Pros and Cons of Interest-Only HELOCs

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Updated: February 16, 2024

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Home equity lines of credit, or HELOCs, offer a flexible way to use your home's value for borrowing. You can pay just the interest during the draw phase, making it a choice worth considering for those who want lower initial payments. Understanding the pros and cons of this option is crucial, helping you make informed decisions. We'll provide you with a balanced view, ensuring you're well-equipped with the knowledge needed to navigate interest-only HELOCs.

Key Takeaways

Interest-only HELOCs offer lower initial payments, providing short-term budget relief, but require careful planning for higher payments in the future.

Understanding the risks, such as variable interest rates and the potential for home foreclosure, is crucial before committing to an interest-only HELOC.

Refinancing options and careful financial planning become essential as the draw period ends, ensuring borrowers can manage the transition to repayment effectively.

What is an Interest-Only HELOC?

According to Experian’s 2023 Consumer Credit Review, the average mortgage balance was $244,498. Considering the median home value in the U.S., American homeowners have sizable equity to tap into. One popular way of doing this is through a HELOC.

Unlike traditional HELOCs, where you pay both interest and principal from the start, an interest-only option provides short-term payment relief. It's a type of home equity line of credit where you initially only pay the interest charges. During the draw period, you can borrow and repay as needed while keeping payments low. However, that means you aren't reducing the loan balance.

Once the draw period ends, you enter the repayment phase, where you pay back the borrowed amount along with interest. Understanding this is essential because it impacts how much you'll pay each month and over the loan's lifetime. Interest-only HELOCs can be particularly attractive for those who need flexible cash flow now and anticipate higher income in the future. This option is well-suited for those who can strategically manage the transition to higher payments later on.

Pros of an Interest-Only HELOC

An interest-only HELOC has several benefits. For example, you enjoy lower initial payments, as you're only covering the interest in the early stages. That can be a big help if you're balancing a tight budget. It also offers the flexibility of borrowing what you need when you need it without the pressure of high monthly repayments.

Knowing the benefits of an interest-only HELOC can help you weigh its suitability against your financial goals. Whether you're managing short-term expenses or planning a big purchase, these advantages make it a valuable option to consider.

Lower Initial Payments

The flexibility you gain from lower initial payments can be particularly beneficial when managing various expenses, such as emergency repairs, health care costs or educational fees. It also provides a buffer during employment transitions, periods of reduced income or any unexpected short-term financial challenges that might strain your budget.

However, these payments don't reduce the loan balance, so be prepared for higher payments later. It's best to have a solid repayment strategy for when the draw period ends. Anticipating and preparing for this increase can help you avoid financial strain and ensure long-term fiscal health.

Flexible Borrowing

An interest-only HELOC gives you a flexible line of credit that allows you to borrow funds when needed. You have control over how much you borrow against your home's equity without being committed to a large loan upfront. You can draw funds to cover expenses like home renovations or college costs and only pay interest on the amount used. That helps in effectively managing your cash flow, as you won't be burdened by large monthly repayments. It's especially beneficial for those with varying financial needs or planning for future expenses.

Cheaper Financing

Interest-only HELOC rates are often lower compared to personal loans or credit cards. As of December 2023, the Federal Reserve puts the average interest for credit cards at 21.47% and 12.35% for 2-year personal loans. Depending on your credit and market conditions, you may find a lower figure with an interest-only HELOC, leading to substantial savings, particularly in the short term. That makes it beneficial if you have large-scale endeavors such as home renovations, which require significant capital.

Lower rates also provide relief during unexpected situations, such as medical emergencies or urgent home repairs. Understanding and taking advantage of more favorable figures allows you to make cost-effective borrowing decisions. It can help you plan your finances strategically, ensuring you're not overburdened by high-interest debts when you have hefty expenses.

Tax Benefit

Interest-only HELOCs can offer a tax advantage — the potential for interest deductions on your tax return. According to the Internal Revenue Service, this is possible when you use the borrowed funds for home improvement or purchase.

