Confirmation Bias: Definition and Examples

ByNathan Paulus
Reviewed byNick Mishkin

Updated: February 27, 2024

ByNathan Paulus
Reviewed byNick Mishkin

Updated: February 27, 2024

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What Is Confirmation Bias?

Confirmation bias refers to the tendency to seek information or opinions that confirm existing beliefs. The person favors information that reaffirms their views and rejects those contradicting their beliefs.

Confirmation bias can affect various aspects of life. For instance, it can play a role in financial decision-making involving purchases and investments. Politics also shows the impact of confirmation bias.

Processing new information based on certain biases comes with disadvantages. It tends to limit a person’s perception in an echo chamber, making it difficult to view things from a different perspective.

Understanding confirmation bias and how you can overcome it can help you make more rational decisions.


Understanding Confirmation Bias

A person’s experiences and observations help shape their beliefs, which can affect how they perceive things. This is also how biases are created.

People exhibiting confirmation bias may display certain traits. For instance, they tend to selectively seek out information based on their existing views. They can overvalue claims supporting their beliefs and disregard contradictory evidence, often refusing to listen to the opposing side.

There are also cases wherein the manifestation of confirmation bias is subtle. Such is the case for memories. Some people may recall data or events differently. They remember incidents in a way that supports what they already believe.

For personal and emotionally-charged issues, the effects of this phenomenon are stronger. That’s especially true for deeply entrenched beliefs.

Financial decisions may also be affected by confirmation bias. This is something that’s explored in behavioral finance, which studies the relationship between individual psychology and financial choices. For example, investors influenced by confirmation bias analyze the companies they’ve already invested in and interpret information confirming their beliefs. They may even ignore negative news.

Some people may confuse confirmation bias with anchoring bias. While both refer to the role of biases in evaluating situations and decisions, anchoring bias refers to the tendency to rely on the first piece of information encountered and not on existing beliefs.

In certain situations, confirmation bias may be viewed positively. For some people, having information that proves their ideas right can alleviate stress and boost self-esteem. It can also be used to promote good ideas among groups of people that share the same viewpoints.

Most people aren’t consciously making biased decisions. Confirmation bias is typically done subconsciously. The best way to avoid it is to become more aware. Understand all aspects and seek information from different sources.


Types of Confirmation Bias

There are different types of confirmation bias. These can be divided into three categories — bias in research, interpretation and memory recall. Each area focuses on a particular aspect of processing information or data.

The table below breaks down these categories of confirmation bias to help you better understand how this phenomenon manifests.


Confirmation Bias in the Real World

Confirmation bias can affect how a person views various aspects of life, including politics, religion and day-to-day decisions like buying car insurance. Issues can arise when their biases prevent them from changing their perspective even when presented with facts and evidence.

Here are some real-world examples:


How to Reduce Your Confirmation Bias

Overcoming confirmation bias can help you make more rational decisions. While this may be challenging, it’s possible.

It’s important to remember that exhibiting confirmation bias is often not due to a conscious effort. That means awareness is key. You have to be more observant when making decisions. Look at other points of view and listen to opposing arguments. Being open to various information channels can also help.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

Tip 1

Acknowledge Confirmation Bias

The first thing you need to do is assess yourself. As a human being, accept that you tend to exhibit confirmation bias. For instance, when making financial decisions, determine if past financial traumas are preventing you from achieving financial stability.

Tip 2

Look At Other Points of View

Consider looking at things differently. Explore new ideas. Ask someone with a contradictory opinion to share their insights. While this may make you uncomfortable at first, it allows you to understand the reason behind their opinion.

Tip 3

Do Your Research

Hearing what other people have to say can help you form opinions. However, it’s best not to rely solely on them. Check the facts yourself. Weigh all sides before drawing a conclusion. For instance, if someone you look up to says that investing in a certain stock will help you succeed, you shouldn’t immediately follow their advice without verifying the reliability of their information.

Tip 4

Be Open to Various Information Channels

Relying on one source of information prevents you from looking at things rationally. When conducting research, use different sources of information. Visit multiple websites, check news articles and watch shows you used to avoid. Interpret information with an open mind.

Tip 5

Ask Questions

It helps to question the information that comes your way. Don’t simply accept them as facts. When asking questions, avoid those that lean towards answers you expect. For instance, instead of asking why a person believes something, you should ask them to share what led them to that conclusion.

Confirmation Bias FAQ

Knowing what confirmation bias is and how it works can help you better understand what factors may affect your decisions. Below are some of the questions people usually ask about confirmation bias.

Confirmation bias is a psychological phenomenon affecting decision-making. It’s the tendency to seek information that confirms one’s existing beliefs.

Identifying confirmation bias can help you address it. The best way to determine if you’re exhibiting it is to assess your decision-making process. Confirmation bias is if you tend to favor information that supports what you already believe. Another indicator is if you reject contradictory opinions without checking the facts.

There are various examples of confirmation bias. For instance, teachers may favor students they perceive to be good. Social media is also a good example of confirmation bias in that users’ access to information may be limited to content only aligned with what they typically view.

Overcoming confirmation bias requires awareness. You have to make a conscious effort. When making a decision or trying to form an opinion, make sure you check all sides. Research different perspectives and compare them.

Confirmation bias in making financial decisions can be detrimental. For instance, investors exhibiting confirmation bias tend to use message boards to find information confirming their beliefs. Instead of relying on factual information, they choose positive news and ignore negative headlines.


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About Nathan Paulus

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Nathan Paulus is the Head of Content Marketing at MoneyGeek, with nearly 10 years of experience researching and creating content related to personal finance and financial literacy.

Paulus has a bachelor's degree in English from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. He enjoys helping people from all walks of life build stronger financial foundations.
