You just realized you went another month without putting any money into savings. You know you need to save, but you're unsure where to start or you don't think you have extra money to save.
Everyone is on their own financial journey, which means each person needs their own strategy for saving money. Of course, most experts will tell you to start early. Kyle McCann, owner and financial advisor with Vantage Wealth Planning in Reno, Nevada, says the earlier you start saving, the less you'll have to save for retirement. "If you start saving in your 20s versus your 40s, the percentage of income you have to save on an annual basis is less than half," explains McCann.
Many people are beginning to save, and you can too. According to the Federal Reserve's 2018 Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households, 61% of Americans say they could afford to pay for a $400 emergency expense, up from 50% in 2013. While emergency savings are trending upward, 39% of Americans still don't have enough saved for an emergency.