A tax deduction effectively reduces your taxable income, but not everyone automatically qualifies. To benefit from it, you must meet specific criteria set by tax laws, and since these can be complex and change over time, it's wise to consult a tax advisor. They can provide tailored advice, ensuring you understand and make the most of any tax benefits available to you.

Cons of an Interest-Only HELOC

While an interest-only HELOC offers benefits like lower initial payments, it's important not to overlook their drawbacks. Focusing only on the advantages can lead to unexpected financial strains in the future. For instance, variable rates can increase your payments unexpectedly, and the eventual shift to higher payments can impact your long-term budget. Understanding both the pros and cons helps you decide if an interest-only HELOC aligns with your financial situation and future goals. Remember, a well-informed decision can help you manage your finances effectively and avoid potential pitfalls.

Variable Rates

Interest-only HELOCs typically come with variable interest rates, so the rate can change over time. Rate fluctuations are tied to market conditions; when they rise, so does your payment. It can impact your budget, especially if you're not prepared for them. It's important to plan for the possibility of rate increases when considering an interest-only HELOC. Understanding this risk can help you assess whether you're financially equipped to handle potential changes in your monthly payments.

Lack of Availability

Market conditions, like economic trends and lending risks, influence lenders' decisions to offer different financial products. As a result, your preferred financial institution might not offer an interest-only HELOC. The scarcity is a risk, and you might need to spend more time and effort shopping around to find a suitable offer.

When exploring payment options for interest-only HELOCs, comparing different lenders is essential. It ensures you not only find a line of credit but also get one with terms and rates that fit your financial situation. Remember, thorough research is key to finding the right loan for you.

Higher Payment in the Future

After the draw period of an interest-only HELOC ends, your payments increase because you start paying both the principal and the interest, not just the latter. This can significantly impact your long-term budget, especially if you're not prepared.

The higher payments could strain your finances, especially if your income hasn't increased correspondingly. Comparing the long-term costs before taking out a line of credit ensures you're ready for the higher amounts later. Understanding and preparing for this transition helps you maintain long-term financial stability.

Putting Up Your Home as Collateral

When you take out an interest-only HELOC, your home serves as collateral. If you can't keep up with the payment, you risk losing your home. Using your home as security gives lenders the right to foreclose if you default on payments. Foreclosure is the legal process where a lender takes ownership of your home to recover their loan.

Only borrow what you can realistically repay, even when payments increase after the interest-only period. Understanding the seriousness of using your home as collateral can help you make wise financial choices.

Is an Interest-Only HELOC Right for You?

Interest-only HELOCs can be a smart financing tool, but they're not a one-size-fits-all solution. Whether they're right for you depends on your financial situation and goals. Knowing when an interest-only HELOC is beneficial and when it could be a risk is key to using it effectively. By evaluating your current and future financial capacity, you can decide if this type of HELOC matches your needs, ensuring you make a choice that supports your present and future financial well-being.

When an Interest-Only HELOC Works

Understanding the scenarios where an interest-only HELOC fits can lead to more informed financial decisions. Let's explore when opting for an interest-only HELOC can be a smart move:

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    You’re Expecting a Future Increase in Income

    If you expect your income to increase soon, an interest-only HELOC enables you to make manageable payments now, with the option to cover larger ones later. Plan to use the increased income to pay down the principal to reduce financial strain down the line.

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    You Have Significant Home Equity

    If you have a lot of equity, an interest-only HELOC provides access to a substantial credit line. It's vital to borrow only what's needed and have a plan to pay it back.

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    You Think Interest Rates are on a Downward Trend

    If you expect lower rates, an interest-only HELOC can be advantageous. Stay informed about market trends and be prepared for rate adjustments.

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    You Want to Use it to Flip Houses

    An interest-only HELOC can offer the capital needed for house flipping. Ensure you understand the market and have a clear timeline for selling the property to avoid long-term payment challenges.

