10 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Managing Your Credit

ByKylie Ora Lobell

Updated: November 17, 2023

ByKylie Ora Lobell

Updated: November 17, 2023

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Forming good credit habits is an important step toward improving your personal finances. The average American holds an average of $5,315 in credit card debt. Combined with mortgages, student loans, auto loans and other outstanding payments, the average total debt per person in the United States is $92,727, according to Experian.

Although debt is widespread, here are some common mistakes you can avoid when using credit in the future.

1. Paying Only the Minimum Amount


Credit card companies may seek to convince customers that it’s a good idea to make only their minimum payment every month. Often, a borrower is required to pay just 2% of a credit card bill.

51% of Americans carry a credit card balance, meaning that 49% pay off their credit balance completely every month. But whittling down your debt over a long period enables credit card companies to make more money because interest accrues over time.

Paying more than the minimum balance will ultimately cost less and give you greater control over your finances. Aim to pay your balance in full every month to avoid costly interest.

2. Being Blissfully Unaware


“Pain of paying” describes situations where it pains a customer to use cash rather than a credit card. But when you use a credit card or take out a loan, you don’t physically handle your money and can quickly become oblivious to the amount you are spending.

To avoid this mistake, try putting cash in envelopes at the beginning of every month and only spending what’s in them. When you run out of the allotted amount, refrain from buying. You can also delete your stored card information from online stores, so it becomes more difficult to make a purchase.

3. Buying Something Because Others Want It


You may buy things on credit to keep up with your family and friends or even compete with other people. For example, have you ever gone to an auction and bid higher and higher because other people around you were bidding, too?

A psychological concept known as social facilitation describes the way one’s behavior changes depending on his or her social surroundings. When it comes to buying, social facilitation can lead you deeper and deeper into debt.

Before rushing out to buy the latest products, stop and think about whether you actually need them. If you do, buy with cash to make your shopping experience take on more financial meaning.

4. Losing Sight of the Bigger Picture


It may be easier to buy a small product now, even if it interferes with your future savings goals. That’s because the human brain has been trained over millennia to appreciate instant gratification.

To combat this, write down your long-term goals and keep them in mind when you’re tempted to spend.

For instance, if you want a pair of expensive shoes, remind yourself that you’re not buying them because you prefer to pay off your debt and buy a house in a year from now instead.

5. Buying Something Because It’s a “Good Deal”


You may be tempted to buy something because it’s a good deal, even if you never planned on purchasing it in the first place. For example, if a blender normally costs $150 but is on sale for $100, you might convince yourself it’s a great deal, even if the $150 price point was completely inflated.

Instead of concentrating on the $50 you’re saving, think about the $100 you’d be spending. Then, you might hesitate before purchasing something that’s a “good deal.”

6. Ignoring Your Credit Report


You may think that if you don’t look at your credit report, it doesn’t exist. If it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind and also out of your control.

However, being hands-on about your credit report and score can ultimately help you. What if your score is sinking and you have no idea? What if someone used your credit card and now negative reports are showing up?

By looking at your credit score and full report regularly, you can spot errors, correct them and figure out your spending patterns. If your score is low, you can take the necessary steps to improve it.

7. Focusing on Too Many Debts at Once


You already know that one common credit mistake is to only pay your minimum balance. But it’s also a mistake to focus on paying off the balances of multiple cards and debts at once.

Whether you choose the avalanche method where you pay your highest-interest debts first or the snowball method where you pay the lowest-balance debts first, make a strategy to avoid feeling overwhelmed when it comes time to pay your bills.

≫ More: The Best Balance Transfer Credit Cards

8. Making Emotional Purchases


When you’re upset, do you go on a shopping spree? Do you buy things because you feel like you deserve them?

Things may not make you as happy as you think. When you have a large credit card balance at the end of the month, you may realize you’ve made emotional purchases instead of logical ones.

Try to find different ways to healthily cope with your emotions instead of spending, such as hanging out with your significant other and/or kids, going to therapy, cooking yourself a delicious meal, exercising, talking to a friend, reading a good book, cuddling with your pet or watching a movie.

9. Diminishing Your Success


When you pay off one credit card, you might just say, “OK, on to the next one,” rather than stopping to give yourself a breather to evaluate everything you’ve accomplished.

To avoid this mistake, be gentle and reassure yourself that everything takes time. Find healthy ways to reward yourself for your accomplishments, such as watching your favorite Netflix show or taking a walk in a beautiful park.

10. Not Having a Reason for Paying Down Debt


You may truthfully intend to stop spending and pay down your debt, but if you have no motivation to actually do it, it’s never going to happen.

It’s critical to list your financial goals.

Perhaps you want to buy a house, go on a vacation, save money for your child’s education, redo your kitchen or purchase a new car. By coming up with your own list, you will be able to keep your eye on the prize.

How to Improve Your Credit Score if You’ve Made Common Mistakes

There are a few steps you can take to improve your credit score, and put yourself in a better financial position even if you’ve made common credit mistakes in the past:

  • Try not to close any of your credit cards, as your credit utilization rate will increase and your score could go down. Keep in mind that your credit utilization rate should be below 30%.
  • Don’t open new lines of credit, especially if the interest rate is high.
  • Catch up on late payments to keep your account up-to-date and minimize any weak marks in your credit history.

Expert Insight


About Kylie Ora Lobell

Kylie Ora Lobell headshot

Kylie Ora Lobell is a freelance copywriter, editor, marketer and publicist. She has more than 10 years of experience writing in the personal finance, legal and business space for publications and brands like Legal Management Magazine, LegalZoom, Forbes, EMC, IBM, Dell, Mastercard, Visa and NCR. Her bylines include The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Jewish Journal of Los Angeles, New York Magazine and Time Out NY/LA. Her website is KylieOraLobell.com.
