FAQ on Home Equity Loan Requirements

We addressed some common questions about equity requirements and how they impact home equity loans. These can provide deeper insights and clarity, helping you make the best choices for your financial situation.

Can I borrow the entire amount of my home's available equity?
What is home equity, and how does it influence my loan eligibility?
How do lenders determine the necessary amount of equity for a home equity loan?
Does the market value of my home affect my options for equity loans?
How will my current mortgage balance affect my home equity loan application?
Am I allowed to use a home equity loan for any type of expense?
How much time is typically needed to build enough equity for a loan?
If I don't meet the equity requirements, what other loan options do I have?
What happens to my home equity loan if I decide to sell my house?
Is obtaining a home equity loan still possible if the value of my home decreases?

About Christopher Boston

Christopher Boston headshot

Christopher (Croix) Boston was the Head of Loans content at MoneyGeek, with over five years of experience researching higher education, mortgage and personal loans.

Boston has a bachelor's degree from the Seattle Pacific University. They pride themselves in using their skills and experience to create quality content that helps people save and spend efficiently.