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    You Intend to Move Before the Draw Period Ends

    If you plan to sell your home before the repayment phase, an interest-only HELOC can provide low-cost access to funds. Just be aware of market conditions to avoid a rushed or unprofitable sale.

An interest-only HELOC can be a flexible and strategic financial tool, but they're not for everyone. Assessing your situation can help determine whether it'll be a good fit. Remember, smart borrowing today lays the foundation for a stable financial tomorrow.

When an Interest-Only HELOC Doesn’t Work

Recognizing situations where an interest-only HELOC might not be the best fit is just as important as knowing when they work. It can help you avoid financial choices that could lead to stress or difficulty in the future. Let's explore several scenarios where an interest-only HELOC might not be the ideal choice:

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    You Have Limited Home Equity

    With less equity, the available credit might be too low to meet your needs, and the risk to your property is higher. Consider alternative funding sources or focus on building more equity first.

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    Your Credit Score is Less Than Ideal

    Having a lower credit score can lead to higher interest rates, making the loan more expensive. Work on improving your credit score before applying, or explore other loan options that might be more forgiving of credit issues.

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    You Have Repayment Concerns

    If you're unsure about your ability to manage higher payments in the future, an interest-only HELOC can be risky. Assess your long-term financial stability; if uncertain, consider more predictable financing options.

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    Your Goal is to Save

    Interest-only HELOCs don't reduce your loan principal in the initial phase, which isn't ideal if your goal is to save money in the long run. Evaluate other saving and investment avenues that align with your saving goals.

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    You Have Difficulty Budgeting

    If managing finances isn't your strong suit, the fluctuating payments of an interest-only HELOC can complicate your budgeting. Seek financial planning assistance or look into loan options with more predictable monthly payments.

Awareness of these factors can help you avoid financial decisions that might not serve your long-term interests. Remember, making the best financial choice involves seizing opportunities and avoiding pitfalls that don't align with your goals and capabilities.

What to Do When The Draw Period Ends

When the draw period of your interest-only HELOC ends, you face several choices. One is refinancing, which can be a smart move if you find better terms or rates, particularly if market conditions have improved. It could potentially lower your payments or offer more favorable conditions.

Understanding the transition to the repayment phase is also crucial because the shift can significantly impact your finances, as monthly payments usually increase. It's best to plan for these, so you're not caught off guard. Budgeting and financial forecasting become essential tools to manage this change.

If you're unsure about the best path forward, seeking advice can be invaluable. A financial advisor can help you review your options and adjust your strategies to suit your current situation. Remember, the decisions you make at the end of your interest-only HELOC's draw period can have long-lasting effects on your financial health.


HELOCs are known for their flexibility. The ability to affordably borrow large sums at various intervals over an extended period is like no other financial tool. And while the ability to make interest-only payments at the beginning is another wrinkle of flexibility, that wiggle room and flexibility abruptly comes to an end when the repayment period starts. To find ways to be flexible, even when your HELOC no longer is, financially prepare well before your payments shift to principal plus interest. — Timothy Manni, Mortgage and Real Estate Consultant

Frequently Asked Questions About the Pros and Cons of Interest-Only HELOCs

If you're considering an interest-only HELOC, you likely have questions about how they work and their impact on your finances. We answered the most commonly asked questions to help you understand their advantages and challenges.

What is an interest-only HELOC?
In what ways does an interest-only HELOC differ from a standard HELOC?
How long can interest-only payments be made on a HELOC?
What occurs after the interest-only period ends on a HELOC?
Is it possible to open a HELOC and not utilize it?
Are there tax benefits associated with an interest-only HELOC?
How are interest-only HELOCs impacted by variable rates?
What are the requirements to qualify for an interest-only HELOC?
What actions should be taken if I'm unable to afford payments after the draw period?
Can an interest-only HELOC be refinanced?